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plates in the park


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But over the years, before resorts started setting up terrain parks, I saw too many kids "hitting" rocks and other obstacles that made me shudder at what it was doing to their boards and knowing for a fact that their parents bought their boards.

Yeah, I never got into the rock thing, but I used to love trees and tree stumps. I see your point. Again, my parents never bought me a board - that is why my boards never got jibbed on rocks.:eek:

BTW, every year when I hire the new crop of snowboard instructors, I feel like an old phart myself and I am only 30 (or for some, I am that old guy who is already 30).

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This is the new face of snowboarding. Fifteen years from now, it will not even be questioned. If you are not going to do rails yourself - no problem, but try to embrace the diversity that is snowboarding. Better yet, embrace that diversity on hardboots.

Bah. Humbug. You've got a whole mountain to play on, why waste time trying to pretend you're riding a skateboard?

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Bah. Humbug. You've got a whole mountain to play on, why waste time trying to pretend you're riding a skateboard?

I spent enough time on rails to learn how to boardslide in softies, several years back... and got bored. Not my cup of tea at all. I'm with Neil - much more func to be had while at the mountain!

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You have to give the Jibbers credit though, they stay in the park and hit a feature then walk back up and hit it again. How many of us carved a pitch, stopped at the bottom then walked back up to do it again because the lift is too slow.

Also if those foul mouthed kids littered the whole mountain it would be no different than walking downtown a big city with bums and all the stuff we dont like to see. :D They would line the sides or middle of cat tracks while they toke up and talk about how cool they are !


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Bah. Humbug. You've got a whole mountain to play on, why waste time trying to pretend you're riding a skateboard?

For me, I do play on the whole mountain, both at home and anywhere else I go. I enjoy jumping way more than rails. If you are going to hit the jumps, you have to go into the park. If I have to go into the park, I am going to hit the rails on the way to the jumps.

Rails ARE my cup of tea.

Pretend I am on a skateboard? If you read my post above, I talked about sliding handrails back in the day. I never did that on a skateboard - straight to a snowboard for me. I only take lifts now - so you will not find me hiking at the local parks. I think that it is great that they have man made features like this that are lift accessed. I hate hiking when there is a lift. The only time that you will ever find me hiking is if I am teaching rails.

Anywho, these are just my opinions. They are stronger because I like rails. I can't figure out why those of you who do not ride rails have such strong opinions against them.:confused: What does it matter to you?

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If you are going to hit the jumps, you have to go into the park.

huh? there are plenty of opportunities for airs outside the park...

I got no beef with rails...cant see why anyone would really...although its kinda sad that that aspect is all most folks know of snowboarding

Id rather do em on a skateboard, too, but...cant anymore.

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huh? there are plenty of opportunities for airs outside the park....

That's true - I guess that I was thinking more along the lines of hitting 40 - 60' step downs, tabletops, etc. Those are usually only found in the parks. Natural hits as we all know are great as well.

I got no beef with rails...cant see why anyone would really...although its kinda sad that that aspect is all most folks know of snowboarding.

That's one of the reasons why we ride plates right - public education happens with every run!

I could never do handrails on a skateboard. I guess that I did not stick with it long enough.

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Plenty of discussion on rails,etc, but just wondering if alpine boards and HB's are used frequently for big mountain riding. I rode my Axis 182 in about 12" of fresh last year and it floated great and was an absolute blast. One of my funnest days in HB's.

I would have loved to have been getting dropped off at the top of an untracked snow field and letting it rip. I know, swallowtails are how many ppl go if they are in HB's in pow, but is anyone pushing it in HB's in a direction to what Jenremy Jones is doing on a big mountain/freestyle board?

Just wondering.

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I'm not comparing myself to JJones by any means - but I used to drop some big lines in tahoe backcountry (Donner Summit) on my lib tech Doughboy with Fritschi plates and Raichle Snowboarders way back in the early '90s - I always liked the hard boots in he backcountry for kicking steps into the steep windpack.

I'm not sure if modern backcountry guys are using the hard boots though.

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Tom Burt did it all on hardboots.

But back to rails - if it's your thing, fine. But I see so many kids who come from a skateboarding backround and all they want to do is their skate tricks on their snowboard. They can't turn a skateboard or a snowboard but get them on a rail and they're doing great. I think they're missing out. I can understand hiking the park at your local little hill, but when I see them doing it at Lake Louise??? Madness.

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I'm not comparing myself to JJones by any means - but I used to drop some big lines in tahoe backcountry (Donner Summit) on my lib tech Doughboy with Fritschi plates and Raichle Snowboarders way back in the early '90s - I always liked the hard boots in he backcountry for kicking steps into the steep windpack.

I'm not sure if modern backcountry guys are using the hard boots though.

Aw, dude. you got mad skillz and respect from me for riding plates on those doughboy. got my eyes on madd 170 or grocer 180. i may order a doughboy from lib tech since its their last year to manufacture in seattle.

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WHAT!! Are they going Chinese too?! Say it ain't so :eek:

Naw. Gonna keep the one a-tuggin' out in port angeles, wa. originally gnu factory but now merged with libtech and possibly rossignol. still making in USA! (one of the reason why i endorse this factory plus alma matter).

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