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Forum Suggestions

Guest Ghostrider

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that is up as a sticky that has links to relivant threads on some of the stuff that comes up constantly here such as catek vs bombers, are ski boot okay?, tuning tips, how to T nut a ancient board, why asyms suck and whats the difference between head and deeluxe boots?

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How about:

Carving Community

- the general stuff


- everything to do with resorts, including what people have been calling the "ride board".


- everything about racing I guess


- all that talk about sex and guns and cars and bikes


- buying and selling stuff

Photo Contest

- duh.

So that's really just adding three forums - "racing", "places" and "offtopic". But that's unlikely to thin out the "Carving Community" too much, so it might not satisfy the original aim. But it wouldn't cause too much harm either.

I think you really got it down, so I second what you said.

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Dang, sorry I missed this, it was on page 4 :eek:


Just a heads up for you guys, actually we are working on some new forums and a slightly better organized format. We will be adding some new forums but I have to agree with some of the opinions here, it is possible to divide a forum up too much and then the conversations become harder to keep track of and participation starts to suffer. But we are seeing some very high traffic on the forum :biggthump and we do feel the pressure to address it.

If you had to pick just one new forum category to add what would it be?

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Hey Fin, I agree with Bob, I would add "Off-topic" and leave it for awhile and see how it goes. That's a good way to divide the board up because new carvers looking for carving discussions can get straight to it, and these people usually don't want to be bothered with off-topic stuff until they've been here awhile.

If I don't "check in" for a couple of days, there are often two pages of new stuff . I think most people who want to leave it as-is are here a couple of times a day or more.

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Criminy! After I left that last message, I got up, took a shower, watched a Green Acres episode on DVD, and came back and there are 19 new messages and this topic has dropped to the bottom of the "New posts" page! No wonder some topics get forgotten, even when active :eek: They scroll off so fast.

I am amazed how active this forum is.

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I would like to see an OT sub-forum and a Resorts sub-forum.

Other than that it's fine the way it is. Perpahs we could break down the classifieds into sub-catogories (like hardbooter.com)? It's kinda nice if your just looking for boards and not bindings, boots, etc. Perhaps have Boots/Bindings/Boards/Package Deals/Misc.? Realisitically though there's not much traffic in the classifieds so this may be overkill as well.

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Guest Ghostrider

;) Just keeping this at the top

I'd say an OT thread of sorts would also be a good start.

I don't know how I feel about what to do with a topic in the wrong forum though... I kinda think it should be left alone..i can see it getting really confusing to look for a thread that was moved. Leave it on the honor system..if it gets out of control, let somebody start a new thread in the other topic.

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