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Vaccine debate continued...


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since it obviously isn't going to go away easily.

I will be the first to say that more research needs to be done. At the very least their is a disturbing coincidence that needs more investigating. At worst we have a huge public health issue to correct. As said before I encourage full disclosure and independant thought. you are after all the one responsible for your health not your Doctor whether an MD, a DC, ND, OD et al. Doctor does after all mean Teacher not all powerful omniscient one. It is interesting to note such strong defensive action from the other side of the fence. I can't be more clear I don't have a problem with Dr's or even a company with conviction. I just want the patients/people to have the whole story from one crazy extreme to the other so that they can find the truth for themselves that almost always lies somewhere in between. Lets not forget motives when we read though billions of dollars is one heck of a motive. Mandatory vaccination is a low overhead high income business particularly when the government foots the bill for advertising.


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I will be the first to say that more research needs to be done. At the very least their is a disturbing coincidence that needs more investigating. At worst we have a huge public health issue to correct. As said before I encourage full disclosure and independant thought. you are after all the one responsible for your health not your Doctor whether an MD, a DC, ND, OD et al. Doctor does after all mean Teacher not all powerful omniscient one. It is interesting to note such strong defensive action from the other side of the fence. I can't be more clear I don't have a problem with Dr's or even a company with conviction. I just want the patients/people to have the whole story from one crazy extreme to the other so that they can find the truth for themselves that almost always lies somewhere in between. Lets not forget motives when we read though billions of dollars is one heck of a motive. Mandatory vaccination is a low overhead high income business particularly when the government foots the bill for advertising.

Well said.

Also please keep in mind that vaccinations are NOT mandatory, it's up to you, and that should you decide they're a good thing, WHICH vaccinations your child receives, WHEN they receive them, and HOW MANY AT ONCE are ALL UP TO YOU.

Our research has led us to believe that the early age at which they are given and the number given at once are actually the primary risk factors.

Also, keep in mind that Mom's Milk carries some of Mom's antibodies.

Ok, so you probably won't be surprised to learn that my daughter is 42 months old, breastfed till she weaned herself at 37 months, has never had a vaccination in ger life, and is incredibly healthy and has a strong immune system. She did pick up whooping cough not to long after weaning... from one of her classmates at preschool. We still didn't regret our decision - even before she recovered. Her recovery was certainly faster than the usual 3 months....

I have no wish to push my views on anyone... just to encourage you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions!!!

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Thats what I have been saying. the first two years are brain growin'years. Lets do it without neurotoxins. If you decide to vaccinate spread them out so as to give the immune sytem time to recover a little. you don't want to overload the bodies ability to filter toxicity either. I reccomend those who do choose to vaccinate check risk factors like how likely they are to be exposed vs the likely hood of side effects. Quite often your child has little or no risk of exposure until they are older or go overseas. many people choose to wait until time to send them to school etc before revisiting the issue.

Some recomendations are just silly too. if the main reason for immunizing against said disease is to prevent an infected mother from causing in vitro birth defects why give a vaccine at birth to boys at all and at birth to girls who often lose the immunity before reaching child bearing age? Seems smarter to give that particular shot at say 15 or 16. Not a lot of thought has gone into most of it other than profit as far as I can see.

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they are not mandatory but that is the popular conception! The average uninformed joe is force fed media intended to make him think its mandatory.

Most people think that they are mandatory to get into school. they are not in any state. every state does have a different law but there is at least one waiver in each state.

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Dr D is correct, here is the reference to the waiver in CA:

17 CCR 6051 (2003)

§ 6051. Unconditional Admission with Permanent Medical Exemption or Personal Beliefs Exemption

You can check your states rules at this site

And remember, if doctors knew what they were doing, they wouldn't work in a medical practice :)



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Dr D,

Hope you don't mind, but I'm cutting and pasting your reference info from the other thread to this one for anyone that hits this thread without having seen the other that spawned it.




(Scientific Citations, Congressional Hearings, and Articles

Linking Vaccines and Autism)

This site documents correlations between vaccines and autism.


  • Autism and the MMR (or Measles) Vaccine:

  • Oleske, J. “Elevated rubeola [measles] titers in
    children.” Abstract presented by D. Zecca and Dr. Graffino at an NIH meeting (September 23, 1997). As quoted by Richard Gallup in “
    and autoimmunity.”
    April 15, 2002.

