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Denver area help???


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:eek: Well I put my house up for sale this weekend and will probably be moving out there in about a month or so. :eek::biggthump:confused: (I'm all of these smilies right now)

Just looking at the map I'm thinking that Golden seems like a nice place, but what's it feel like? How about Arvada or Wheat Ridge? Any Idea what the traffic will be like going from these place to Northglenn (I think the office will be on W120th ave right next to Rt. 25) and back again?

DFJ and Mario...you guys are talking about "Highlands" an "Tech Center" where would I find those on a map?

My company is paying for the move and there gonna help me find an apartment for a few months. After that I think I'll take the profits from my house and buy a little condo somewhere. Anybody have a littel one or two bedroom apartment for rent?

Bola...Yep I'm from Nashua, NH. I think you and I met (briefly)at Buttermilk this past year. (I was hanging out with the Hardbooter Crew) You were with your son right? I'll be sure to come visit when I get settled.

B-2 and D. Winters...Don't say that twice, I'll be knocking on your front door before ya know it looking for all the insider powder shots!

Thanks Denver folks! It's making it a little less nerve wracking to have some kind of contacts heading out there...

Rusty in CO

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I don't live in denver so can't give you the best opinion but I would put my vote in for Golden. You are about as close to the mountains as you can get and not so much in the "city". Neat town as well with some good history. We just had a back country event there the other week and the outdoor scene is big.

When you do move to Colorado I expect to see you swing by our shop! And make turns with us this season. We try to do Thursday nights at Keystone as well and some guys make the drive from Denver just to for this. Let us know when you get to town :biggthump

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Oh yea I gotta think about a pass too!!!!! Yippie!!! :biggthump:biggthump

How about the ski 3 deal?

Keystone, Breck, and A-Basin for $359 and I've got till Dec.15th to buy it.

How about Eldora? Is it worth it? It'd be close to home that's for sure.

What's the next one up...Loveland? I like other cubeical farm dwellers mostly go on sat/sun, is that place a mess on weekends? (remember I'm from the east coast, I'm used to crowded slopes on weekends) Winter park looks like it's fairly close too does that mean it's crowded too?

Fin- Thanks for the invite, I'll be sure to take you up on it as soon as the snow flies! Is keystone the only place around with nightriding?

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Guest dragon fly jones

Keystone is the only night ridering within the range.

The passed are worth, it crazy deals, crazy traffic and as you would guess crazy prices for a cheese burger.

Eldora is worth it if i-70 is fouled due to snow/traffic.

I have 6 inches on my deck here in denver. Nice suprise to wake up to.

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Golden is a sweet little town, that much closer to the hills with lots of biking/hiking/hang gliding ect. ect....Your commute would be 45min plus or minus. Arvada and Wheatridge are decent places, they both have older neighborhoods as well as suburban sprawl. The highlands are located just to the north of downtown, while the tech center forms(for now) the southern end of the metro area. Let me know what other areas you are considering and I'll try to give you some details on them. Just try to not get too far north or east, it makes the drive to the hills that much longer.


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I am one of the carvers at loveland, most people don't like it because it's cold, but at least it's windy(sorry pete). It's close, smallish, but not terribly crowded, unless there are a few busloads of crashers for christ there(church

groups from kansas, oklahoma, or texas) on the mountain. If yoyu are early enough, you can usually park (free!!!!) within 50 yards of the lift. A pass will cost you $279, a heck of a deal. I have a loveland pass, and my wife is getting me a colorado pass for christmas( I know this because they only sell it in the spring).


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Brighton. Try not to get to far from the mouse trap,(I-25/I-70 interchange)

unless you like miles and miles of rolling prairie. The wide open spaces can be a bit oppresive to those from some of the more verdant parts of the country,though there can be some screamin' housing deals that you may not be able to find closer in.


