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question about nutrition


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ok, i got closer to some age this year and have since realized that i have to acknowledge that i am far removed from the joys of spiffy fast recoveries.

so food? it goes beyond limiting the intake of pizza, mcD's and high quality fermented beverages. but with numerous approaches to helping maintain one's vitality, what are some things people are doing nutrition wise?

i'm leaning towards more soy and dark leafy greens, with the weekly serving of red meat. mmm, cow. i just heard SNL's commercial spoof for "colon-blow." so i am surrendering to mindless drivel for the evening.


(yes, i am getting anxious about this upcoming season. indian summer??)

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A normal diet for me consists of Chocolate Lucky Charms for breakfast, maybe some tacos for lunch, and some pasta with beef or chicken for dinner, or any other tasty filling meals. Candy is also another part of my diet, I'm leaning towards Reese's peanut butter cups. That way you get a quick sugar rush from the chocolate, and a somewhat extended burst of energy from the peanut butter. Mt Dew, and sobe are great drinks too!:biggthump

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MMMmmnnnn OK Boarding Breaky for me in Natural Muslie with Yogurt and fresh fruit.

Snacks through the day include Bananas ( I don't like 'em but they stop cramps)

Oranges, Fish and Pasta for lunch along with some dry Roast Potato's for Carb loading and HEAPS of plain water.

A couple of Mars bars or similar don't go asstray occaisionally.

Thats about it

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you probably know all this:

-lots of fruit and vegetables (having an apple a day is very easy)

-lots of water (throughout the day is easy. if you buy cases of bottled water, it's easier to access)

-1 daily multivitamin (preferably after breakfast)

-very limited or no fried food

-limit caffeine (coffee, soda, etc) and alcohol. when drinking, hydrate when you can

-fish is good

-decrease sugar intake (no candy bars, etc)

-eat more frequent smaller meals throughout day- this increases metabolism and prevents the sweet cravings that some (myself) get

-believe in what you're doing and don't care what others think

-cheat every once in a while

-keep car or backpack stacked with non perishables in case you get hungry (balance bar, water, etc)

-don't eat late (although some have reason to)

good luck

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Guest Zach Davis

Juice... juice.. .juice...

It's pretty difficult to eat as many fruits and vegetables as your body actually needs. I drink about 1 liter of fresh Juice (Juiceman Jr.) a day. My favorite combo:



-apples, pears, or oranges

I tend to eat a lot of green veggies and tomatos in my solid diet.

Also, GO ORGANIC! I can't even look at the crap they sell in normal grocery stores. I spend about $200 a week at an organic grocery store, on just fruits, vegetables, and meats.... Espesially since my wife is pregnant, we don't have any of these items in the house that aren't organic.

2 more critical suggestions that I can make:

1. Spend the money to visit with a nutritionist for about 6 months.... I spent 6 months in a cast, once. By the end of the 6 months, my blood pressure was so high, and I was so fat, that I would sweat standing still. When I had my cast taken off, my sister gave me 2 visits to her nutritionist for my birthday. It has been about 4 years, and this summer, I climbed to 19,000' on Denali and made turns on the West Buttress headwall.

A good nutritionist can teach you a ton about how to live a healthy life-style, and can change your life.

2. Exerise, Exercise, Exercise.... If you don't exercise 6 days a week now, then get to it. If you need motivation, here are a few ideas:

- Get a really nice bike

- Hire a personal trainer for 6 months... again, a professional can force you to change your behavior, which will change your mind-set

- Get into backcountry snowboarding... buy a splitboard or a set of aproach skis, and get to it... once you get a couple of turns on virgin, natural snow, you will be hooked... then, you'll be climbing 10 hours a day, 4 days a week.

