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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. :biggthumpstand it up on edge and it cuts right thru them. The trick is in the nose tech. The nose rocker starts a good 2 inches before the effective edge ends. ITs really easy to ride and almost impossible to stuff a nose. similiar nose feel to the 4807 if you have ever ridden one. Don't let the sawed off look scare you. Bruce would be happy to make one with a nose if it you asked. Its just unnecessary:biggthump
  2. Didn't try true bumps but it might be less ideal for that due to the longer sidecut. Ask Shred. IT did slice right thru sloppy piles etc.
  3. We loosely translate most laws here in MT.
  4. sorry paulk it was decided that no pictures would be taken due to "extreme cold temps" affecting camera function. Personally I think they don't want to document soft boots in the 65/60 range:eplus2: Sweet ride tho, I am in love:1luvu:
  5. The whole schtubby lineup is here this week so I have that covered. honestly it worked so well for me that my game was up at least 20%. IT was made for me and my unique crazy style. I ride more FR2 catek and softie than I do hardboot. see disclaimer
  6. There can be only one! Word has it that the mold was broken when they made this one. we'll have to twist Bruce's arm
  7. ITs short but rides long. feels like a mid 170 board. very damp, Coiler metal is the shizznit very lively but in a controlled way. lay it over and it initiates flawlessly. The schtubby tech is at work here. The few times I thought I might have pushed to far one of two things solved the problem immediately (relax and lay it farther over) The tendency to muscle the board was resisted while simply relaxing put the board into auto pilot. I ride a Madd BX stiff w/o carbon butterfly on most groomer days. Which I love by the way. this board is light years ahead and way easier to ride.
  8. Well lets see......... where are my notes? aaah yes here we are. So I rode this little monstrosity yesterday:eplus2: I just don't get it:freak3: Why would anyone want a board that doesn't require pain and suffering to ride? As you all know I am a little different perhaps but seriously I expect a snowboard to kick my ass by days end. I expect to be spanked when I get lazy. I expect to be soundly punished for my impertinence at least twice a day:eplus2: This crazy little canuckistanian product absolutely refused to participate in chicanery of any sort for the entire day. I certainly hope that Bruce did not keep the molds on this one. If this thing ever sees the light of day in large numbers the world as we know it is over. What would we do if carving became so easy that anyone could do it? The mtns would be reduced to freshly plowed cornfield status and peace and love would abound! I think I know why Shred Drinks. The very possibility that he let this monster loose on the world is to much for him to bear:eplus2: In short, Its quite possibly most definitely the sweetest board I ever rode and I must have it. If Shred doesn't make it home its because he wouldn't give it to me. I have a shovel and 5 acres out back Its just not going to be a problem:D Disclaimer: I rode it in soft boots and catek FR2 so I obviously know nothing and the above should definitely be ignored:eplus2:
  9. Running late I will be up there by ten. bringing the sportlegs:biggthump
  10. running late I will be up there by ten. The sportlegs came in.
  11. happy monday! you schmucks start bitching about -8 and I am going to laugh. I have to work today and its -13 down here in the valley. buy a turtle shell shred:biggthump those of you less endowed than the others be sure and pee before you suit up:eplus2:
  12. Only if your dumb enough to get out of the car for a picture:lol:
  13. I have a set of shorty approach skiis I would let go cheap. complete with skins and bindings. PM me if interested. Rossignal free ventures 99cm sidecut 113/93/101 I have a voile splitboard swallowtail in the 195 range and it is rideable on groom but not desireable. If there is no groom then don't worry about it.
  14. We'll mix you up a special mr hanky ceasar and get shred to eat the giant wang(I mean asparagus spear) for you. Will that suffice?
  15. Westcarven mario rick johnasmo skwalguy rob bernie Dr D eric 2-3 occasionals whose names escape me. Most weekends there are at least 2 out of towners:biggthump
  16. second ski area fog free Blacktail mtn is about 45 minutes away. Glacier park is about 30 minutes away Kalispell is 20 minutes away Bigfork is 50 minutes away lots of shopping etc. There is a live grizzly bear attraction near glacier park. whitefish and bigfork have small village like atmospheres and lots of little shops and restaurants. kalispell is what passes for the city here. outlet stores and box stores walmart etc. lots of hiking xcountry skiing snowshoeing etc. snowmobile rentals .........
  17. ordered 3 cases should be here monday or tuesday I'll put it on your tab:eplus2:
  18. I thought it'd be a short day on the madd to for a minute! when I came around the corner and found you wadded up under that tree:eek: was it the board or a tourist? what happened. you are definitely the man. your skills have skyrocketed. I was having my own humbling day. first day on hard boots in over a year. I over drove the board most of the day. finally solved some of the problem by leaving the top buckle undone. I finished up the day on the madd Bx and softies. crazy good groom:1luvu: I will be up saturday tuesday thursday and saturday for sure and probably the first sunday as well.
  19. damn :mad:see what happens when I am gone for three days! I was already to offer up my dupraz for the madd.
  20. Yes I am ITs not a problem till you find yourself hawking your kids bicycle to pay for your next board:ices_ange
  21. LOL Ladies and Gentleman we have a new contender for gear vacuum of the year:biggthump
  22. Those are snow pro fast softie bindings. same mechanism for different application. I have ridden the fast system at 285 with no problems. I find them a little stiff. FWIW The sno pro standards dont work with my intec heels installed since the rear bail hits the pins.
  23. looks like inspiration judging by the back ground!
  24. A Garage will carve even in softie mode! Matt made the pic of the day on the BIG! notice the thin line trench and the toe scuff. matt rides his softies at around 45/15
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