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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Je sais pas où tu en es dans ta progression, Règle générale tu peux regarder 3 choses qui vont t'aider pour le carving 1-Ta position d'équilibre (genoux fléchit, dos droit) centré sur ta planche 2-Flexion / Extension Généralement on commence par fait une flexion entre les virages et une extension avant le virage pour allèger la planche. Utilise la flexion pour appliquer ta mise à carre entre les virages (pour effectuer une traverse). Ensuite tu peux songer à ramener ta flexion progressivement dans le virage pour que ton extension te serve seulement à changer de carre. 3-L'angulation Fait attention à l'angle que tu donne à ta planche, un petit exercice qui peut etre bon est de venir toucher le derriere de ta botte (voir meme ta planche à la hauteur de ta botte avant) lorsque tu est sur les orteils tout en gardant une bonne position de base, même chose sur les talons sauf que tu va chercher tes orteils. Attention de ne pas plier le dos, la flexion que tu fait pour venir toucher tes bottes (ou planche) devrait être centrée, les bras de chaque coté relaxe Avec ces petit trucs peut-être que ça peut t'aider... Par contre si tu n'as pas encore eu un feeling complet de mise à carre il y a des petite chose qui pourrait t'aider à mieux ressentir ta planche pour l'utiliser en virage enseigner (faire des virages en "carving" isolé) En tout cas, lâche pas ! :)
  2. Yves Desmeules - snow Pierre Godbout - ski
  3. Well basically I first asked for the exact spec you had on your board, but changed my mind halfway through.. I downgraded the radius to 13.2 because I never rode that big of a radius... and I think that Bruce only does 171 nowadays, no 170. Everything should be the same (including the width you stated for your board) After all I guess it doesnt make it a spec M anymore :)
  4. Si tu as vu des manteau bleu ski-fo c'est l'école ou j'enseigne l'hivers on avait une clinique avec un niveau 4 de l'alliance. J'ai vu quelqu'un sur une coiler avec les feuilles d'érables rouge, je pourrais pas dire laquelle. Vraiment, vraiment belle journée dimanche :)
  5. I'm waiting for mine, Its a spec M (for michaud :)) 171 cm 13.2m radius !
  6. What is your stance on that canyon ? Did u set up your soft boots in a hard boot setup or duck stance ? I suppose both are angled foward, maybe you should try the duck stance, its working for me..
  7. Wich bindings do you use with them, why ? How do you ride them (type of terrain, type of riding), why ? What in that board makes you want to buy it again ? btw, i'm waiting for mine, and I dont know how is F2 doing, but apparently they have been bought.. I was suppose to get some bindings from F2.. I heard that really stiff binding would be overkill on that type of board.. you can also comment my setup :)
  8. Tu es passée de quel équipement à quel équipement ? (a part la f2 :))
  9. I wish I could try UPZ boots, i'm pretty much flat footed and my feet are pretty wide compared to a standard footprint.. On the other side I got a good deal on some deeluxe this year if I buy them..
  10. Hey guys, I dont know much about boots (except the facts that my raichles were pretty good when I got them..) What is new this season ? Is there any alternative to Deeluxe or it is always the mainstream ? I've heard about Head, UPZ whats up with these guys ? In Quebec I can only find retailers for Deeluxe, I might just continue to buy with them unless there is a huge difference in price/quality if I go with any other brands. Feel free to give your 0.02$ on this subject. It can be a suggestion, a general appreciation of your own boots or perhaps what you are planning to buy for the season. See you around
  11. Hi guys, Im just throwing this for fun, I just ordered a stubbie from BV, 171 cm 14.2m radius 21cm waist :) I'm still curious about the competition (concerning metal boards) I think I did the best choice I could make, encouraging a very skilled builder in my own country does feel good :)
  12. Hey guys, I might change my Burton speed this year, I was wandering wich metal board I should pick... Since Im kind of buying this late I guess we can rule out the custom made boards.. Unless Coiler can build a board in less than 2 months... My friend just got a Prior metal WCR, I want to get a better board than him.. haha, isnt that a perfect example of a guy complex ? :) I was thinking about getting a Kessler through catek... but, is the price difference really show on the riding ? Any of you would recommend me a board ? I like carving pretty much everywhere, I want something that will cut through everything (especially ICE since Im from montreal, quebec) riding on the "ice" coast :)
  13. I've not been able to gather this specific information... My friend told me that Coiler boards tend to get soft pretty fast... Is it true that the lifespan of the camber/strenght is short ??
  14. On va avoir une fin de semaine de fou... de la grosse neige sablonneuse j'ai bien hâte de voir ça sur les pistes.. Je crois que mon freeride s'impose :rolleyes:
  15. My class found it funny too :rolleyes:
  16. I guess it would be easier with smaller turning radius, else you need to sit on the tail at the end
  17. I was at jaypeak a few years ago, waiting for my turn in line, and I didnt notice I was going foward a bit, the chair turning for the ppl in front of me just caught me and smacked me to the ground, they had to stop the lift and I got back up.. all this with my instructor suit on...
  18. wow avec des catek ça va déchirer !! faudra se voir dans les laurentides :D
  19. belle machine de carving que tu as là ! quelle fixation tu mets la dessus ?
  20. J'étais à st-sauveur samedi et dimanche , fin de semaine INCROYABLE, samedi condition de carving excellente !! PAS UN CHAT SUR LES PISTES !! Sinon dimanche, gâté par la poudreuse (je regrette ne pas être allez all mountain) des conditions dignes de l'ouest canadien !! SANS BLAGUE ! et pas un chat !! Donc le début de semaine va être tout simplement incroyable pour les amateurs de poudre !
  21. its tough to judge like this, but when it was happening to me it was that I didnt do my body rotation correctly, or wasnt well centered on the board (being sitting more on the tail) it also happened to me when i was "folding" the nose of my old board (2 much pressure and it was getting off for some reason)
  22. Thx wavechaser, I pretty much thought it would require more "focused" riding. And you said it I dont race, thats pretty much my only concern, I'd like to join a race club but I doubt I have what it takes to be successfull, at 22 yrs old I dont think I can do it (too late?) Also with the fact I've been riding far less than I would want.. not even 20 days of riding per year, not very good ! lol Im riding more and more these days, but I definitly would want a board with better hold and stiffness than my burton.. Since I didnt try any other race boards I cant really settle on what to choose, I still dream of getting a kessler, I would have the $$ to buy it, but would it be worth it ? I would probably take away someone opportunity to use it for better purposes than mine
  23. It looks like a very nice board, I wish I had a few weeks of paycheck and I'd be interested.. At the same time I was looking for a longer board (since I already got a 164...) Although I'm pretty sure that it would be way better than my Burton Speed 164, I'd like to know if anybody could give me some input on how would the kessler feel compared to my Speed ? He also said it was custom, maybe it's not a good question to ask.. I read reviews of kessler, but reviews seems most of the time biased by the price ppl paid for their boards... I guess someone has ridden both and could tell me the difference ? Anyway thank you for your time ! Keep posting the stuff your selling on BOL plz
  24. Hardbooters are pretty rare around here, unless you go when the quebec team is training or something..
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