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"Sticky" Board/binding problem...advice needed


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Tonight I tried to simply take the bindings off this junker oxygen asym (prolly mid 90s) a friend gave to me and the freakin' base plates are literally stuck to the board. Now I am not sure if this is some kind of ultra gooey decay or an actual adhesive, but this crap is very sticky. In yet another moment of handyman genius, I tried sticking some butterknives under there and prying the damn thing off. I did get some of the gunk out but not enough to make a difference. The knives will easily become disfigured and are not nearly strong enough. Then I tried with a Swiss Army knife and almost lost a few fingers. How the heck do I get these bindings off? I suppose I could soak the snowboard in the bath if there is some kind of solution that will get it off. I may just bring it to the local shop tomorrow and see if they can pry/rip it off somehow. Hopefully you are laughing by now (all this is true though)

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Guest Randy S.

I'd try the hair dryer and then the goo gone crap that Jack suggested once you get the binding off. Hair dryer to loosen binding with heat and goo gone to get the gunk off the binding/board.

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hi guys,

many thx as always for the helpful and informative replies. i've been in training all week so didn't have time to respond until now.

i will either look to buy goo gone tomorrow, do the dw 40, or give it a bath. if i bathe the board, could i use standard dishwashing soap (not detergent) or should i use another type of soap? I will def. use the blow dryer, not sure how effective it'll be though.

LOL re: crowbar.

re: topsheet, board is a total POS. was gonna try to devise some dry land training exercises with it.

re: hooking in and lean, not a bad idea but...bindings as they are now are too big for my boots and i have to remove the entire binding /baseplate to adjust and even if i could do that, i'm not sure if it would work b/c this bond is so strong and assuming i did get it to work, i agree w/ Steve Dold, there'd likely be topsheet chunks missing. Of course as I'm just planning to use the board for dry land training, a damaged topsheet prolly really isn't that big of a deal. but, i'm gonna try to loosen up the bond.

Dsub, I do not think it is epoxy, but I am not 100% sure. It's almost like some ultra stick rubbery material under there, perhaps there is epoxy helping to strengthen the bond. Perhaps I'll try to upload a pic of this "thing." Apparently whoever did it (assuming this was done intentionally and is not some kind of corrosion) really really liked the binding setting. Can we all agree this is taking getting "dialed in" a bit far? :eplus2:

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board does not physically fit into bath tub. it's a 162, bath is normal size bath. nor does it fit into washer, LOL. I mean it does, but the bindings are sticking out. damn, i really wanted to upload a pic of this board in my washing machine.

BTW, bindings are black plastic Fritsche Diamond.

used a blowdryer for about a minute, seemed to have no effect. how long does the blowdryer technique usually take?

brute force will no doubt cause large chunks off topsheet to be missing. going to look for goo gone now.

perhaps will ask construction workers to power wash the board next week, they're power washing the garage.

last option would be take to local ski shop.


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omg, i feel like a big dummy. not the most user friendly binding but apparently i hadn't inspected this binding close enough. problem solved. does anyone actually own these bindings? only cool think i can see about them is that you can adjust them to be as tight or loose to your boot as you want, no predefined "points."

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omg, i feel like a big dummy. not the most user friendly binding but apparently i hadn't inspected this binding close enough. problem solved. does anyone actually own these bindings? only cool think i can see about them is that you can adjust them to be as tight or loose to your boot as you want, no predefined "points."

Okay, fess up. Tell us all how you were a big dummy.

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no way , lol. let's just say I didn't inspect the binding closely enough which is my fault but i haven't been riding plates very long and had really never seen this type of binding :o. for the record though, there was definitley some "goo" but not nearly to the extent I thought. what I initially thought was all this goo is actually a very cheap (but effective) sticky rubber pad that is the interface b/w the binding and the board ( I guess the TD elastomer rings would be today's equiv?)

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Guest Randy S.

Time to call the Dummy Hotline. Remember the radio show?

This is the Dummy Hotline Radio Hour. Give us a call. Just call the number flashing at the bottom of your screen. That's right, Dummy Hotline Radio Hour. :lol:

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