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Everything posted by ShortcutToMoncton

  1. This is the same one that just made it to $550 on eBay, right? If it had been a tad narrower I would've offered you $600.......:rolleyes: greg
  2. Don't know if you got my message earlier today, but if you don't mind shipping to Canada and perhaps giving me a closer look at the board's condition, then I'll take it! It's pretty much exactly what I've been looking for in the WTB thread......:) Thanks again, greg
  3. Alright, so I need an all-mountain ripper. Something along the lines of the Prior ATV, Atomic Firestarter, or my dream board at the moment, the Madd BX. In the mid-160s somewhere would be ideal. Condition would of course be as new as possible, but as always it would depend on what I'm paying! I think I want soft bindings. Of course the Catek Freerides are my dream, but I don't expect too many to be available. If anyone had any ideas/suggestions, let me know! Unfortunately as a poor student, I simply will probably end up spending more on the board and cheaping out on the bindings for this year, but we'll play it by ear. Keep me posted if anyone wants to get rid of some gear! I'd certainly appreciate it. greg
  4. Hahaha… I've always wondered why Bruce/Coiler doesn't at least do a simple little informative website. But then again, look at the price they'll charge you for a metal board compared to everyone else, and that's probably the answer. ;) greg
  5. I had something kinda similar happen to my "as-new sale" WCR in January 2007; the metal edge on the tail cracked off, and the base started to delam. I don't ride fakie and the board was in otherwise almost-new condition after about 4 days on it. I sent it back to them and they ended up charging me cost to fix it ($25 or something like that), because they claimed I must've hit something. After a couple weeks I got it back, took it to Louise, and made it halfway down the hill on my first run before I heard a "thwup-thwp" sound on my heelside – and sure enough, it was in exactly the same condition again. Phoned Prior, they said "we'll fix it again" and I said "eff that – I've already wasted a month of riding" and they charged me $100 re-stocking fee, plus shipping again, to send it back to them. Then a couple weeks later it was back on their "used" page for $50 cheaper than I'd paid for it in the first place. I was rather unhappy with Prior after that one, I must say. ;) greg
  6. What's with you and selling boards that I would bankrupt myself to have?? Stop it, please stop, I can't handle having to look at my bank account one more time just to bring myself back to earth! Oh, how I want a Madd.... Or else, sell a freeride board instead; at least I kinda NEED one of those.... greg
  7. Everyone rags on the lawyers, until they actually need one. ;)
  8. Oh I would so love that. Looks pretty Schtubby-ish too. greg
  9. Actually, I grew up there as well! :p I lived in Irishtown, just across the bay from Corner Brook. I boarded at Marble from '91 to '98 or thereabouts, mostly riding freecarve/freeride boards with those 3-strap Burton bindings! Marble's okay, but it's not actually that cheap to get across to the island; the ferry is damn expensive and sometimes unreliable (especially in winter), while flying is also pretty expensive, even from Halifax. Then we'd probably need to rent vehicle(s), and that's not cheap in NF either. Plus, Marble's a nice hill, but I don't think it's in the same class as the Quebec hills. Tremblant, Mont-Saint-Anne, Le Massif are all much bigger/better hills as I understand it. And the weather is pretty unpredictable at Marble in the winter; you can get lots of snow, but lots of warm slushy weather as well, and then there's those stormy days that close the hill down entirely.....:D greg
  10. As an update to an old, old thread (I recycle!): A bunch of school friends and I in Halifax are thinking of getting together a skiiing/boarding trip this winter break. The best options from our location seem to be Quebec or perhaps Vermont, but with the new, stricter border patrols, we're not sure if attempting to make the US crossing with 10+ university students in a bus would be the smartest idea, especially given the penchant for illicit substances to be smuggled on such trips! So, Le Massif and/or Mont-Saint-Anne have all been recommended. We haven't looked into anything closely as of yet, but I figured I'd check around here and see if people had any updated thoughts on eastern-Quebec mountains. Of course I'm hoping to run a mostly alpine or freecarve/ride setup, so if I'm involved in this I might as well pick a mountain I'd have fun on. Of course we also wouldn't mind having access to at least a little nightlife as well, so if anyone knows that this or that mountain literally exists in the Middle of Nowhere™, I'd appreciate the heads-up! ;) greg
