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Everything posted by ealely

  1. A week ago I learnt a new sentence in chinese: ru zui ru chi- meaning being intoxicated and enthralled. Last week end a friend of mine gave me a 'gift', a few Prison Break DVDs; I start watching the show last saturday and be aware that I did finish watching season 2 last night....(going to bed at 3 or 4 am and getting up at 8 for work, crazy, I know)...so: 1/now, I understand better the 'ru zui ru chi' stuff....not sure if it's because of the story or Wentworth Miller 'joli minois'.. 2/now I also know I should : -stop watching those american series and lovely actors (nowadays american dream:1luvu: , ah ah just kidding:p ), -stop being single and leave China to find a boyfriend PS: BTW Delrin IS really something, I used to sell some...
  2. Ok sorry, didn't understand it that way; anyway, I don't like sports I'm not good at, at all...but somehow I wish I could like it because there are many places to practice Golf in Shanghai and also handsome single guys practicing...:p (BTW, simple? , yoh, not at all when you have sight disorder like me )
  3. yeah me too...trying Golf by a sunny day almost killed me in Darwin/Autralia :p (was my first and last time)
  4. Nepal is just a step away from China, why don't you do it yourself??:o If I had plenty of money, be some kind of engineer or in snowboard business...hum :p ...cheers!
  5. I do agree with you:o I did vote but I'd rather go with a blank topsheet than these... and men, skulls, really???....i'm confused:cool: BTW which Donek is it for?
  6. Brrrrhhh!!!! ????? COME'ON!!!....so Beautiful:p where is this place...
  7. I've seen small sizes for adults on ebay.de with the blax vega model...lady boots; otherwise 23 or 24 mondo for adults should be available somewhere (deluxe?) but it is not so common; I know (i'm a girl) that in Europe I had to go for a 25,5 in stratos pro which is a half size too big because there were no 25 mondo in stock. At some point you need to make a choice.... Otherwise try yahoo auctions in Japan, japanese guys have usually smaller feet than westerners...or wait one year so your son got bigger feet:cool: STP => that's really cool your son enjoyed hard boots! I'm the godmother of a 10 years old skier and I'm just waiting he got as 'big' as me so he could borrow my alpine boards and shoes:p
  8. Well don't ask me!! for sure I would say collections in your case:1luvu: I love keeping things...I have only 4 boards because I can"t ride very often...I kept one for more than 10 years and bought the 3 others over the last 2 years; anyway 3 are being used, one kept as a souvenir! Hopefully for me I had no chance to be often on slopes, just imagine...i'm keeping my primary school note books at my parents' and i didn't even liked school as much as snowboarding :o
  9. ealely

    CEO of Burton

    Funny, it's a small small world... I may be wrong but at the time he didn't really care about alpine snowboards... and I almost ended up racing at a boardercross at Tahoe although it was my first time in SB...I would have died there, I'm sure:p I don't remember him being 'thin' per say; he was not very tall, about my height (170), smart for sure and kinda cool too. Anyway, old times Celine
  10. ealely

    CEO of Burton

    I'm quite curious and I'd like to know if the (new) CEO of Burton used to be the sales representative of the brand in California/West Coast USA something like 10 years ago. Does anyone know the guy (Laurent)? I met a french guy, Laurent, who was working for Burton at that time, he was settled in California and as I read recently an article about Burton company, I'm wondering if it's the same guy or not...I forgot his family name but I remember I had to ride soft boots
  11. Many (most?) of us haven't started the season yet, that's kind of depressing to already talk about injuries Anyway,I don't know if it's the age or what but over the last 4 years, each season I got a little something (muscle trauma mainly or pain in the knees later on), that sucks.
  12. Don't fully agree here....for example, french kiss :p is not just a kiss for the French! I kiss my parents to say hello but hopefully no french kiss:eek: and BTW guys, fries aren't french:o ....gosh I miss snow:smashfrea => surfinsmiley : got the same in China..but not usual food for breakfast:barf: I can find much worse than that anyway....
  13. I use helmet, it's a new habit but now I cannot think about riding without it even though it's not very sexy:p ; I've used roller wrist protection for years but I intend to stop using that...and last but not the least, I use volley-ball protection for my knees. Without it, after one day, knees are purple to red like blood:cool: not that I fell, but I stop quite often on the side of the slope to rest and have a 'clear/clean' slope and I think that waiting on knees is more convenient than the other way to check coming skiers and riders.
  14. 'exotic' sounds better :p Actually after 5 years, not always so awesome for me :( , I need to travel more and more often for clean fresh air...but I understand your point of view:rolleyes: . If u want, you can see some of my travels pictures there (text mostly in french though) Sorry for the F2 Roaster thread:o
  15. More spec here http://www.bluetomato.at/f2_web/roadster_2001.htm ...and please, Mathieu Bozzetto is not just A "guy" :rolleyes: (check here to see what he does to its board during olympics games:eek: )
  16. http://www.bomberonline.com/store/boots/Sizing_boots.pdf choose then try before buying....like you would do for any pair of shoes in your daily life:p
  17. yeah ....The 'Planté/planter bien raide' sounds much more familiar now...(indeed)
  18. Ok now I see better what this is about...happened to me last winter, first big surprise and then big fear for my board! I have no picture but Sinecure you look much worse thant I did:D
  19. Sorry but for me doesn't ring a bell in french Do u mean stoppie like some frontflips?
  20. Hi Jersey600, I think by choosing Donek Axxess/Axis or Prior 4WD you may find what you want anyway. When I bought my Donek Axis I was looking for a polyvalent board that could carve well but still go off piste; I made a choice for Axis at the time but I've been hesitating a while between the Prior and the Donek; like you I thought the Donek was a bit stiffer => in the end (i have to make a choice:rolleyes: ) I went for the Axis because I'm more often on piste than off piste BUT wanted to go off piste whenever I felt like it. So my amateur advice is : read reviews and other threads, wait for more comments about your thread
  21. if you are blind then I am too! I've been checking several times the website (since end of september as they said it would be ready by then) and I guess alpine category is just still not there yet:angryfire
  22. for sure, topsheet looks much nicer than, my Lacroix Flyover but still my favourite remains the Eaglerace:1luvu: BTW which Lacroix board are they using in hard attack?
  23. Sounds cool:lol: too bad we have to wait so long for the release!! Anyway I hope there could be some EC shots in the movie!!!
  24. Gear is IMHO quite important though! It has nothing to do with asym boards but when I did the cross over from skiing, I rented in a very small resort a board with hard bindings but this board was more suitable for softboots. Then, they gave me ski boots. It was a long time ago but I know that if I hadn't have rented better gear before that, I might have never rented alpine snowboard later on because this day was just a big pain. Maybe with carving skis, ski boots have changed,,but if you have the chance to get alpine snowboots, better it is!
  25. Got the Donek Axis last year :) Anyway, now I have 3 boards -2 new and 1 'new" very old asym- they are all different and I love the potential of those 3 boards in 3 very different ways.. Please don't forget to give us a feedback about new vs old!
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