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The Palm Staging a Comeback


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Not only did he win the gold, but Rebagliati's actions led directly to one of my favorite TV moments. Stripped of his medal after testing positive for pot, he appealed.... there was all this uncertainty over whether he would be able to keep his medal, it was the top subject for the talking heads on the sports shows... and finally the powers-that-be came to a decision. And they made an announcement:

"The IOC does not recognize marijuana as a performance-enhancing drug."

It still makes me chuckle.

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"But for now I'm devoted to winning an Olympic gold medal. A lot of people don't want me to succeed, but all that does is motivate me to kick their butts and show them I am still the world's greatest athlete. Clipped in and sober."

I used to see Palm ride when I lived in Tahoe and it was incredible to say the least. I don't care how much the level of athleticism in boardercross has gone up! Palm always did dominate it and always will, in my opinion. Even if he doesn't succeed, which I personally feel he will, he will still always be the greatest boardercross rider there ever was or will be. He's still someone I admire tremendously. It kind of hurt to see how he ended up in a coma and I got kind of pissed at some mutual friends out west for not telling me. Maybe they didn't want me upset, who knows. I'll have to ask them.

I met Palmer at Brad Holmes' house in Squaw when I first arrived. Picture the little NH girl who was so excited to have taken a run or two behind Kildy and Enos, stars to me. I walk into this room and Brad starts introducing me.

"That's Jim Hale, call him Hale. That's Shawn Farmer, call him Farm." The other guy in the room needed no introduction. He had his shirt off sitting on the couch. He looks at me, makes some cocky comment, I tell him he's an *******, he laughs, stands up, and I see his stomach. PALMER. He shook my hand and I stared at him. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Palmer!" Brad said to call him Palm. And I did. That man filled the entire room. And, when he was on the hill, you could watch no one else. If he still has any of that competitive fire he used to have, he will succeed and I'll be screaming when he takes the gold!

As for Ross Rebagliati, so he had something in his system. Pot has never and will never be performance inhancing. If he toked up, everyone was hella lucky he actually could get off the couch to make it to the race! LOL! I remember watching that and thinking what idiots the IOC were at the time. Maybe they tried it, laid on the couch eating and said nope, no performance enhancement here! LOL!

Hope none of this offends anyone but it's hard to accept Palmer put himself in that position. He used to say stay away from drugs all the time. So, for him to have been on them even for one night, he must have hit rock bottom.

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I was there in 95-96 season! If you were around then, you might, Tex! LOL!

I lived all over. Employee housing, condos at the bottom of Alpine's access road, up on Tiger Tail in Squaw. All over. LOL!

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re: ross:

"Olympic snowboarding has changed slightly since Rebagliati's triumph. Rebagliati claimed gold in the parallel giant slalom, a timed event where riders race the clock. Olympians now compete in the more television-friendly parallel giant slalom, which includes a head-to-head component."

am I missing something?

heh...Im tryin to picture Jager the little party girl surrounded by the "big boys"

youve got some history, apparently! neat

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It wasn't a party per se. LOL! Just them hanging out at Brad's I guess. He had told me to stop in to meet some friends of his so I did. It was cool. But weird because by the end of the season, I was like "Hey, Palm!" when I saw him. Whereas when I first met him I was all wide-eyed. LOL! Also, getting to meet Bud Fawcett one time was really neat. That guy was/is a legend you know? Squaw's definitely the place to meet people, if that's what you want. It was cool to see that these people I looked up to were human beings, normal people with these hella cool, abnormal jobs. LOL! None of them probably even remember me now though. :( I've stayed away too long, I bet!

And, as far as being a party girl, I wasn't when I met them. LOL! They didn't do it but I was rapidly converted to the party girl life. Work, ride, and party. Sleep? Who needed it? I was 19! LOL! A very funny anecdote though. I'll try to make it quick. There was a race at Sierra-at-Tahoe and the friend I was supposed to ride with ended up riding down with Don Bostick and Tom (Collins, I think it was). They were mucky-muck types with that area of USASA. I'm dribking my 750 of Jager, moaning about not getting to race it and a buddy who was sober said, "Shut up, Jager! I'll drive you!" So we drove in a hella bad snowstorm from Donner Lake down to South Lake for the race. It took five hours, I kid you not! We left at ten and at three am we pull into the motel lot. We find the room my friend is in. She and the guys shared the room. And, mind, I had been drinking since six that evening when I found out my ride had fallen through. Jager and Heckler Brau Doppelbock. LOL! Anyway, I come stumbling into the room and pass out on top of my big Rossi and my gear bag. The next morning, these poor guys wake up and find this huge Rossi on the floor on top of a gear bag. They pick it up and there I am sleeping like a baby. They went to move the board off me and I woke up and grabbed it. My first words to them was "What the ----do you think you're doing? Don't ever touch my board!" I was still drunk as it was only about six in the morning. It was my first race and I was digging through my gear bag trying to find my USASA paperwork. I'm pulling gear out and then a bottle of Jager. "Nice, there's some left," I say. and find my papers. They called me Jager at that race and it stuck! LOL!

I can't party like that now, mind you! I'd fall over like a log! LOL!

