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On the Wagon


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Having spent last night in a bar watching PSU finally prevail over FSU, I think your decision to quit drinking has a lot of merit. I love good beer, good scotch and good wine, but also recently invested in a soda maker, so I can make good seltzer instead.

Chubz - good luck and hope to see you at Blue Mtn soon to let you test drive the 158! (i'll be at stratton Sun-Tues, so will try to get up there the following week)


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Quitting's either hard or easy, depending on how hard the hooks are in. As long as you're not starting the morning with a hit of hard alcohol, you will probably find it relatively easy physically (maybe a few days of odd sleep patterns but probably not more than that). Mentally it may be harder - going to bars and ordering soft drinks is kind of odd, as is being with a group of people who are absolutely hammered when you're sober... and there are always the "glass of wine to decompress when I get back from work" moments to deal with.

Still, I'd say it's a whole load easier for most drinkers to stop than for most smokers (I've stopped both, several times). I found it quite important to be _able_ to stop when I wanted to, after too many weeks in a row where you find yourself still in the bar at 3am every day and having to get up for work at 7, you start asking who's controlling who, after all.

Enjoy the experience, you may find you stay on the wagon for good, you may go back to moderate drinking, but don't let it get you so hooked you can't quit: I know 2 people who physically can't stop drinking, and who don't stop shaking until the first bottle of the morning is empty. Both of them lovely guys, but both killing themselves glass by glass. At the current rate, I'd give neither of them more than a couple of years to live.


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Greg - you' re more than welcome to come back for a return visit.

During the last time I went without alchohol (about 3 months during a winter season a couple of years ago) I drank a lot of Imitation Beer. As I recall the one that tasted best was called Buckler's although that opinion is not shared by everyone. I just did a Google search and discovered that non-alcoholic beer presents some danger to recovering alcoholics. You can't win.

I had two glasses of Shiraz during the first half of the Orange Bowl last night and figured I'd better switch to Sprite if I was going to make it the end of the game. Good thing I did! Triple overtime. Even the wife (3 of her 4 degrees are from PSU) fell asleep duing the fourth quarter.

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Thoughtful topic Chubz,

Anyone who has been to my VT condo has noted my beer can collection (amassed between 1968 and 1978).


My brew of choice now is VT brewed Long Trail Ale but frankly I'm more into red wine these days.

I used to be married to someone who put away a lot of beer (Piels Light for crying out loud!). I was too much of a coward to point this out to her so I said I thought I was ingesting too much and decided to quit cold turkey for several months (hoping she'd follow my lead). The result? She kept up her pace of imbibing and eventually I decided what the heck and resumed the suds.

Frankly, I know I drink too much. I have a couple of glasses of wine most nights and more on weekends. On three occasions I've stopped completely for several months and didn't find it difficult to do so.

I have immense respect for anyone who chooses to avoid the stuff.

where is that condo?

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Is was just getting more than what I was use to and I had to put a stop to it. I must being doing ok and the hooks may not be that deep. Only ting disrupted so far is sleep. I have quit a few other times with decent success and came back in intermittent anihilation every couple of months or so.

Oddly enough, I was throwing out a ton of hints to many of my family and friends that I was hitting it heavy and none of them intervened, until my wife stopped me on New Years Night in the middle of a game of A$$hole or 3-man or maybe Higher Lower, cant remember and placed two full 20 oz. glasses of water in front of me and said I couldnt have another drink until I finished each glass of water. chugged the first and gulped through the second in about 4 minutes and by the time I finished, by belly would hold no more liquid.

Woke up the following afternoon and said, "that's it" I'm really done this time"



PS Jesse picked up one of those used MADD 170's on ebay but havent ridden it yet, maybe friday if the weather holds up. Let me know if you wanna go a night this week. It was rainy and overcast my 12 days of vacation.

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Guest tdinardo
Bode Miller's definitely not on the wagon...

Miller - Skiing Drunk 'Not Easy'

I just lost a lot of respect for him (and that really bothers me because I like the guy).

This guy needs to learn that whether he likes it or not, he's a role model now. I don't have a problem with him partying, but the way that whole article comes off it's more than just partying. If you want to get together with a few friends and set a course and do a few runs while drinking as a goof, that could be kind of amuzing. Racing FIS drunk is not. Showing up to a race hung over is not. It's just sad.


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The boot test they reference in the article, what is it?

After World Cup races, there is a procedure where measurements are taken of equipment to ensure that you haven't exceeded limits. One racer was DQ'd this season because of the height of the boot above the base of the ski or something like that. In Bode's case he refused the inspection because he had finished so far down the standings in a race that he wouldn't have been awarded points anyway. Rules are rules. His coach wasn't happy with him over the incident and his petulance is getting more than a little weary. He has incredible talent and is FUN to watch. If he doesn't fall, he's got a good chance of winning. Bode has brought a HUGE amount of attention to Alpine Skiing. Now it's the wrong kind of attention.

Hope he gets a wake up call.

Just my 3 cents (inflation, you know...)

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