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NMU Alpine Boarder

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Everything posted by NMU Alpine Boarder

  1. Bumpage.... I'm dropping the price to $195..... I will consider possible trades for alpine gear (don't think that will happen, but hey). Pics also availible, just e-mail for them...
  2. :mad: NO FAIR!!!!!!!!! I still have at least a month before I see my first snow...
  3. Thanx for the tip. That's actually perfect for my needs.... Gracias
  4. I have decided to sell off my softie setup after only using it twice last season. Here's what's up for grabs: 158 K2 Fuse K2 Plasma bindings 11.5 Burton Moto boots. The boots/bindings are in excellent condition. Boot laces/eyes are showing a bit of wear, but nothing major. As far as the board goes, it is in good condition. The topsheet has some normal wear, and a VERY small knick, just behind the rear binding (apparently people only find it nessicary to run over my alpine gear:rolleyes: ) The base is also in great shape. It does have some small scratches, but nothing out of normal wear. $225 + shipping will take everything. I should have pics availible tonight, so if you are interested or have any questions, shoot me an email at DIRTisREALracin at AOL dot com.
  5. I was just thinking the same thing.... It does have a rounded tail, so I would assume that this board is legal.
  6. Basically..... Although not hitting the brakes at a jump is a good place to pass people.
  7. I would suggest going out, and riding in Sub-par conditions whenever possible. The courses get torn up quick. This will also help you when you get those wonderful little "love taps" from your competitors. Basically, BX is becoming more of a survival race than a precision/speed race.
  8. Kinda makes me think about ASPEN EXTREME, except with boards, lol:D
  9. It's that wonderful time of year where I get to move back to college. This includes the task of decorating the dorm room. I have been looking for snowboading posters, and have found the usual powder, big mountain, and jibbing pics. Does anyone know where I can get some racing or freecarve posters?
  10. I thought you were goung to be the Snowboard Rep. for the Midwest Region. Anyway's Congrats on the new gig man.
  11. Of course not, it's not a full moon. You get to have all that fun next week ;) :D
  12. Sounds like another awesome party! Hang in there, lol.
  13. Why not be up? Sleep is for the weak..............
  14. Ouch. Bummer that you are working the Graveyard shift.
  15. Mine's pretty simple. In life, I usually take the attitude "Shoot first, ask questions later", lol.
  16. I just think that Greg feels that he will be forgotton with Lance's recent domination, so he put himself back in the spotlight.
  17. So is that going to be your new carving outfit for next year?
  18. Ok, I must be missing something here, but how exactly do you sprain an ankle in a HARDBOOT??? Obviously it can happen, but I can't see how, lol. I just dunno how the ligiments can get streached out.
  19. I don't know exact numbers, but I would estimate around 60 or so days.
  20. That's waht happens when you ride freestyle:eek: ;) :D
  21. I saw a BX race on TV where it would be almost impossible to run in plates. I wasn't sure what series it was, but the course had jumps that were like the spines you would see in a terrain park. The racers were almost litterly coming to a stop to take the jumps. The course would have been brutal in plates.
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