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Justin A.

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Everything posted by Justin A.

  1. I'm selling off my extra set of OS2s. I'll include the Step In hardware (mounted already) and a set of standard bails. $185+shipping
  2. (603)490-2733 I would really prefer cash just for no-shenanigans sureness (not that I think that anybody on bomber would try to screw me, but it is 2010 and bad checks are rampant). I think I see the parking lot that you're talking about - looks like it could be a park and ride?
  3. $90 is correct. How about at the Chili's off of I93 at exit 45? 10am sound good?
  4. Saturday is good, did you get the e-mail that I sent you through bomber?
  5. I've still got it! Where's littleton in mass? Edit: I looked it up, it looks to be about 40 minutes or so. 20 minutes for each of us wouldn't be too bad at all. I've actually got reason to go to Stoneham anyway...How about we meet somewhere near the I495 - I93 split?
  6. I've got a pair of AF700's with Head liners (NOT OE Raichle) that I'd be willing to part with.
  7. Picture of the board: The camera flash makes the topsheet look worse than it really is, the only defects that are visible in normal conditions are the rings where my bindings were mounted (bad owner - I didn't clean the gaskets and board before mounting :o) and a couple of scratches between the inserts from slipping. Still $90+ Shipping / OBO
  8. I might be willing to part with a pair of long plate OS2's with standard bails and SI's... $285 +shipping?
  9. Yellow/Orange model, bought as NOS in ~2006, I've ridden it maybe 8 times at most. It's been well taken care of and rode great the last time I had it out (Nov, 2007). As you all know, it's a great board for just about any conditions. It just gets no ride time from me since I've started Tele Skiing. Pictures on request. Asking $90 + Shipping in CONUS
  10. I started Tele Skiing 3 years ago, split my time evenly at first then wound up teleing almost full time by the end of the year. I didn't go out much last year because my fiancee was preggers but when I did it was on the teles. Most people go from skiing to snowboarding, I went the other way.
  11. NH has open season on coyotes with no daily bag limit. Night hunting from December - March to. That should put the coyote problem up here in perspective.
  12. LMAO. I less-than-three telemark skiing.
  13. maaaaayyybee. I <3 Tele. I'm (kinda) sad to say, I didn't take out any of my boards at all last year except to make sure that the edges weren't rusting.
  14. I'm laughing so hard it feels like my eyes will pop out! Thank you guys, that's the way to wake up!:lol:
  15. That's great! :lol::lol: How about one of him on a rail?
  16. LMFAO. He's 5 1/2 months old - this "snowboard" is from a kids shop here in the states called "Build A Bear". They sell Teddy Bears that you can then outfit with various clothing and equipment and whatnot. A few years ago, I got my mother a snowboarding bear for her birthday (she collects teddy bears), and this afternoon my father got the idea to put the snowboard on my son :lol:. A good time was had by all, and after a hard day on the slopes, he is FINALLY zonked - he's been teething and hasn't slept in almost 2 days :sleep:. I would like to see him on the slopes this winter, but I don't know if my other half will allow it. I'm thinking that he's ready to start sliding on a leash shortly after he can stand on his own.
  17. That's what I'm afraid of! We've decided that if he wants to do freestyle, he's going to do it well. No sitting in the park all day for him. My fiancee and I both subscribe to the "if you're going to do something, do it well" philosophy.
  18. Well, I dunno about the learning from him thing...his stance is too narrow, and he has a TON of toe overhang - he's not going to be able to angulate at all. Plus, look at him practicing his heelside in the living room - he's sitting on the toilet something awful. He's got alot to learn.
  19. Wait what? You consider the fall of Hitler's nazi regime to be a tragedy? I fail to see your analogy. And find the video lolerific.
  20. This is my son, Andrew, born 5/12/09 He's decided that he wants to snowboard ;) here he is strapping in "I would have sworn that I saw some groomers out here last night..." Feel free to photoshop him onto some snow!
  21. Yeah, but we don't have Mountain Lions here in NH. Nevermind the tracks that I found in my yard in Twin Mountain, the one my landlord said scared the sht out of him while out on his snowmobile, or the one that ran across the road in front of me in February 2008. No mountain lions, just Catamounts :lol:. There certainly aren't wolves either.
  22. damn that's a good price. If they were intecs I might be interested since they're up the road from me...
  23. That's the kind of behavior that leads to them actually using it. It's called brandishing and is illegal for a civilian to do because it's a form of intimidation. Regardless of how you felt, thats what he was going for.
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