  • Fudenberg, H.H. “Dialysable lymphocyte extract (DlyE) in infantile onset
    a pilot study.”
    1996; 9:143-147.

  • Gupta, S. “Immunology and immunologic treatment of
    ” Proceedings of the National Autism Association, Chicago 1996: 455-460.

  • Wakefield, A.J., et al. “Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and
    pervasive developmental disorder
    in children.”
    1998; 351:637-641.

  • Yazbak, F.E. “
    Is there a vaccine connection? Part I. Vaccination after delivery.” 1999.

  • Yazbak, F.E. “
    Is there a vaccine connection? Part II. Vaccination around pregnancy.” 1999.

  • Yazbak, F.E. “
    Is there a vaccine connection? Part III. Vaccination around pregnancy, the sequel.” 2000.

  • Autism:
    Present Challenges, Future Needs—Why the Increased Rates?” Government Reform Committee Hearing, Washington, DC. (April 6, 2000.)

  • Bernard, S., et al. “
    a novel form of mercury poisoning,” (July 2000). Submitted to the Government Reform Committee Hearing, Washington, DC. (July 18, 2000.)

  • Autism:
    Why the Increased Rates? A One-Year Update.” Government Reform Committee Hearing, Washington, DC. (April 25-26, 2001.)

  • “The
    Epidemic: Is the NIH and CDC Response Adequate?” Government Reform Committee Hearing, Washington, DC. (April 18, 2002.)

  • “The Status of Research into Vaccine Safety and
    ” Government Reform Committee Hearing, Washington, DC. (June 19, 2002.)

  • Kawashima, K., et al. “Detection and sequencing of measles virus from peripheral mononuclear cells from patients with inflammatory bowel disease and
    Digestive Diseases and Sciences
    (April 2000); 45:723-729.

  • Reuters Medical News. “Measles persistence confirmed in some patients with IBD,
    enterocolitis.” (June 20, 2000).

  • Wakefield, A.J. et al. “Enterocolitis in children with developmental disorders.”
    American Journal of Gastroenterology
    2000; 95(9):2154-2156.

  • Wakefield, A., et al. “Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine: through a glass, darkly.”
    Adverse Drug Reaction and Toxicologica Reviews
    2000; 19(4):265-283.

  • Kiln MR
    , inflammatory bowel disease, and MMR vaccine."
    1998 May 2;351(9112):1358.

  • Selway, "MMR vaccination and
    1998. Medical practitioners need to give more than reassurance."
    1998 Jun 13;316(7147):1824.</FONT>

  • Nicoll A, Elliman D, Ross E, "MMR vaccination and
    1998 Mar 7;316(7133):715-716.</FONT>

  • Lindley K J, Milla PJ, "
    , inflammatory bowel disease, and MMR vaccine."
    1998 Mar 21;351(9106):907-908.</FONT>

  • Bedford H, et al, "
    , inflammatory bowel disease, and MMR vaccine."
    1998 Mar 21;351(9106):907.</FONT>

  • Vijendra K. Singh, Sheren X. Lin, and Victor C. Yang, "Serological Association of Measles Virus and Human Herpesvirus-6 with Brain Autoantibodies in
    Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology
    , Oct 1998, Vol. 89, No. 1, p 105-108.

    Studies "Disproving" a Link Between MMR and Autism

    (These Two "Studies" Were Later Exposed and Rejected as Being Scientifically Illegitimate.):

  • Peltola, et al. “No evidence for measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine-associated inflammatory bowel disease or
    in a 14-year prospective study.”
    1998; 351:1327-1328.

  • Taylor, et al. “
    and measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine: no epidemiological evidence for a causal association.”
    1999; 353:2026-2029.

    Autism and the Smallpox Vaccine:

  • Eggers, C, "
    Autistic Syndrome
    (Kanner) and Vaccinations against Smallpox",
    Klin Paediatr
    , Mar 1976, 188(2):172-180.

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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>1. Autism Declines As Vaccines Remove Mercury

A new study shows that autism may be linked after all to the use of mercury in childhood vaccines, despite government's previous claims to the contrary.

An article in the March 10, 2006, issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons shows that since mercury was removed from childhood vaccines, the alarming increase in reported rates of autism and other neurological disorders (NDs) in children not only stopped, but actually dropped sharply - by as much as 35 percent.

