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Erik J

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Everything posted by Erik J

  1. Here on the East, we are taught from an early age that West Coasters are pot smoking hippies that can't hold down a job. So, years ago, I traveled west to see if that was true. I was pleasantly suprised to find that people out west did in fact have jobs. While most people I met were stoned, their attitudes were very pleasant. The lack of bathing was something to get used to - especially from the hairy women. All in all though a good experience. I lived among the west coasters for some time observing their bizarre mating rituals and eating habits (like putting avocado on everything). Upon moving back east, I found that my snowboarding skills had disappeared from riding their freshy powpow all the time. So I had to relearn hardboots all over again. If I had to do it all over again, I would bring lots of penicillin with me next time and some real ****in pizza. The pow sure was fun though.
  2. Erik J


    I made sweet love to your 188 on the gondola....candles, KY and Barry White. Sorry if it was sticky when you got it back. I want to hear about the short version! just some douchebag how YOU doin?
  3. Dude....... I can't wait to read a ride report on that thing.
  4. Erik J


    Thanks but that totally takes the fun out of it.:) Moving on sounds good. It's the time of year for flame festivals to begin - there will be plenty more entertaining threads. I'm just here for the snowboarding.
  5. That is one sexy board tb. Love the topsheet and graphic. The non metal Doneks sound pretty interesting. I do miss the pop, although my last MRI says I need to stay on the ground more. The Doneks I tried at ECES were fun but left me wanting a little more - sounds like a lot has gone into them since then. What are the differences between the newest Doneks and last years batch?
  6. Erik J


    Damn, I didn't get to throw in a sarcastic comment before the apology. Welcome.
  7. I'm not sure if the seller is the same. I won a buy it now a while back on ebay. Guy selling it had no idea what he had, the specs were in inches. He claimed his roomate asked him to sell everything in storage for him. So he puts it on ebay. Then gets flooded with emails, including from his old roomate. Seller claims his roomate was going to sue him if he didn't give board back. This may or may not be true as the seller may have realized he could have gotten more money from the sale. Or it could be true and the old roomate forgot he had it in storage (It was listed in CA :D). Couple of months after that, the board surfaces on craiglist using the exact same pics from the ebay sale. (not just the same board, but the same pics) I email him - sale is then yanked from craigslist. I received no response. Now it's up again in this sale. I don't know if it's the original seller or the roomate (if there is one). I recognize the board from the other 2 sales. The scuffing to the right of the rear inserts matches exactly to the pics that I have (I saved the old pics). I only mention this to give a better picture of the current sale.
  8. Howdy Shred - I still think about the naked 188 a lot. That's one helluva sweet ride. I am very curious as to how the next version comes out. I haven't forgotten your suggestion at all....I am waiting, watching, drooling.
  9. Yes it has speckled base, this one is the real deal. Wish I had the funds right now.
  10. Wow, I can't believe this board is popping up again. I won a bid on this one on ebay a while back, seller pulled the sale after I sent payment. I don't know who the seller is this time around. Then it pops up on craigslist a while after that - no buys I guess. Now we're back to ebay with it.
  11. I have only been on boards under 190 so I may be missing something. I've been pretty amazed at the top speed of a few smaller boards (the Madd 158 original in particular really tickles my balls).
  12. I guess I'd be bent out of shape too if everyone around me sounded like Shrek. ;) FYI, I'm about as sarcastic as they come -we'll get along just fine here.:)
  13. IMO, shape and flex seem to define how a board rides more so than length - but obviously all of the properties work together.
  14. ah yes, Brushie. OK he didn't win, but the story in my head gets better over the years.
  15. Sorry for your loss. That's a great picture of the two of you. Sounds like you have some great memories with each other. My brothers and sister and I ride together whenever possible - one of them is on hardboots. We all grew up snowboarding and making turns together is a real bonding experience for us.
  16. I'm a short board guy. But my home mountains are pretty small. I am completely addicted to quick airborn turns. If I had more real estate to play on I would definitely go bigger, but I will always include a short board to ride even on the biggest of mountains. I do enjoy the sensation of being mid turn on a big board and having the time to look around, make a phone call or two, read Moby Dick etc.
  17. Was Bryan Iguchi the guy that pulled a method in the middle of a GS course in the late 80's or early 90's? And still won?
  18. c'mon guy, really? you gotta go there? awesome vid! USA! USA!
  19. OOOooooo....it gets even better. There's somethin about that Monster of yours. Definitely not like the others. Cool stuff!
  20. Best of luck with your trip TT. Looks amazing. If you are passing through the area on your way back, stop by - dinner's on me.
  21. I've already said it here but great riding. I've watched the clip quite a few times now. I like to replay sections at a time to see if I can pic out what is happening. There's some pretty cool stuff going on in this vid. Soooo light on your feet when needed, very cool. Some of the egde changes are really sick - the tail seems to flip out and around by itself on some of the turns, almost like it comes around too far to be stable but then everything just hooks up like it's nothing. And then there's the speed. You guys are obviously very comfortable going way faster than the average rider. Great stuff.
  22. Dear Sean Martin, I am in a terrible predicament. Mother Nature has me held at "gunpoint" so to speak by not allowing it to snow here in June. I am at my wits end and need help desperately. The only way to fix this is for you to forward me a new Donek with plate system and three open-ended airline tickets to Chile. This is a serious matter, please help. Please send requested supplies to my Nigerian address. Regards, Erik J
  23. I strongly disagree. The plastic was brittle on those bindings when they were new - it's been about 18 years or so and they are not getting any better with age. With regards to drilling - again, I strongly disagree. I don't think there's enough plastic there to safely hold your foot to the board. Just sayin
  24. Another way to ask the same question that KC asked...when did you first notice that there was a choice of board style? ie race oriented or freeride oriented
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