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Everything posted by Przemek/Brooklyn

  1. Me and my brother will be starting at gondola on sat 13 and sun 14 at 8 am on gondola K1. We will be riding cascade or east wall depends on condition. Unfortunalty superstar is not open all the way down (my faforite trail) Please joint us if you can, it is always fun carve with other riders.
  2. I quess i didnt look at dates. The tread was right in the front. I meant to post it there i just didnt realize how old it was.
  3. Here is my 2 cents<O:p</O:p <O:p</O:p I am rider mostly Killington with European background/more EC style <O:p</O:p It is a kind of rough up there especially with crappy winter like this, all ice and some snow.<O:p</O:p I use primary two boards Swoard 175 (I think it soft or medium) I purchased it from Fin on ECES sugarloaf last season,<O:p</O:p and I have volkle renn tiger 163 <O:p</O:p Swoard 175:<O:p</O:p it is great for first 1.5 hours after groomers when there is actually a snow and no people, it can do lower and longer turns, extra wide board seems to dig into the snow when you lay down turn giving me a chance to straiten up my body and stay in low position longer. It is a board that will require more speed and space.<O:p</O:p I kind of love this one.<O:p</O:p But after 10 pm when condition get a little rougher it is just getting out of control, this board kind of suck on ice (I am not sure why, perhaps it is a combination of the width and softness) <O:p</O:p Also I like this board for spring condition and jumps; I had no chance to use it in powder but probably it is not bad.<O:p</O:p <O:p</O:p Volkle renn tiger 163 (probably more similar to Madd 170 just bit shorter)<O:p</O:p Great board for ice and crowds, I can turn quickly, it works on ice and I can get out of my turn if something is wrong. It is nice on "bumps and ice" kind of terrain very jumpy and I can correct my trajectory easy.<O:p></O:p> <O:p I like my boards because they are very different. I demo Mad on ECES I don’t remember if it was 170 or longer. It was on icy day. It was nice board great on ice but it was not “jumpy” enough for me and too narrow. <O:p</O:p
  4. hi i will carve K around new years weekend, from friday to tusday. Anybody interested to meet for few runs and for a beer?
  5. you either carve it or listen to the music. If you are trying to combine this two i would say you not carve hard enough. Music is distraction from riding. Carving has its own rytmh. Only if you ride blue(flat) trails and you do "recreational carving" music can be ok.
  6. It was Veal for me: super cheesy and fake atmosfere, colorado wanna be alpain crap, extremly expensive and crowded, it was not powder day,sort of spring condition in the middle of the winter and they were distribiuting a little photocopy of groomed trails (maybe 20 to 30% of mountain). After spending 70$ it fwas offensive. Generaly i never ride anything in USA that was even close to prime Alps. In the terms of atmosfere, quality, price, terain, crowds, experience, views and especialy food, Europe is better. Only thing in fawor of USA is that west cost has more powder days but powder tend to stay longer in alps (less powder seekers)
  7. i would buy catek os bindings (standart and short......) anyone?
  8. i bought that one your try from bomber for 300$ and i love it.
  9. this are skwal bindings all that is special is that they only works on steep angles , other then that they are regular 4 by 4 . If i dont sell them i will drill few holes to make them rotate more.
  10. Skwal has been sold. Bindings stiil avalible.
  11. Skwal for sale yellow "easy Jungle" Lenght 165 with 125 Side cut 8 m Camber 5 mm left Used 2 sesons, in fairly good shape. I could sell it for 100$ Together with bindings (special skwal bindings) 200$ <!-- / message -->Negotiable.
