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Everything posted by carverchick

  1. Hi Bobby, Al would like to purchase the bindings. How does $100.00 with shipping included? If this works for you, contact Al at algunderfoot@hotmail.com if this works for you. Cheers, Pebbles (speaking for Al)
  2. I've purchased the video as well. I can't wait to see it.
  3. LOL...I'm pretty sure Aspen has jewelers but I'm off the market. I hope my boyfriend likes the one piece as well.
  4. Can you imagine a hardbooting carving chick carving in a one piece? Sweet
  5. I also purchased the video. I can't wait to see it! Pebbles aka Felicia
  6. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&&item=270194869048&ssPageName=ADME:B:BCA:US:1120#ebayphotohosting Ok we really NEED to have a retro day. I just bought my one piece on fleabay! Either way, I plan on rocking a one-piece whilst carving. How sweet would that be.
  7. Yes! I think we should have a retro day. I've been dying to wear a one piece.
  8. I couldn't agree with you more!
  9. Hey Jack, The only I can change my title is by posting a lot correct?
  10. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. I completely agree with you.
  12. Sorry I didn't mean to cause a stink.
  13. Well the fact that the "make and follow" sounded arrogant to you is a matter of your opinion. I don't sugar coat things to make them sound pretty and cute. If all else fails my comments can always be ignored. As for how long I've had my tattoo, I've had my tattoo for 12 years now, so I didn't get it because it was the not cool/cool thing to do plain and simple. It was my way of expressing myself. Look D-Sub I'm not in here to flame or to be flamed for anything I've said because it's not worth it. I'm here to meet other like minded people to carve with, develop friendships with and share a laugh or two.
  14. My purpose for getting my tattoo was to express my creativity about myself and since I often draw, I wanted something that was a reflection of my personality. I also don't follow trends, as trends change daily. I make and follow my own trends. Of course we shouldn't be judgemental, but as humans we are genetically bred to have certain characteristics that cause us to make decisions based on the physical appearances, levels of intelligence and many other traits. I'm guilty of judging people, but I've also learned that you can't pre-judge someone based on some preconceived notion, sterotype or a personal experience. As for my shoulder blades tattoo there isn't any sexual connotations behind it like lower back tattoos. I personally put my tattoo there because I didn't want to bring unwarranted attention to myself and only those who I choose to let see my tattoo will see it.
  15. For many people tattoos has a purpose. They are a way to express ones creativity, preferences, or whatever else comes to mind. Of course I'm being judgemental regarding back tattoos. I never said I wasn't being judgemental for saying they are tacky and serve no purpose and by saying what I said it's a matter of preference. I would never personally get a tramp stamp. If someone wants to get what most people affectionately call back tattoos (tramp stamps) that's their body and will have to live with that. I just think for me it's a bit tacky. Especially when you are in certain social situations that deem this as not being ladylike.
  16. Jack you're right. I'm even guilty of pre-judging someone but before I completely kiss them off, I'll at least give them the benefit of the doubt to be themselves.
  17. I totally agree with you. I'm probably the least likely person who most people would imagine to have a tattoo. Most people assume that because I take good care of myself and my appearance that I'm snooty, arrogant and otherwise self-centered. It's only when they talk to me, they realize I'm really a nice person. I think no one should judge someone based on physical appearance, perferences or behavior. That's just being a bit childish personally. My mother and father always taught me to treat people the way I wish to be treated.
  18. I know I know. I'll have to get my boyfriend to take a picture of my tattoo. I promise!
  19. Thanks. It took 2 1/2 hours to have it done, but I was very pleased when it was done. Most people say tattoos are addicting, once you get one, you'll want another. Not me! It was extremely painful and something that I wouldn't like to revisit.:rolleyes:
  20. Well I don't have a picture of the tat but the picture I designed is of a woman's face and her eyes are surrounded by butterfuly wings. It almost looks like a mardi gras mask. Does it make sense?
  21. Tramp stamps are really tacky and don't really serve a purpose to me. Tattoos can be really nice depending on where they are located. I have a tattoo right between my shoulder blades. It's not huge and is tastefully done. Most of the time I forget it's there, since the only time others can see it is during bikini season.
  22. That's Hot!! ^^:lol: Pork Fat Rules!
  23. I think Stan should cover himself in pork chops. Nummy! I loveeeeeeeeeee pork!
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