The new study confirms claims made by Dr. Russell Blaylock in the Blaylock Wellness Report that childhood vaccines that contain thimerosal, a mercury based preservative, could cause serious harm to children, including autism. Dr. Blaylock has also warned that vaccines for adults, such as the flu shot pose dangers. See more details - Go Here Now.

Using the government's own databases, independent researchers analyzed reports of childhood NDs, including autism, before and after removal of mercury-based preservatives. Authors David A. Geier, B.A. and Mark R. Geier, M.D., Ph.D. analyze data from the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and the California Department of Developmental Services (CDDS) in "Early Downward Trends in Neurodevelopmental Disorders Following Removal of Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines."

The numbers from California show that reported autism rates hit a high of 800 in May 2003. If that trend had continued, the reports would have skyrocketed to more than 1000 by the beginning of 2006. But in fact, the Geiers report that the number actually went down to only 620, a real decrease of 22 percent, and a decrease from the projections of 35 percent.

This analysis directly contradicts 2004 recommendations of the Institute of Medicine which examined vaccine safety data from the National Immunization Program (NIP) of the CDC. While not willing to either rule out or to corroborate a relationship between mercury and autism, the IOM soft-pedaled its findings, and decided no more studies were needed. The authors write: "The IOM stated that the evidence favored rejection of a causal relationship between thimerosal and autism, that such a relationship was not biologically plausible, and that no further studies should be conducted to evaluate it."

As more and more vaccines were added to the mandatory schedule of vaccines for children, the dose of the mercury-based preservative thimerosal rose, so that the cumulative dose injected into babies exceeded the toxic threshold set by many government agencies. Mercury is known to damage nerve cells in very low concentrations.

The concern about vaccines may actually be underrated, as it is generally acknowledged that the voluntary reporting of such disorders has resulted in vast underreporting of new cases. For example, the Iowa state legislature banned thimerosal from all vaccines administered there after it documented a 700-fold increase in that state alone. California followed suit, and 32 states are considering doing so.

Up until about 1989 preschool children got only 3 vaccines (polio, DPT, MMR). By 1999 the CDC recommended a total of 22 vaccines to be given before children reach the 1st grade, including Hepatitis B, which is given to newborns within the first 24 hours of birth. Many of these vaccines contained mercury. In the 1990s approximately 40 million children were injected with mercury-containing vaccines.

The cumulative amount of mercury being given to children in this number of vaccines would be an amount 187 times the EPA daily exposure limit.

The Geiers conclude that mercury continues to be a concern, as it is still added to some of the most commonly-used vaccines, such as those for flu.


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I think I got all of my Vaccinations on time nice and young and everything, and I think I've only been ACTUALLY sick maybe twice...Sure, I've still gotten food poisining a few times, faked sick alot as a kid, but I had strep once (and got over it in 2 days instead of 8-10) and I got the flu one year when it was going around STRONG. My parents told me that I had ear infections alot when I was little, but thats it. I don't think the government has any right to tell me how or when to get vaccines, or tell me how to take care of my health except in the case of a high threat to the public (like a pandemic scale sickness). I do have to stay up to date on my vaccines though, it is one of those government regulated things when it comes to people transportation. Im not going to complain though, Im healthy.


Og kush seeds

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Mandatory Anthrax Vaccination was one of the several reasons that I was glad my enlistement in the Air Force expired in 1997. I chose not to re-enlist. That was around the time they decided to make Anthrax vaccines mandatory to all personel that were deployed to certain parts of the globe and they were pushing to make it mandatory for ALL personel (deployed or not). There were several people in the middle of a court martial when my enlistment was up. They were being charged with disobeying direct orders to get the Anthrax vaccination. The refused. One was an officer and one was enlisted. Two seperate cases. Not sure the outcome. I chose not to re-enlist.

This was not my only reason for not re-enlisting. The main was financial. Six years as a computer programmer and my pay was all the way up to $19,000 a year. Oh boy! It started at $11,000. I had a friend in the same career field, but he'd been in for 9 years. He had a wife and three kids, lived in base housing, and still qualified for food stamps (and reluctantly collected them. Hey, a family has to eat). Payscale is based on rank and time-in-service, so career field didn't influence pay grade. It was time to get out in the corporate world to get fair market value for my skills. But still, the vaccine thing, and the DNA database and DNA samples they wanted to put within our Military ID, was just that little extra that made it that much easier not to re-enlist. It was a great experience and I really enjoyed it, but it was time to move on.