That's it.... now, Ive got to get off my ass and go for a bike ride :o

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Just woke up..;..thats right.. 12:45pm just in time to watch my Ffal;uadcking Browns lose.. realy just want to see Charlie Frye play once Dilfer gets knocked out!! :eplus2:

Heavy night at the Cleveland Micro brew festivall.. as thay say in out inn East Boston....I got ReeeTaaarted

Oh yea ..triple peperoni is thy order of the day..


right said shred :barf:

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he he he, nice so far guys. i am actually looking more so for ways that your diets have changed as you have aged. and basic nutrition, well, i've come as close as having a dietition since i was five. i've had diabetes for 20 years so it isn't like i have a lot of solid sugar to cut out of my diet, although i am quite partial to chocolate. booze is limited as well due to how well it interfere's with liver function. i don't get sloshed, i get hypoglycemic. and believe it or not, chocolate is not the best option for a sugar rush since the fat content actually impedes the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream.

but yeah, i hear ya on the water, limiting caffeine (my vice) and exercise. this question actually arose out of having difficulty while training. and since i ride 6 days a week, i can't really afford to have long recovery periods. in another week it's time for interval training. yay.

so focus on injesting a minimal amount of crap is what i am hearing. eat dense complex carbs in the morning. fruitiness for energy boosts. "clean" protein in the evening, with lots of water all over the place (about a gallon a day during the season). organic fruits and veggies (many actually do taste better).

oh, shred, quality microbrews do not qualify as crap. and the infrequent doses of pizza and chicken wings will not kill me.

mmm, food. it's weird, cause i used to run track and junk in highschool (avid softball player though) and never had a problem. snowboarding is more demanding than anything i ever did then (even in college when i would bike really hilly metric centuries) in that it's kinda like sprinting all day long. it tends to tap me out quite frequently. but this year i am getting beat up just working out, and it isn't muscle fatigue which is frustrating since then i feel like crap and haven't really done anything to strengthen myself. maybe i should try shred's program ;)

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The food of the gods.

I have a few years on you, C :o and I have started to notice the old metabolism doing the go slow thing in the last couple. I've just changed the diet around with great results in the last few months. Based on my old bodybuilding diets, I've changed to eating a gram of protein for every pound of weight (in my case 150) and the results have been awesome. I'm never hungry, the cravings are gone, I have tons of energy, my workout recovery is a heap faster, my skin has thinned right out and I've lost 4 lb eating more food.

Some protein is actually necessary to help metabolise carbohydrate, and when you're riding six days a week and making the legs work so hard, you need something to help rebuild the muscle structure. When you're working hard and you run out of quickly available carbs, the first thing your body does is start to break down muscle - not a good thing (and why you never see triathlete bodybuilders ...)

As a rough guide, your body can handle about 30-40 grams of protein per meal (any more and it just eliminates it) so you need to be eating 5 solid meals a day. For estimates on protein content, any meats such as chicken, beef, pork, or fish such as tuna are anywhere from 18 to 25g per 100g of uncooked meat. If you get a book called "The Nutrition Almanac" it has pages of tables in the back with the complete nutritional breakdown of every food known to man, and is an awesome resource for planning a diet.

My diet for the day looks something like this :

Breakfast - 2 pcs of whole wheat toast with jam

After workout - a bottle of Gatorade, and then a protein drink (30g of protein)

Morning tea - a can of tuna with crackers or some toasted whole wheat pita bread.

Lunch - whatever was left over from dinner the night before - usually chicken or beef, vegetable stir fry or salad, and rice.

Afternoon tea - chicken sandwich.

5.30 if I'm hungry, another protein drink.

Dinner - chicken, beef or pork, vegetables or salad, and rice or bread (I don't like potatoes).

That's a lot of food for a 150lb girl, but you get used to eating that much very quickly. Note there's not a lot of fat in here, and none of this fad diet crap, just sensible eating.

Another thing to watch if you're feeling totally beat all the time. is your blood iron level. I have trouble with iron, and it usually manifests as a feeling that your legs and arms weigh a ton, you feel tired no matter how much sleep you get, and you get out of breath really easily. It's very common amongst women but easily fixed with the help of cheap supplemental iron from the pharmacy.

Hope this helps! Run that Renntiger down a few fast hills for me this season!

Cheers, Allison.

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As a diabetic, you're already on the best diet there is-the ADA diet.

As for the rest, they're good for a giggle. Drinking lots of juice is definitely not the way to go, since you are missing out of the fruit and vegetable pulp and gaining all the fructose/sucrose and the widely fluctuating blood sugars that can result

Jury is still out on multivitamins, although diabetics who take them have a lower incidence of acquiring a flu-like illness.

