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Fat Skis are AWESOME!

Guest Randy S.

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Guest Randy S.

Holy Cow! I went skiing today. We had some fresh snow and I've never skied on fat skis. I'm a pretty good skier (which surprises a lot of people who only ever see me snowboard), but haven't skied more than a handful of times in the last 20 years (since starting snowboarding). I demoed a pair of Atomic Sugar Daddies. Its pretty funny that the skis were shorter than almost all my snowboards.

Anyay, I had so much fun ripping up the tracked and untracked pow. I'm tempted to buy a pair of these things. I have to say that I had more fun skiing on these than I usually do on my powder board.

Oh how things change. When I started snowboarding I basically only boarded on soft, pow days. I skied on days when the snow was hard/scratchy. Now I'm tempted to reverse that at ski on soft days and board on the hard corduroy. Weird.

Of course this means I now need to go buy a better pair of ski boots. Mine are 10 years old and don't fit very well.

I had more fun on skis today than almost any days I remember on skis. Well, maybe excepting some days at Jackson Hole and Alta. Wouldn't it be ironic if I were to convert back to skis. :confused:

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Randy, I felt the same way when I jumped on a pr. of fatties, here I was only snowboarding and missing all the fun stuff that you can do on skis. It is like I can enjoy the whole mtn again rather than just the groomers. Next in line is to try a pr of carving skis, something with a sidecut radius of 13ish. I am railing turns on skis almost, repeat almost, as well as on my Prior 4X4.

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Be a skier! Be a skier! The shape of the board has transferred to the parabolic ski design and its awesome!!! I bought myself a pair of twin tips so now I have a ski setup for powder and the park and a board set up for groomed. Unfortunately I joined the ski team which means my skis will... be interesting for races... but the Brandeis "Ski Team" is happy if you "make it to the top of the mountain without needing help".

Skiing is awesome and shouldn't be ditched. I practice somersaults under the lift on my skis and skiing on one ski. A helicopter in the air looks way cooler than what most snowboarders can do in the park (and I can't do anything in the park yet). Be a skier!

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I also ski..I admit it...and I have been enjoying it a lot lately...The snow at my mountain (until 2 days ago..2 5" dumps in a row and expecting at least 12" tonight :)) have been abysmal and so I broke out a pair of carving skis and I can rail them all over the mountain...So now the wintersport setup is:

1) Teaching board (soft setup)

2) Carving Boards (Hard setup obviously)

3) Skis (for those days when it is horrible and a few other occasions when I don't feel like riding my snowboards)

Interesting thing too is that a lot of the snowboard instructors where I work are starting to learn how to ski now. I asked them why and they said because the conditions were not any fun to snowboard on, but they were a blast on skis...I concurred.

Next in my winter lineup is a telemark setup...I have tried it once before and found it entertaining and challenging..popped into a little poweder field and went straight over the tips..LOL. Don't want to get beat up byu a pair of skis, so now I gotta learn to tele hee hee :)

As long as someone is sliding down the mountain...I could care less how they do it as long as they have a great attitude about it

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IAs long as someone is sliding down the mountain...I could care less how they do it as long as they have a great attitude about it

Yep, kinda how I feel about it too.

I seem to spend quite a lot of time on skis at the mo, taking the 5 year old out (he'll be boarding later this year), what generally happens is that I leave my parabolics at work so have to grab whatver's hanging about in the garage, usually my 2m05 straight skis as they still have some edge and base. Of course, the boy only wants to go skiing on powder days, so I find myself hooning about in untracked powder on completely non-parabolic planks that are enormously long. It's a hoot.

Hell, If I could find some _really_ old skis that I trusted not to fall apart instantly, I'd take them out, just for laughs.


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I do ski a lot too.

On that very icy days my slalom race stock skis are just a blast. I'm scoring quite good times in the gates too though I stopped skiing when I was 7 and just started up again. Basically its the same technique.

I'm only wondering if skiing hurts my snowboarch technique. Nonetheless I love to pack out some proper 185cm Giant Slalom skis too occassionally. Once I've tried a SuperG 205cm Atomic. That ski was a blast but too much for me in the course. I have never felt so much fear on hardpack before than blasting through a jump with 100+ km/h, a speed not achievable on snowboards savely.

On good days I absolutely prefer to board. On Pow days too. Can't get much excitemenent out of powder skis.

I'm really looking forward to get my ski plug boots because I allways boot out. At the moment I think I will get an Atomic Race Tech Ti or an Diablo Race Pro. Trying to get the boot with the fewest overhang.

I'm sure pretty much every good raceboarder can rip on skis in 1 hour, even if he has never skied before. Just hand him some slalom race department skis, tune them as aggressive as possible, go on some really icy hardpack, very steep it should be too, and let him carve it down. Skiing is so easy! (There is a rumor in Austria that Alexander Maier beat his brother last year in a training slalom (the infamous Herminator) - he said he might start skiing because snowboarding is too hard and he is not very successful at the moment in the worldcup).