Back to mercury. Anyone remember Merthiolate (sp?) It was a antiseptic for cuts and scratches that contained a lot of Mercury. It would die your skin red and BURN when you put it on a cut. I used that stuff all through the 70s and into the 80s. It never did seem to...it never....didn't seem to effect me...didn't effect...and not only that, but it never did seem to effect me.

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I also am no longer serving my country because of mandatory vaccinations. I was vaccinated in bootcamp and ten years later when I finally got my health back they wanted to give me smallpox and anthrax I politely declined and ended up with an honourable discharge. the military also has waivers they are just way behind in the management of said waivers. Not that the military medical system is particularly advanced as a whole or anything mind you.

I would reccomend a heavy metal test and some chelation for that stuttering problem chad. Might keep the alzheimers from setting in early.

Patients who received 6 or more flu shots in their lifetime were found to be ten times as likely to get alzheimer's disease as those who received 2 or less. lets see shots have mercury and aluminum in them and alzheimer's is a strange build up of aluminum in the brain---- NO couldn't possibly be a connection people would sue us if they thought that was true.:nono:


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I posted the info on the other thread to sort of poke jan with a stick but didn't get any bites.:D I should probably behave myself but the highly esteemed medical professional called me a quack. Sort of tickles me to poke him with a stick:ices_ange

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Subject: Fwd: Pharmacology

In Pharmacology, all drugs have two names, a trade name and generic name. For example, the trade name of Tylenol has the generic name of Acetaminophen. Aleve is also called Naproxen. Amoxil is also called Amoxicillin and Advil is also called Ibuprofen.

The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra. After careful consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced that is has settled on the generic name of Mycoxafloppin.

Also considered were Mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin, Mydixnorizin, Dixafix, and of course a name to instill confidence, Ibepokin. Pfizer Corp. announced today that VIAGRA will soon be available in liquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer. It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stif! f one. Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and it gives new meaning to the names of "cocktails", "highballs" and just a good old-fashioned "stiff drink."

Pepsi will market the new concoction by the name of: "MOUNT & DO."

since we are discussing pharma in general this ought to lighten the subject.

just don't buy any of the GULLIBLEX:ices_ange they are pushing on the tv

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Good one!

I've managed to only get one flu shot in my life and that was at Basic training. That along with a cocktail of other things had me sick as a dog for a few weeks of basic. Along with half of my flight. I never realized a human being could produce so much brightly colored snot (to be blunt) short of getting hit with tear gas.

Along the lines of the Alzheimer talk, many supposed cases are actually turning out to be CJD, which is scary. That used to occur at a very rare instance, but now it is getting scarily commom. CJD is caused by a deformed protein called a prion. It is a prion that is also responsible for BSE (mad cow disease), CWD in deer and elk, scrapies in sheep, etc. Only BSE prions have proven to be able to effect humans (hence the 150+ human deaths, to date, in the UK from BSE/mad cow disease). The 'deformed' proteins impact it's neighboring proteins and they become deformed as well. This occurs primarily, but not only, in the brain and spinal column. As the deformed rings spread out, they leave the tell-tale holes (hence the S in the acronym for spongeform) and the following swings in personality, sanity, and usually motor functions occur.

In humans, CJD is not always deadly and often prolonged. Many autopsies of patients formerly diagnosed with Alzheimers have turned out to be CJD. CJD used to only occur in older people, but a new variant, vCJD occurs in much younger and healthier individuals. There have even been in increasing number of diagnoses (post-mortum) in persons committed to insane assylums. Autopsies are showing a surprising number of the patients diagnosed with CJD. I don't have any of the papers in front of me, so I won't quote any specific figures becase I can't recall them from memory.