  12. jeszcze mam brata w Bostonie i tez fajnie smiga... ale ostatnio troche malo jezdzi... wyglada na to ze nie bedzie za latwo sie spotkac ale moze w przyszlym sezonie
  13. dobra chlopaki bylo by fajnie ale ten kraj jest troche za duzy i ciezko bedzie ale moze w przyszlym sezonie na poczatek moze trzeba zobaczyc gdzie kto mieszka ja na Brooklynie (ale nie na greenpoincie) mamy kogos z kolorado, ontario (nawet nie wiem gdzie to jest) i chicago.... tak realistycznie to moglibysmy sie spotkac na SES 07 i zrobic sobie polski wieczor ..... albo zapraszam wszyskich do vermontu gdzie mam zamiar wynajac z moimi znajomymi domek na przyszly sezon... chyba ze jeszcze cos wykombinujemy w tym sezonie ale przed wielkanoca nie mogea potem to juz chyba nie bedzie sniegu. Przemek
  14. Good idea we should start polish thread outside this one. Would be nice for other, not polish speaking people not to disturb newer ending EC v Bomber discusion. Lets call it somthing polish and discuse only in polish. Na razie
  15. condition on that day was ice that was giving away and melting in few spots. Sort of bumpy as well. Not groomed I did as well as i could but Swoard would not be my first choice for this condition (i left my volkle renn tiger in the car ) I have to say my edges were freashly sharpen but overall it is not good ice board. Swoard is even wider then your donek around 23 cm. I prefer smaller cut for icy/bumpy and steeps. Przemek Przemek
  16. quote: Learn how to carve first. Learn about angulation, inclination, cross-over, cross-under, cross-through, learn how to carve the downhill edge, and learn how to carve from the ground up, with your ankles. After you master this stuff, THEN you can try to EC. Jack You are absolutly right, without proper solid edge in the snow it would never work.They need the cover the basic first. It took me two sesons from my first day in snowboard to figure out how to ride proper eadge on blue slopes (i learn on my own) And next seson to get half way to EC. And it has been a lot of sesons since. And i am sill learning. Interesting think is that EC is sort of natural style for me, i developed it on my own and i feel comfortable with.
  17. Hi I have few insides about EC, Fat boards and side cut. I started to carve mostly in Alps in mid 90 together with my brother. I did not know about EC guys but the goal was to go fast and low. We did ride smaller radius boards like 8 m. It is easier to pick up carving on smaller cut board. Our boards were shorter and medium narrow, definitely slalom style. We did figure out that on steepest slopes we could ride much lower and much more dynamic. I found out about EC three years ago I realize we didn’t go as low as EC guys we where lacking 10 to 20 % especially on toweside. Recently on ECES (It was great) I had opportunity to try Swoard (I bought it from Fin shortly after). swoard 175 soft flex Advantages: Extra width: Lower angulations on your boots more pressure on front edge – lower frontsite. All around board, good for slush, powder and even jumps in the park. Big side cut 13 m: You can sustain lower EC position longer. Disadvantages: It does not perform too well on ice maybe it is a softness or lower feet angles or width. It was tested on prime east cost ice with good tuning. And it was not too good. Board is not very jumpy (just a bigger board) it takes more time to switch edges. You need more space for high speeds and big radius. Over all it works very well for my style. It is awesome from 8:30 am to 11 am (if you know what I mean) it is fun in softer, powder days and slash. And it complements well my slalom Volkle renn tiger 163 (R=8 m) which I use for ice/bumps and crowded mountain condition. I think that wider boards it is a good step in carving evolution.
  18. Hi Jack Do you have Medium or small?
  19. I have no idea what are you talking about but it sounds cool.
  20. All of this coments make a lot of sense to me. More i think i came to conclusion that you konw your position is right when your hip is touching the snow.... Funny think is that i do that better on hillside (i can tell becouse of bruise hip and rip of pants) only recently after i moved to wider board with bigger radius i feel my hip on front side (it has something to do with angles of my boots most likely) quote: "heh...just to stir things up a bit, Id say that "full body, arms dragging" is SLIDING, anyway. Sure, youre still carving, but..." But what ? calling EC sliding is kind of inapropriate. In order to do this in link turns you still need to put down carving edge. Well, it is "free carving" after all and full snow contact is extreme fun. Of course this racing guy is trained not to do it so he would not slow down. When i race i dont touch snow as well.
  21. I see it is for people who dont have an edge but try to reach for snow that makes sence. Kind of learning guide.
  22. What is up with "touching snow is a big no-no" why would you say this? Is this some kind of american carving school "rule". I learn to carve in europe and we never have problem with it. As long as you ride on the edge it was cool, it is fun to be as close to snow as it possible when you go fast and your face is 5 inches above snow level. You attack the snow and embrece it in the same time. I can ride with contact or without, but if you go very low full contact feels very natural. So why not to touch it ?
  23. It does have inserts and it has bindings attached to it. I dont remember how many inserts exacly. It is fully operational but needs some tuning
  24. Ok i will check it out tonight....let you know details. It is a slalom one with fairly small radius and probably around 165. But i need to check it.
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