However because skiing is so easy I prefer carving on one board. Skiing fun wears out quick.

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My dad just gave me a pair of hammydown Fischer RC4s so I can teach my 3yo to ski. They're 170cm, 15m radius - i.e., shorter and tighter than my Madd 180. They look like two really skinny snowboards. I've never skied on skis this shaped before, can't wait to see what happens.

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I was a skier for 25 years then gave it up since it bored me and went right into carving boards 15 years ago. 2 years ago because of my girlfriend I picked up some Volkl 155 Slalom skis to screw around on and try the new carving potential, she is a skier. They were very fun and I dabbled with them a few days a year. Then late last season I bought a pair of Atomic B5's on recomendation and now all I can say is "Holy crap Batman!!!!!" these things are a blast. So now I split my day, mornings are dedicated to the Race boards and afternoons I trade off for the skis.

I can honestly outcarve my carving boards on these skis. I have yet to find where they will break loose. It's true that I am NOT a Euro style carver so I do not do full body drags nor do I want to, but I've been at it long enough now to lay down trenches with anyone. Then come along these skis and I can carve them, double trenches, inside my carving board trenches.....and then just bail off into the trees or bumps or wherever the mtn flows.

I maintain both sports now because I love the soul feel of carving on the snowboard but I love the social aspect of skiing (more female participation) :1luvu: :lol: :lol: Women are just not into the snowboard carving thing. :mad: So I get my personal time in the mornign and social in afternoon...Gee I love these sports :lol:

it's all fun...right... :biggthump


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My dad just gave me a pair of hammydown Fischer RC4s so I can teach my 3yo to ski. They're 170cm, 15m radius - i.e., shorter and tighter than my Madd 180. They look like two really skinny snowboards. I've never skied on skis this shaped before, can't wait to see what happens.

I am going to have to do the same thing next year....my kid turns 3 this august and I am still trying to decide to wait and just have him board or just get him on the hill on ski's. Rode a pair of 190cm race ski's a few years ago and actually enjoy them

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Always been 50/50 for me.

I'll be running Okemo's NASTAR course on GS skis tomorrow and a GS board on Sunday.


Pat, getting ready for the SUPER qualifier ? LUDLOW, Vermont — On Jan. 7, Okemo Mountain Resort will host the 2006 Sports Illustrated For Kids Next Snow Search Eastern Super Qualifier. Open to skiers and snowboarders, 9 to 13, this competition looks to discover the best kids on snow and the next top athletes in skiing and snowboarding. In addition to being judged on ability and style in Superpipe, Slopestyle and on the NASTAR race course, kids will be judged on attitude and sportsmanship.

Two athletes from the field of competitors at Okemo's Super Qualifier will receive an invitation to compete in the "All-Stars" event at Keystone, Colo., Jan. 27 and 28, to be broadcast by NBC Sports at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 11. In Keystone, members of the 2004 and 2005 Sports Illustrated For Kids Next Snow teams and the top two competitors from each of the five 2006 Super Qualifiers will compete in four events: Big Mountain Race, Superpipe, Slopestyle (terrain park jumps and rails) and Big Air Jump, a night time event with a torchlight parade, fireworks and laser show.

Four young athletes competing in Okemo's Super Qualifier will go on to represent Okemo at the 2006 Next Snow Search Finals at Killington, March 3-5. In this three-day event, participants will compete in: Moguls, Carving, Slopestyle, Superpipe, Big Mountain Race, Big Air Jump and Dual Race.

Okemo's Next Snow Eastern Super Qualifier is open to all skiing and snowboarding boys and girls, age 9 to 13. Registration is scheduled from 8 to 9:30 a.m., in the main base lodge mezzanine, on Jan. 7. The entry fee is $25 and a lift ticket is required. The judging will start at 10:30 a.m.

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Jack, say it ain't so!!! I am sure after you get familiar with the capability of carving skis that we will see some addendums to the Welcome Center pages.

Skiing is a blast, I can't believe how much fun I am having skiing the same runs on the same mountain that I have been boarding for years. Let us know how you like it!!!

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Pat, getting ready for the SUPER qualifier ? On Jan. 7,

Okemo's Next Snow Eastern Super Qualifier is open to all skiing and snowboarding boys and girls, age 9 to 13.

Just did the math. Seems I'm 46 years too late to qualify.

January 7th I'll be at West Point taking an ASIA (http://asiaski.org/) course to learn to teach snowboarding. Our ski club has a lot of certified ski instructors but only one snowboard instructor.

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Guest Randy S.
I am going to have to do the same thing next year....my kid turns 3 this august and I am still trying to decide to wait and just have him board or just get him on the hill on ski's.

Don't wait. Put them on skis then a snowboard. Let them decide. I now have one who wants to ski most of the time and one who wants to snowboard (but can't because she's signed up for ski team and there wasn't a snowboard team option). On day when there is no ski team, my daughter snowboards and my son skis. As long as they like it, I'm happy.