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Golden has a nice, small town feel. Golden is bound on the east by two plateaus and on the west by the mountains; basically the town is in a little valley. Golden is more expensive than Arvada and Wheat Ridge because of the college. The college has minimal housing for the students; therefore, there is high demand on the housing market. Parts of Arvada and Wheat Ridge are sketchy, but there are also some very nice areas. I do not think the commute to Northglenn would be too bad (~ 20 minutes once you get to the interstate). From any of these places take EB I-70 to EB I-76 to NB I-25. You would be getting on I-76 before I-70 starts to load up and there is no NB traffic on I-25 north of downtown Denver.

As far as passed go, most everyone likes the K-A-B pass except for me. I preffer the Copper Mtn/Winter Park pass. The price is comperable and the two resorts have very different terrain from each other. Last year I met up with Bola, Pete Cogan and Big Mario at Loveland. I learned to ride at Loveland but had not been back in many years. I had an absolute blast and decided to pick-up a Loveland season pass as well. All the resorts near Denver are pretty damned good, you cannot go wrong with a season pass to any of them (except Sol Vista). :D

Hopefully the "Ride Board" will be up and running this season (I know that Fin has other more pressing "issues" to deal with). It will make it easy for everyone to connect and ride together.

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Guest dragon fly jones

Ohh it is soo on Phil.

We could talk Mormons, conservatives, that dumb train downtown. Or the simple fact that we ride way before you do. Hummm where to start. But it is nice that you know you place in the suburbs of Denver.

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Looking foward to diggin' some trenches with you :biggthump Are you still in the springs?


Living in Castle Rock, working in Co Springs. I am ready to ride and definately need to ride with you guys this year! I learned a lot from watching Pete work that Burner. Thanks to Bola, my quiver is a little different than is was last year. :D Still waiting for one board from that little no-name company in Ontario that handmakes boards to the riders specs. :eplus2:

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I added a volkl and a donek over the summer. Pete is definetly an amazing rider, you have to ridereally really fast to keep up with him :eek: . I'll email you when I get back from vaca. and try to set up a carpool. Are you an early riser?



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By MEGAN McCLOSKEY, Associated Press Writer

<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>document.write(getElapsed("20051028T163352Z"));</SCRIPT>2 hours ago<NOSCRIPT>UPDATED 1 HOUR 37 MINUTES AGO</NOSCRIPT>

DENVER - The nickname Mile High City could soon have an entirely new meaning.

Denver voters will decide Tuesday whether to make it legal for adults to possess up to an ounce of marijuana. Seattle, Oakland, Calif., and a few college towns already have laws making possession the lowest law enforcement priority.

Supporters in Denver have launched a "Make Denver Safer" campaign that contends the change will help curb domestic violence.

"There's no doubt that if people choose to use marijuana instead of alcohol we would not have the same number of problems," said Mason Tvert, the 23-year-old campaign organizer.

The argument has angered local officials.

"It's a deceptive and deceitful campaign," said Councilman Charlie Brown, who spent a recent Saturday night ripping the signs down from parks and medians _ where they are banned _ and throwing them in the garbage. "Domestic violence is not on the ballot. Alcohol is not on the ballot. Marijuana is on the ballot."

A "yes" vote probably won't make much difference. The city attorney's office said Denver police will simply file marijuana possession charges under state law, which carries up to a $100 fine and a mandatory $100 drug-offender surcharge.

"The initiative isn't going to change the way we do business," said Vince DeCroce, director of prosecution for the attorney's office.

From 2002 to August of this year, some 6,800 people in Denver were charged with possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, according to the city attorney's office. Of those, only 74 were charged under the city ordinance.

Critics of the ballot measure are wary of what a "yes" vote might do to Denver's reputation.

"People will flock to Denver to use marijuana," said Jeffrey Sweetin, head of the Rocky Mountain Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Even if possession of one ounce is legal, people would still have to illegally buy the drug, Sweetin said, and "people don't realize all that money goes to organized crime."

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