The US claims "Not a single case of BSE has been discovered in the US" which is keeping the beef industry and exports going strong. Unfortunately, they are not really looking for it. Only 12,000 animals have been tested in the US since this all began in the 90s. I looked up the testing numbers for some other countries and found one statistic that combined Germany and France an the numbers of animals tested to date was in the millions. The US doesn't even require 'downer' animals to be tested and those animals are likely candidates. But since no one wants to find it, they don't look. They have passed laws that forbid the feeding of animal feed, with animal remains and blood to the same animal (i.e. ground cow biproduct, bone meal, blood, is not to be fed back to cows because the prions, of an infected animal, would infect other animals because there is not process that can destroy the prions infectious nature). Strangely, there is no such law to protect humans. The industry can use mechanically seperated meat (which random testing proves 6 out of 10 samples contains some spinal column material, the most likely to contain BSE prions). No labeling is required. It can be covered by words such as natural flavorings, etc. and this is in products you would never expect to find it.

It is true that finding it would destroy the beef industry and a large part of the economy, so I understand their situation. It's more than just eating beef at risk. Mechanically seperated beef, the most dangerous part since it contains bits of spinal column, etc, is used in more products that you could even imagine. And it doesn't need to be labeled as such. A label only has to say 'natural flavoring'. For example, french fries have renderings from mechanically seperated beef as 'natural flavorings'.

Also understand the USDA is responsible for not only policing the safety of our food, but promoting the sales. So they are in a tough spot. The ranchers are in an even tougher spot. The second that a validated case of BSE occurs in the US, there will be a large percentage of them going out of business. That sucks. Having grown up on a hog farm, I know how the market can crush a farmer. We lost our farm when the hog market went belly up in the late 70/early 80s right after we went into debt by expanding the farm. My dad ended up having to drive over-the-road semi (read: gone for 3 to 5 weeks at a time) to make ends meet afterwards.

The scary thing about these proteins (prions) is they can not be disinfected like germs, bacteria, viruses, etc. They don't even have DNA. You can not sterilize with alchohol, iodine, etc. It takes heat measured in the 1,000 degree range to destroy it (so boiling and thorough cooking, etc will not sanitize your food), and it stays infectious outside the body for extended periods of time, unlike viruses. In the deer and elk farms, when one animal is found to have CWD (cronic wasting disease is the deer/elk version), they destroy the entire herd and no new animals can graze in the same pasture for two years because the prions discharged in urine infect other animals that graze the same pasture for up to two years).

At least the various department of natural resources are putting people first, admitting the problem (CWD in many states wild and farmed deer and elk populations) and are discussing ways to contain and deal with the situation. They also encourage testing (rather than avoiding it like the beed industry) and will test any animal that a hunter kills. They keep the meat and bring in the brain and spinal column, and it will be tested. The person will be notified of the results and then can choose to eat the meat or not (only one proven case of CWD-to-human has been sited so far).

There is a lot more to this, but this is just a little background to inspire others to do their own research. This is just something I've been researching more and more this last year because the science of it intrigues me even more than the political issues.

All I can say is I'm glad my years in the IT industry have paid off with FAST typing skills, because that would have taken an hour to type rather than a few minutes. :biggthump

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Another labeling problem is the lack of bio-engineered labels. There are no laws that require it be labeled such. Nearly all corn or soy products are bio-engineered except for those whose labels plainly say they are not. Those same products are also usually an organic product so you also avoid the common pesticides and herbicides.

In much of Europe, it is required for manufactures to label whether or not their products are made with bio-engineered items. The consumer has the information and can choose. Why can't the US have a similar law? Those laws are often introduced but are lobbied against because the big corporations know that people, given the choice, will buy a product that is not engineered. That goes for the plants, the fish, etc. I used to think this was great, being a science enthusiast, then reality set in. They have no idea what the side-effects will be on people or the environment.

Really the consumer has zero to gain by using bio-engineered food products. In general, they don't make the product taste better or anything like that. Even many of the farms that use them don't really benefit. The higher yield is often offset by the higher cost of the seed stock. The only enntity that benefits is the company that engineers them and sells the seed stock. Bio-engineering is, to use the phrase, a solution in need of a problem. There is no real dire need for any of it.

Don't confuse hybrid or selective bred products with bio-engineered. They tend to be fine. That is the difference between selectively breeding animals to produce specific traits. It is NOT splicing genes and changing the very DNA of an animal at a genetic level by mixing an animals DNA with partial strands from another animal of another species, an insect, a plant, etc. Same with plants. Selectively breed a bigger pumpkin or ear of corn all you want. But please don't feed me corn that has DNA spliced with a fish species. (Yes, that is really how it works on a basic level).