Americans already eat 3 times the daily requirement for protein, and with your long term history of DM, you are already at risk for kidney disease and most nephrologists advise low protein diets to their patients as a way to maintain renal function. Also ACE-inhibitors....

Plus, lots of protein is usually accompanied by lots of fat, definitely not a good idea with the artherogenic properties of insulin. Are you a Type 1 or a Type 2?

I second the recommendation of a weight training program but make sure whatever dietician/ nutritionist you might consult is affiliated with an endocrinologist/internist/hospital.

Hope it helps....

BTW, I am a board certified internist

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Ding ding ding ding...I believe we have a winner! (skatha) My daughter's a type one diabetic and after much research on my part, I agree with you. IMO the ADA dietary guidlines are the best. I still can't convince my wife that eating whole fruit is better than drinking fruit juices. Many fruit drinks have as much sugar as a can of coke for crying out loud.


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Guest Zach Davis

If you're specifically having trouble recovering from training, here are some pretty good ideas/guidelines that I go by:

- 1 Clif shot, every 30 to 45 minutes during aerobic activities.

- Cytomax and water, all day

- 16 ounces of a 4 to 1 (Carbs to protein) recovery drink immediately after exercise

I got this plan from Mark Twight's book "Extreme Alpinism." Ive gone as many as 24 hours on just Clif Shots and Cytomax, at high altitude... Twight is notorious for 48-hour pushes. I don't know what kind of considerations you would need to take as a diabetic, but I've found that I can go for 3 or 4 hard days on this plan, then I need to rest and eat about twice my normal protein load...

And, contrary to opinions above, I stick by my juice reccomendations... Most atheletes have a pretty good handle on their Macro-nutrients; Protein and carbs.... but tend to ignore the macro-nutrients... all the little vitamins and minerals that are best taken form real veggies and fruits.

Just like atheletes tend to need much more protein than the average person, they also need more of these vitamins and minerals.

If you find yourself having slow recovery times or getting sick at the peak of your training cycles... buy an inexpensive juicer and try it for 6 weeks. You'll notice a real difference.

I'm not suggesting that you skip veggies in their solid form... just add a liter of fresh juice every day.

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I always find it interesting how doctors (and this is not directed at you, Skatha ...) pooh-pooh multivitamins and tablet forms of things. Nearly every doc I've been to in Canada, when they ask me what I take and I say multivitamins, looks at me strange. The proof is in the taking. If I run out and wait to the weekend to get some more, I can feel it. I agree with Zach that the micronutrients are so, so important, and yes, far and away the best source is to eat them naturally, where they combine with other ingredients that make them much more bioavailable. But a good multi is cheap insurance. Even if we eat well, there are many micronutrients missing from our food because of the poor soils.

Skatha, that's really interesting about the effects of diabetes on the kidneys and things. I have a hardcore bodybuilding friend who is a rampaging diabetic, and she finds that the diet manages the condition well. When you say that the average American eats three times their protein requirement, are we talking couch potatoes, or people who like us, are exercising above and beyond the call? My experience has been that in the latter case, most of these people are seriously protein deficient.

Good thread, and some good info!

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MMMmmnnnn OK Boarding Breaky for me in Natural Muslie with Yogurt and fresh fruit.

Snacks through the day include Bananas ( I don't like 'em but they stop cramps)

Oranges, Fish and Pasta for lunch along with some dry Roast Potato's for Carb loading and HEAPS of plain water.

A couple of Mars bars or similar don't go asstray occaisionally.

Thats about it

pretty much the same for me, but I do go with a multi vitamin as well, it does help with anything that you might be missing but maybe the idea (placebo effect) just makes me feel better.

I avoid large amounts of soy for a few reason that some people feel might be crazy but there are a few sources that claim too much soy is just plain bad for you and others say that there are much better things you can be eating.

One of the main things about soy is that it has the highest amount of phytates of any grain or legume, phytates can block the absorbtion of some minerals like potassium and zinc.

Soy is very low in cystine so acording to some scientist folk the protiene is harder to absorb than from other sources so it carries little benefit.

Soy is processed with some nasty chemicals that linger in trace amounts, right up there with processed meats for nasty lingering compounds.

