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Everything posted by nekdut

  1. Man, I was riding every day from Sunday until today and I did not see a single carver on the entire mountain other than myself! How can all of you guys be there and still evade me :p :p
  2. I will be there all week and will attend.
  3. I've been here since sunday and have yet to see another carver. Where do you guys usually start out? I'll be here until thursday. Right now I'm online at the bagel place at the village :). I'm gonna go see Kordy in a few minutes to take care of that dang intec cable pain in my heel.
  4. Michelle, I posted this in the SES talk thread but havent heard back from you. I'll also email: Michelle, Is there any way to arrange a partial lift ticket and demo package? I have two friends who are arriving on Tuesday evening and would like to get 3-4 days of lift tickets plus use of the demo equipment and parties/banquet/etc. Let me know please. Thanks!! :)
  5. I'll be up there this weekend, but I have a feeling I'l be spending a reasonable amount of time on green slopes. My girl wants to learn how to carve in preparation for SES. :D
  6. I asked because I had Kevin or one of the other guys punch the toebox out a bit not too long ago, and I need it punched a little more on the right foot now. I just wasn't sure how they went about the process. Since it looks like I have a little time off right now, I'm actually heading up this Fri for a few days, and perhaps mid week or next weekend as well. Are you going to be up there?
  7. Michelle, Is there any way to arrange a partial lift ticket and demo package? I have two friends who are arriving on Tuesday evening and would like to get 3-4 days of lift tickets plus use of the demo equipment and parties/banquet/etc.
  8. Ray, Does Cordy have one of these?
  9. Hey all, How much do you guys cinch down your buckles for riding? I've been fiddling with my new Suzukas for a bit now trying to find the right balance. Mine are set up like so (starting at the toe): 1) fairly loose, only cranked down enough to hold the buckle closed 2) medium tight, keeps my heel back and down 3) as tight as possible to keep my ankle secure, and to transmit pressure from my feet and ankles to the boot effectively 4) medium tight, for calf to boot power transmission, medium to keep my foot from turning blue :p 5) booster strap, pulled fairly tight. I seem to be having problems around buckle 3. No matter how tight I crank it, I seem to have some slop above my ankle.
  10. I'll be there, heading up early on fri to try to get a half day in. I'll be there until sunday.
  11. Are there any schedule clinics such as on tuning or on stance/setup like what Gilmour did out east? How about carving lessons? I remember last year there was talk about lessons for carvers intermediate and up. Also, I'm bringing 2 experienced softbooters who want to try alpine gear, are there going to be lessons for people like them?
  12. 65/65, 19.25" stance. TD1 6deg rear, 3deg front. Stance shifted to the forward set of holes as well. This set up works amazingly for me.
  13. Yeah my old 123s did not come with the t-nuts installed. And because I bought my heels used, I didnt get a set of them in the box. Steve I think it was you who sent me your extras. They certainly kept me from tearing the heels right off. Thanks again!! =)
  14. I think i know which runs you mean Dsub, I guess they are a part of Lincoln Mtn eh? I always just considered them Chair 25 runs, which, yes, are really great high speed carving runs.
  15. Hey garyg, Was that you riding hardboots with a 4807? I saw someone riding near chair 15 in that setup. I was trying out my 4807 as well, but with softboots and Catek Freerides.
  16. Skategoat, The Six isnt a bad choice for low cost lodging. Condos and hotels are quite expensive in Mammoth Lakes so the Six is a decent alternative. As far as runs, Chair 2 Stump Alley is a great place to start. Very wide and a good pitch. Move to the back of chair 3 when the crowds arrive. There are a bunch of great runs, Bridges by chair 15, the non-park side of Roller Coaster, most of the runs by chairs 13/14. Avoid the top if you dont want the steeps and bumps. Cornice bowl is a good groomed steep if you want to try that though. Most of the rest are ungroomed and bumpy. Avoid chair 9 unless its a powder day (if so head there first and foremost :D). Avoid the Acts, most of Lincoln Mtn, and chair 5 as most of the runs there are bumps or ungroomed. The Madd does just fine at Mammoth thank you very much. You can give it a try if you'd like though =). Let me know.
  17. Skategoat, I'll be there 21-23, hopefully on my Madd. I was just there for the crazy nye weekend, and actually the drive wasnt bad with a 4x4 vehicle. The only place I had problems were after Bishop for the last 30 miles. CHP was enforcing strict chain controls so it was slow going. The total trip took 6.5 hrs, but that was with lunch, gas and shopping stops. So even in inclement weather it should not be bad at all.
  18. Hey can we see the video that was taken at the first clinic?
  19. I actually may consider shipping boards out there at the end of the season. The work really is excellent. If you have multiple boards to ship, or if you can send a few people's boards together, it seems like it will be a lot more reasonable. It seems worth it for my Madds =)
  20. Mr. Martin, Are you bringing any of your freeride boards?
  21. I'm being stupid and doing the big crowd days this weekend. 31st-2nd =/. I'll keep an eye out for any carvers.
  22. I will definitely give outward cuff canting a try. I was hoping that the insole would correct my pronation issues. Now I gotta figure out the cant mechanism on AF boots (longtime SB user). Lonerider: I noticed that riding with the toe and instep buckles loose helped with the pain a bit, but I think I like the top two buckles tight (plus a booster strap) to really get power to my edges. I think I get shin bang if I leave them too loose too. korc: The width doesnt bother me actually. Isnt the AF series supposed to have more room than the SB series anyway? I did punch out the toe slightly to reduce pressure on my ingrown big toe. Maybe my foot just isnt all that wide.
  23. You know, I love the grooming and slopes at June, but the stupid J1 chair makes it difficult to bring more than 1 board up with you. Do any of you June carvers bring multiple boards up that darn lift?
  24. Hey, whos the june carver on a Hot Blast (167)? I saw you on tuesday really tearing it up on the Rainbow side of June.
  25. I got a pair of Suzukas this season and I'm trying to deal with a number of issues I'm having. I've used them for about 9 days so far, so they've broken in a reasonable amount so far. First, intec cable pain. I've molded the liners, drilled a little channel for the cable, put some material around the cable itself to make it less of an edge, but none of this has worked! My heel really feels like its being pinched quite hard. Any suggestions? Second, I am quite flat footed and I had a Kork made at footloose not too long ago. I get some pretty severe cramping and pain on the soft bottom part of my foot right behind the toes in front of the arch (or lack thereof). It cramps up so badly, especially for the first few runs, that I can barely stand in the morning. I thought the foodbeds and proper boot sizing would help. I had sz28 123s before, but I'm in s27 Suzukas now so I believe I have properly sized boots (shell test = 1.5 fingers). I've had this pain in every snowboard boot i've ever used (soft or hard). Third, ingrown toenails. I was reading that my toenail may have to be removed entirely to fix the problem. Is this true?? The sides of my big toenail curve in quite a bit and do hurt my toes. I cut them as often as possible, but i still have problems.
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