  11. None of the above catch my eye in particular to be honest. 1 and 2 are a little too "Xtreme-style" for me...kinda similar to the Prior race graphic, which I also dislike. :( But, if I had to go with 3 or 4, I'd rather the graphic at the back and the name at the front. Aesthetically, I like "back-loaded" boards rather than front-loaded boards, or failing that graphics between the bindings. (And I agree with someone else who mentioned it: what's with the absurb practice of placing graphics underneath bindings? Stop it. Stop it. :D greg
  12. I unfortunately had to return my 185 Prior WCR due to some manufacturing problems, so at the moment I have Raichle AF600 boots, lovely TD2s, and no board to attach to the bottom! In other words: if it's still for sale, I'll pay the asking price for some east-coast Canadian love.... ;) greg
  13. I ended up not being terribly happy with the RC Power bag...and then ran into a small local shop in Edmonton, and walked out with a totally kickass monstrosity of a Volkl ski bag. It has mesh compartments at both ends, outside compartment, heavily padded, rollers, fits a few boards and my gear, a nice suave and classy dark grey style, and it's probably at least 200cm long I'd think. Not bad, not bad. greg
  14. Bruce, out of mild curiousity do you ever plan on updating your site? I know you're kind of an oddity because most people you deal with probably know what they want, or know what your product is. Just the same, it would be cool to be able to see the boards you build, or see what this new metal board looks like and/or its specs and/or where it fits into your lineup. Anyways, just curious. ;) greg
  15. Sorry I couldn't make it. I had booked the trip with a couple friends, but I broke my new Prior for the second time this season, and had to send it in for repairs again. Another prime weekend lost, and 3.5 total days of riding on my killer new board this year. I was so pissed at the prospect of having to ride my old 167 Factory Prime that I cancelled everything in disgust. greg
  16. Yeah, Sunshine has some great all-mountain riding, but I've always found Louise to be a far better carving hill (and better overall as well...the parking situation at Sunshine always annoyed me, you generally have to walk a mile unless you get there before everyone else). I'll be there tomorrow and probably next Sunday (the 4th) as well, so if you see a blue-yellow-and-white dude getting his ass kicked by a big red Prior, holla. I might even know how to stop. :o greg
  17. I noticed that Jasey-Jay has been sporting the F2's along with the new board. Cool stuff. greg
  18. Marmot Basin: 303cm total snowfall, 115 settled base mid-mountain Lake Louise: 275cm total snowfall mid-mountain, 157cm base Sunshine: 415cm total snowfall, 173cm base :lol:
  19. Yeah, I hate to stick it to the East-coast people, but one downside of all the snow we're getting is that a lot of runs are too soft and/or get chopped up far too easily. I went to Marmot Basin in Jasper this past Friday with only my Prior WCR and it was frankly the wrong move. They'd had 36 cm in the past 4 days or something, but I guess their groomers weren't keeping up too well – I had to stick to about 4 runs, because the rest of the groomed stuff up top was just too soft to be any fun. After a few embarrassing times submarining halfway into the cord, I gave up and stayed with the tried-and-true. Of course, then I somehow how broke the board, which Prior is partly charging me for...but that's another story. greg
  20. Damn, I'm going out to Montreal/Tremblant with my girl that Saturday. greg
  21. I've managed to make it to Louise twice this year, and it's been some awesome riding...was going to go this weekend, but I think we're going to hit Sunshine instead (I haven't been there in a few years). Unfortunately I somehow broke the back heelside edge off my new Prior and it started to delam, so I had to send it back for repairs. I guess I'll be freeriding or maybe I'll take out my old Factory Prime and try it out... greg
  22. There's a nice run under the Paradise Chair in Marmot Basin (I think it's called Showoff) that's got a medium pitch but is damn nice and fast. Love that run (plus you get yells from the lift!), but they seem to like to make it moguls half the time. There's a great combination at Louise...I don't remember what it's called higher in the mountain, but it comes into a wide-open, easy Green called Wiwaxy, and you get enough speed from up top to just rip it up. Then it goes into the Men's Downhill run, which I think it pretty damn steep at its middle point. Unfortunately it often gets so icy and chopped that it's hard to make a go of it, but occassionally if I get it in the morning it's a great run to get the adrenaline pumping. greg
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