As Dr. D mentioned in his vaccine posts, it is an unfortunate truth that money is the reason for many such decisions. That seems to come before safety, environmental impact, or, more importantly, a real need for the product.

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In much of Europe, it is required for manufactures to label whether or not their products are made with bio-engineered items. The consumer has the information and can choose. Why can't the US have a similar law?

I think the reason is a company called Monsanto, who are pushing all this GE food; they always claim that they are going to feed the world's poor, but note that they never seem to be investigating anything that would do that; rather they spend their time on rich people's crops like wheat and corn and stuff to increase yields.

I know NZ has already got significant cross fertilisation problems now. My worry is that these guys will do things like patenting the DNA of some crop that breeds ultra fast, then go and infect some area (e.g. Thailand) and then claim IP and royalties on the crops....

It is in Monsanto's interest to keep feeding you guys their stuff, so why would they want you to know about it?

Oh ho... conspiracy theory :-)

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check out who owns monsanto. I am not sure on this particular company but a lot of the bioengineered stuff is pharmaceutically owned as it were. interesting connection. how profitable would it be if you could engineer the food people ate so they needed your medicine to stay alive. A guy could really start sounding like a nut if he dug to deep into this stuff.

Bottom line if it doesn't exist in nature your body is not programed to deal with it and it will make you sick. nutrasweet, splenda, genetically modified anything, Soy is almost all GM and the non-GMo soy isn't particularly good for you either.

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Dear Citizens for Health Supporter,

At the end of 2005, Congress passed the Department of Defense Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2006. Unfortunately, provisions to allow manufacturers of virtually any drug or vaccine to escape responsibility for gross negligence or even criminal acts were included in the final Defense funding bill. These provisions were included without Congressional debate or public scrutiny, and fail the basic test of fairness by including only an empty shell of a compensation program for injured patients with none of the funding needed to make compensation a reality.

This is typical of those wishing to implement policy that would never pass were it introduced as a separate piece of legislation, and circumvents our right to be heard as concerned citizens.

However, there is an effort mounting in Congress to repeal these provisions and restore consumers' right to compensation in the event they are injured as a result of using a particular drug or vaccine. Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) is working with her like-minded Senate colleagues and urging the Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House to schedule action on legislation that would repeal these provisions.

Click here to send a letter to your representatives urging them to support efforts to repeal the liability protections passed in the Defense Department bill.

If the stuff is so safe why do they need to pass midnite legislation protecting themselves from product liability suits??

Where's JAN when you need an answer?

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This thread is more than mildly funny....

Recently, a new MS drug was pulled off the market because it "caused" progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy-or did it? Turns out PML is a prion mediated disease and we now know that prions are held in check by your T-cell immunity. HIV is the model T-cell immunity ravaging disease and late stage AIDS is marked by a progressive encephalopathy...

When I was in med school, we all dreaded prions. Now we've learned that up to 80% of the population already is infected with prions. We don't know enough of their transmission to definitively avoid the acquisition of them-that includes avoiding red meat or not....So, did the MS drug cause the cases of PML, or just activate the latent infection? The FDA is about to re-release the drug with a warning.

Believe it or not, most doctors really believe they "should cause no harm". If pediatricians really believed vaccinations were harmful, the AAP would not advocate them-the first rotovirus vaccination was pulled because it was harmful. The fact of the matter is that vaccines have saved the lives of thousands of kids in this country-just look to largely unvaccinated Africa as a comparison. There is no link to vaccines and autism. And, as somebody who hates statistics as much as anybody, I have to caution associating "number of flu vaccines" to "presence of Alzheimer's"-that's flawed statistics. Did it ever occur to anyone that Alzheimer's patients are more likely to be in nursing homes where flu shots are mandated?

Yes, it is a "practice" of medicine. List another profession where the applied aspect and the scientific form are combined as closely as the science of medicine.

If you want to avoid Alzheimer's-stay active...

Oh, and, BTW, the reservoir of pertussis infections in this country is not the vaccinated kids, it's the unvaccinated adults. Pertussis still kills kids in this country-I don't have the figures for last year, but it was more than a 1000

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  • 4 years later...

More on the MMR "debate"... HERE

Medical fraud revealed in discredited vaccine-autism study

From Thursday's Globe and Mail

Published Thursday, Jan. 06, 2011 8:06AM EST

On Feb. 28, 1998, The Lancet published a research paper entitled “Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children.”

It was a blockbuster.

Gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield and associates examined the cases of 12 children with bowel disease, nine of whom suffered “behavioural abnormalities” shortly after receiving the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine.

The paper suggested that the MMR vaccine triggered autism, particularly in children with intestinal abnormalities. The “new syndrome” they had discovered was named enteritis/disintegrative disorder.

Dr. Wakefield said the vaccine was dangerous and called for an end to MMR vaccination – the cornerstone of childhood immunization programs. He wanted it replaced by three separate shots.

The media – and Britain’s infamous tabloids in particular – were all over it.

It was a perfect storm of a story, coming as it did when autism rates were soaring, parents were tiring of seeing their children become pin-cushions for vaccines, and a new communications tool called the Internet was booming.

Scientists around the world diligently tried to reproduce the findings but never found any evidence of a link between MMR vaccine and autism.

With the passage of time, it became abundantly clear that the research was profoundly flawed, scientifically and ethically.

Still, Dr. Wakefield became the darling of anti-vaccinationists and a hero to parents desperately searching for answers to their children’s autism. He painted himself as a pioneering scientist who was being persecuted by Big Bad Pharma.

Dr. Wakefield, it turns out, was something else altogether. He was on the payroll of a group that has launched a lawsuit against manufacturers of the MMR vaccine – at $230 an hour – and his research was going to be the centrepiece of their claim. He patented a measles vaccine that he wanted to replace the MMR shot. (Later, he founded an autism research centre in Texas.) We know this, in large part, because of the diligent work of a single investigative journalist.

In 2004, Brian Deer of The Sunday Times published damning evidence about Dr. Wakefield’s ties to the lawsuit, showing that the children in the study were recruited unethically, and exposing other flaws in the published study.

As a result of that exposé, Dr. Wakefield was eventually investigated by Britain’s General Medical Council and stripped of his licence to practise because of dishonesty. (The second author, Dr. John Walker-Smith, also lost his licence to practise medicine.) In February, 2010, the original Lancet paper was retracted. But Dr. Wakefield continues to insist the findings are valid and that he is the victim of a vast conspiracy. Yet he has never been able to reproduce the findings.

Now, thanks again to Brian Deer, we know why.

In this week’s edition of the British Medical Journal, the journalist shows, beyond a shadow of doubt, that Dr. Wakefield’s work was not just scientifically flawed but “an elaborate fraud.”

It is troubling enough that so much credence was given to a study that involved only 12 children from a single clinic in the first place. But it turns out that Dr. Wakefield recruited them selectively to fit his thesis – largely from members of an anti-vaccination group called JABS.

Mr. Deer found that every single one of the 12 cases reported in the original Lancet paper was misrepresented; medical records, diagnoses and medical histories were altered to ensure that the symptoms of autism arose within two weeks of MMR vaccination.

Three of the nine children reported with regressive autism did not have autism at all. Despite the claim that all 12 children were “previously normal,” five had documented developmental problems long before their shots. In nine cases, the children did not have bowel abnormalities but the records were altered.

Remember, the paper claimed that all the symptoms began, on average, within six days of MMR vaccination. In fact they occurred months, sometimes years, before and after vaccination.

Parents of 11 of the 12 children blamed MMR vaccine for their children’s health problems before they were recruited. In fact, all were referred by anti-vaccine campaigners and the study was commissioned and funded by a lawyer who planned a class-action lawsuit.

Perhaps most damning of all is the revelation that two years before the Lancet paper was published, Richard Barr, the lawyer who hired Dr. Wakefield to help with the class-action lawsuit against vaccine makers, sent a letter to his clients looking for children with bowel disorders and autism.

In other words, Dr. Wakefield already had the makings of a syndrome he was going to “discover” two years later – and the “proof” he needed for a lawsuit – and recruited study participants accordingly.

Research fraud happens, though rarely on this scale. The real tragedy is that many otherwise intelligent people have come to believe the purported MMR-autism link, and the health of a lot of children has been endangered as a result.

In Britain, childhood vaccination rates fell to as low as 80 per cent, allowing a return of measles, mumps and rubella. Thankfully, those rates are climbing back up again.

It is hard to imagine that the greed and arrogance of one man could do so much damage.

Hopefully, the diligent work of Mr. Deer has put the final nail in the coffin of Dr. Wakefield’s career of fraud and deception.

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