My son is 11 and basically is passing me in terms of speed/endurance this season. I still have more skills and I lack the self-preservation gene that he inherited from his mother so I can out-do him on super-steep scary stuff. That'll be gone in another year or two at this rate. He already likes hiking for freshies and dropping small cornices/jumps/cliffs. If my daughter keeps it up at this pace, I give her until she's 11 until she out-carves me on a board. She doesn't have the self-preservation gene either. :1luvu:

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I maintain both sports now because I love the soul feel of carving on the snowboard but I love the social aspect of skiing (more female participation) :1luvu: :lol: :lol: Women are just not into the snowboard carving thing. :mad: So I get my personal time in the mornign and social in afternoon...Gee I love these sports :lol:

it's all fun...right... :biggthump


Yeah, the social aspect is basically the only thing that can get me back on skis :1luvu: -- in Ontario Canada anyways. Our "mountains" are 500 to 700ft verticals and there is nothing steep or deep. :( Hence the switch from skiing to snowboarding. I think skis are great for serious moguls or tight glades though. Racing, of course, is always a fun on one plank or two. Actually, I can't believe how many people still ski around here -- the hills are so useless for skiing unless you're intermediate and even then, pretty dull. Switching to boarding turns so-so (or even crappy) ski runs into at least decent snowboarding fodder. Skiers around here don't know what they are missing not boarding!!

Kudos to you guys and gals who ride and ski (my folks actually do that, but they have a ski place in British Columbia too). :biggthump

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Just did the math. Seems I'm 46 years too late to qualify.

January 7th I'll be at West Point taking an ASIA (http://asiaski.org/) course to learn to teach snowboarding. Our ski club has a lot of certified ski instructors but only one snowboard instructor.

Pat, how'd you do in the Zoooper Pipe today ? Okemo to Host SoBe Superpipe Competition Dec. 31

Ludlow, VT (Tuesday, December 27, 2005) - Vermont's Okemo Mountain Resort is offering skiers and riders a way to end the year with style and win some great prizes at the same time. On Dec. 31, the SoBe Superpipe Competition, an Okemo Series Freeride Event, will be open to skiers and riders of all ages.

�The pipe is in mid-season condition,� says Okemo Parks and Pipes Director Dennis Brady. �With 18-foot walls, it�s in great shape and ready for the competition.�

Registration for the SoBe Superpipe Competition will take place in the ski and snowboard resort's base lodge from 8 to 9 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 31. The entry fee is $20. Start time is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. and competitors will be vying for prizes provided by Series sponsors SoBe, ScottUSA, Dakine, Obermeyer, Salomon, Atomic Snowboards, Level Gloves and Mountain Dew.

Okemo�s SoBe Superpipe is located in the Dew Zone. It is the longest Superpipe in the East, measuring 500 feet long. The pipe is maintained regularly with a Zaugg Pipe Monster and the pipe is serviced by its own lift, The Pull surface lift.

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Pat, how'd you do in the Zoooper Pipe today ?

Did my last ever Super Pipe competition in a USASA event at Okemo two years ago at the age of 57. They held me up for my second run because the forty-something competitor just ahead of me had broken his arm in five places. I completed the run with little pop turns at the lip and decided to retire from the event. On the other hand I join the "Methuselah" class next year. Maybe I should try again. How much competition could there be? :D :D

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I was right next door to the superpipe today on a very cranky and icy NASTAR course (on skis). This is the first year that NASTAR has added a Platinum medal above gold and I'm pleased to say I earned a Platinum today.

One of the race officials is a member of Okemo's snowboard race team. I'm taking my Volkl RT GS board on the course tomorrow to get some coaching.

I'd better make sure I qualify for the nationals. I already booked my flight to Steamboat. :cool::cool::cool:

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are they the RC4 WCs?

even if they are not the world cups they are still some insanely good skis, they are very popular with some of the diehard skiers that I used to ride with at sunday river

those skis will trench well, so try to push on 'em a bit.

actually one of the better days I have had in the last couple I was riding with a girl that was on them, she was matching me turn for turn when I was on a axis, damn what a great day perfect groom, bright sun, hottie that rips and good beer.

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Guest rick ferguson

Randy salzman?-This coming from a guy who is saying, "look for my car parked up front in the handicap parking" Sounds like someone is milking the system! He say's that walking across a possible ice parking lot is a hazzard , but carving/skiing at 10-30mph is just fine. What a kook! He is a disgrace to all that are healthy and those that have a "true" handicap. If you can't handle the parking lot, you can't handle the hill! If you have seen the movie "murderball" you know what true hardship is, this guy just is poaching up front parking and should be lumped for his criminal behavior! Randy , look out, camera's are everywhere and people can record your actions. Hiding behind a handicap placard , yet demo'n ski's and carving, is just not right!!! Come to my mtn. and try that and you'll get the true meaning of having "your ass handed to ya"- rick - not afraid not voice truth and justice

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