Soy is great in some ways, in particular from the standpoint of the companies that make processed foods because it is a very versitile filler and they can use the byproducts from processing that with other plants its much harder to do.

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yeah, in general my diet itself wouldn't change much. the ADA's guidelines are awesome. and i avoid juice unless i am treating a low. i worked with an outstanding juvenile endo group for 15 of my 20 years with it. i still run into my dietitian while grocery shopping every now and then. she was fantastic

type 1 diabetes. have damage on a retina so control is a number one priority. my kidney function is absolutely alright. but thank you for the reminder. it's amazing to consider the reality of how deadly diabetes actually is. it can be lived with, but the risks never go away.

personally, i have to make a point of eating protein, otherwise i might go through a day (in season) eating primarily granola bars (they fit in pockets beautifully and can be fallen on repeatedly), and maybe a peanut butter sandwich. i understand the concerns about soy, but i still believe that it would be excellent when incorporated into a diet that still includes meat (mmm, cow). but a lot of things to consider. thanks folks.

allee, you are crazy. you know my renntiger is quietly weeping due to my recent aquisition of a madd. but it might become a "loaner," especially for my boss who thinks it looks like fun (and will probably kick my butt by his second run). and please don't remind me of garbage pizza.

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Remember everyone that you shouldn't try anything someone suggests until you research it yourself first. The nutrition world is full of counter arguments and information for every diet or lifestyle change. Read read read! There are many diets that "work". However, there is one that I'm doing that IMHO is the best for most people. It's also not the easiest for us processed food addicted people of the USA.

This is where I'm getting my current diet from - http://www.herbdoc.com/home_1024x768.asp<O:p</O:p

I've been following the general advice given and I've cut nearly 75% of all Animal products out of my diet.(Working toward 100% including seafood)

I make my own juice. You cannot compare homemade juice to store bought juice. First of all when you make your own you get as much pulp as you want along with most of the valuable nutrients and the added benefit of quick absorption and ease of digesting, which means maximum utilization and energy.

Basically what I'm trying to follow is Organic and Vegan with the occasional cheat here and there. Also no processed sugars. If you don't enjoy what you’re eating then it's much harder to do. Since I've started this 2 months ago I've lost 20lbs. I feel like I'm younger, I have energy again.


The idea that you need to eat animal products for protein is a LIE. Veggies do provide your FULL requirement of protein. Do you research you'll see!




My basic daily diet:<O:p

Breakfast - Carrot/Beat/Apple juice, homemade and great tasting.<O:p

Lunch - A nice big green salad, no iceberg salads only as it doesn't have much protein or iron.

Dinner - Hummus and Pita, Apples, Pasta sometimes, or just some lightly cooked veggies.

<O:pTake your time and investigate before you debate! If your diet is keeping you healthy then keep doing it. IF you still don't feel good then change it. Remember if it comes from a box, can, wrapper, bag, or restaurant it's probably not the best thing you can be eating.<O:p></O:p>

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ginsu, i am glad that you've found something that has worked well for you. believe it or not, i have done a lot of research. i essentially have already taken my available free rides and was primarily curious what the carving community thought about nutrition in general, especially as it pertained to age. a lot of interesting things have turned up and i have to admit that i have been reminded of some key things. this is a forum where we are free to share our thoughts and ideas. allee does something that i never could do because she is coming from a bodybuilding past (and still has the abs to show for it). andyyt is at another end of the spectrum altogether, but that may change as he ages.

above all, i am spoiled and do have a dietitian with whom to talk about anything before i change my diet. it is more so a matter of choosing better foods. that's it. no debate.

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Its less about food and more about hydration. Alright. most of know that summit county you can get ver very dehidrated there. just ask my brother. Okay so last year i was a vail. MY brother got me sick like 2 days before we went. So the first day i was there naturally i wanted to board on my softies with angles( do not try it) i fell over in dehydration many times. I got one of thes camelback things. I HIGHLY RECOMEND ONE. FOR ANYONE WHO GETS DEHYDRATED IT IS A LIFE SAVER. it saveed the trip for me my dad and brother. you can also pick up a free granola bar at the basse of the moountain if they have them. I think all mountains owned by vail have them

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