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yeah, Ive met some "idols"...quite a few in fact. skated with Neil Blender, Mark Gonzales, Dave Reuhl, Ray Barbee...etc etc. Rode at Bear with Damian one time, too. got some friends in the music biz also, some fairly high profile. Rode Crested Butte with Blaise Rosenthal in '95...very, very nice guy.

theyre all just humans. some forget that fact and need to be reminded every once in a while.

Tahoe in the early-mid 90s woulda been an awesome place to be

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yeah, Ive met some "idols"...quite a few in fact. skated with Neil Blender, Mark Gonzales, Dave Reuhl, Ray Barbee...etc etc. Rode at Bear with Damian one time, too. got some friends in the music biz also, some fairly high profile. Rode Crested Butte with Blaise Rosenthal in '95...very, very nice guy.

theyre all just humans. some forget that fact and need to be reminded every once in a while.

Tahoe in the early-mid 90s woulda been an awesome place to be

Oh my. i haven't heard blaise rosenthal a long time since i left mt hood. he was my co-worker at usstc (now defunct) snowboard camp. hell of a coach and rider he is. die-hard vegetarian.

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Jager - I guess I missed you, but i sounds like you were continuing the correct tradition - show up in tahoe young, wide-eyed, and hooking up with a group like that can really put you over the edge - it did it to me!

For some reason, I wen back to college after 2 seasons and now have one of those "great" jobs that I used to dream of...WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?!?!?!

I'm really sorry to hear that Palmer has screwed himself up even more than before...I hope he straightens himself out...

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He will, Tex! I'm sure of it! From the sounds of that article, he's back to being a singleminded son of a -----! LOL! That's when he's the best! LOL!

Tahoe can have that effect on people, I guess! I think it's worse for girls though because even if you have a boyfriend, there are still like six to ten guys every day after work or riding asking you to go to a party. A whole new ball game. As a friend said to me when they came out from NH. We were watching some not so pretty girls get mobbed on the dance floor and he said "Even an ugly girl can find a guy here!" Laughed my butt off at that one. LOL! I had a good line when guys asked me out. "Oh, gee, sorry! I have a boyfriend."

"What's his name?"


Now it got good because rarely guys would say my snowboard couldn't be my boyfriend. Then they were worthy to go on a date with me!

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  • 2 weeks later...

at a US open way back in the mid 90s, he was a drunken prick but the next day he was at another party and pretty cool, maybe the first night was just a bad night for him or something.

that guy sure used to go big in the pipe, I still have a picture on my wall of him about 15 feet out.

I have met a bunch of snowsports folks most have been pretty cool but there are a few that have pissed me off in particular euro ski racers and their coaches, I will never work during a big FIS event again.

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not to mention bunch of freestyle skiier pissing me and the terrain park crew off during US Open Freeskiing. Bunch of snowboard guys are uber-cool during the Honda Sessions. Baffles me sometimes, and my ski buddies would be so aghast with the dick-wad skiiers, too and would bark he'd cut their tickets/passes off.

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  • 3 weeks later...
not to burst Palm's bubble, but to all you racers out there - wouldn't a person who just tried to kill himself with cocaine have a little problem with passing the olympic drug test?

What's the story about Palm in a cocaine coma ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/usatoday/20...illfastandsober is expired. Looks like he's back with his usual vengeance(nice one Svelt).Those "battered wife" sunglasses gotta go tho.My best Palm story was meeting him at the after party after the US Open at a Burton reps house in Manchester,VT and Palm tries to ride his dirtbike up the cellar stairs and out the bulkhead door.Ever heard a 2 stroke rev'd up INdoors ?Crazy party with a band, kegs and some broken windows.Looks like it's ON: Shaun Palmer Signs with Octagon http://www.transworldsnowboarding.com//snow/news/article/0,13009,1139381,00.html

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the story was that he lost a deal on a MX sponsorship and he went nuts, ended up in the hospital after od'ing on coke and booze - near death experience... I just wondered how a guy with hat much coke in his system can compete in world cup and olympic events... but I guess if Bill Johnson can win the Olympic DH on coke anything's possible...

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Guest toddflyingdog

Palmer is one hell of a boarder; I seriously doubt he can hang with Xavier Delerue, but it is definitely going to be one off the charts year for SBX.

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  • 2 weeks later...
the story was that he lost a deal on a MX sponsorship and he went nuts, ended up in the hospital after od'ing on coke and booze - near death experience... I just wondered how a guy with hat much coke in his system can compete in world cup and olympic events... but I guess if Bill Johnson can win the Olympic DH on coke anything's possible...
Just qualifying for a supercross race is incredible. Who was the MX sponsor ? Looks like Palm is out for Torino.Let's hope he doesn't relapse: Action Sports hero, Shaun Palmer gave it the old college try and was well on his way to representing the US in Italy when he tore his Achilles tendon during the World Cup snowboardcross competition in Kronplatz, Italy. We're so bummed we won't be watching him in the Olympics, but still stoked he did so well on the World Cup circuit. Knowing Shaun, we won't be surprised if we see him in 2010 in Whistler...you just never know with him.
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Notice the last line -"He might consider the 2010 Olympics, but for now he just wants to get back in time for the X Games next year," Klein said. "He said he'll do whatever it takes. Wear hard boots, Alpine boots, whatever it takes to come back again."

Hey Fin, Can you hook up an OG with some boots & Plates?


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