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Salomon bindings and boards any good? - Looking for a softie setup.


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I'm hopfully going to get to break out of the east coast this winter and get to spend some time on Mt Hood. Any recommendations on where to go? Timberline or one of the others?

Anyway, looking to get a softboot setup for the trip so I can try out some parks / halfpipe action. I'd basically like a setup that's all-mountain, but will take the park as well.

A board like Burton's CustomX or Donek's Incline or perhaps Phoenix (how's the Donek Wide in the park?) comes to mind, but you see my friend apparently has some connections in Salomon and could potentially get me something at dirt-cheap prices. :D

How would the venerable Malamutes handle the park? If bad, perhaps the F24s would be a better choice? Bindings and board recommendations?



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I have a 2005 155 Burton Seven for sale if you are interested :)

But to answer your question...Never rode a Salomon, but have heard good things about them. As for bindings, get a Burton Mission or Cartal. IMO they make the best strap bindings. Boot-wise, try on a bunch of different boots and get what feels best. They all work the same in a strap binding, though I do caution to avoid a boot that is too soft. If you are comming from a hard boot set up you are likely to be disappointed.

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I rode the Salomon Forecast Era last year one day - 163 length - I really liked it - great edge hold, damp, stable at speed... Probably would have bought it if I hadn't thrown in the towel on soft boots. (rode the Donek axis the next day and it was all over for those little freestyle boards)

Not sure how it behaves in powder, but park/pipe/groomers it was a great board.

My only complaint was that the biggest they made was a 167 - I'd rather have that board in the mid-170s... but I am 6' 220 lbs and usually ride the bigger boards...

Oh Yeah - the Salomon bindings were really nice too...

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Remember the ski company entrance into snowboarding.

Salomon's boards were breaking and delaminating left and right but they threw more breaking/delaminating boards at the customer, no questions asked, until the problems got fixed.

I wonder what Atomic will do to Salomon now that Adidas got rid of it for Reebok. Strange business arrangement. Seriously, look into Nidecker, Prior, Donek, Rome, Never Summer, Steepwater, Venture or LibTech for decks. Seriously look at the Made in Colorado decks.

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I like Mt. Hood, but I really wouldn't sell it as a destination resort durring the winter. But anyhow, Mt Hood Meadows has the most terrain available. Timberline is nice, particularly so if all you want is mellow blue runs to carve up. Also, if conditions are warm and the snow coverage marginal, Timberline will likely be better.

Otherwise, in season and with plenty of snow, meadows has a lot more terrain available. Timberline is lacking when it comes to steeps.

I own some older SPX6 bindings, like them quite a bit. Comfy, hold very well, the ratchets don't freeze (unlike the burton model a couple buddies have... missions I think?), very quick to strap in and out of thanks to the clever toe strap that doesn't fully seperate.

Haven't used the newer models that have come out in the last 2 years.

No clue on salomon boards. I rode an FRS MikeT loaned me a while back, but I imagine that's a bit different than the rest of their line.

Have a donek wide. I'm not a park person, so no real experienced comments there. The wide has a lot of edge hold, which is great, but you might have to put a bit of effort into it if you want to be able to swish it around at slow speed for rails or whatever, compared to something softer. I love the board for everything else... I haven't ridden any other softboot boards I'd pick over the donek.

Stiff vs Soft boots seems to be an issue of taste and rider style in the park. I think boot fit to your individual foot is the most important. Go try on *lots* of boots, and find the one that fits best. Unless it's stiffness is *way* different than what you want, it'll probibly work better than a boot with perfect stiffness that doesn't hold your foot as well.

I'm about your weight and like my old malamutes... but I like the hardboots better these days :D

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I would have to chime in with Jason about the HOOD. It is the closest place to Portland and it does typically get allot of snow. However, if I was packing it up to move. I can't help but think I would be headed for the Tahoe/Mammoth area or SLC , Utah or CO. Hard to argue that 15+ world class ski areas don't make the Hood seem so-so. But hey , I love it and when you get he let us know so we can show you around. Perhaps you already know the area from visits? Either way, let us know when you arrive. You do alpine snowboard also I presume? Enjoy! Bryan

PS. Will you be working on the Mt? If not , keep in touch, Mt Hood Meadows has a "Four buy Four" or 425$ season pass deal you might want to look into. Or Timberline has a 169$ weekday pass that becomes a full pass in March. Happy to stear you to the deals.

www.skihood.com is Mt Hood Meadows site.

MHM 4 Buy 4 Deal

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Oh, OK I see. For boots go for fit, not just the exact stiffness I'm looking for. Makes since. I'm thinking now that I'll just demo something if I want to hit the pike/parks. That's probably the only way I'll get to tryout some gear before finding out what to layout some cash for. I'd hate to just go for some Malamutes or something and find they don't fit me well.

I got started in snowboarding in rental softy setups...that stunk so bad that I sought out to buy my own gear and in doing so found out about hardbooting. The rest, as they say, is history and I don't think I'll ever give up HBing for my primary setups. It took me a little while to get used to the differences, but I'm definily hooked. So much more control and precision, at least on the east-coast hardpack I mostly ride.

Going to Mt. Hood since that's where a friend of mine lives. Just going to be a few days of boarding so I won't need a season pass or something. I believe he goes to Meadows.

Tex, yeah, I saw the Forecast here. Looks like a nice all-in-one board. Going to have to recommend it to a friend of mine who's coming with me, as he dosen't have his own setup yet.

Question, though perhaps this should probably wait until just before I head out there. Sould I start out with my soft and flexy AM Nitro Ride, or plan for powder and start out with my OSin 4807?

Bryan (or other Mt.Hooders), where would you recommend to get my HBs fitted? Last season I threw them in my convection oven, but I didn't get them quite right and my toes were going crazy after being jammed in here after just a few hours. FYI my feet are 26.7cm, so I should have no problem having lots of wiggle room in my 26mondo Indys, correct? Probably just me failing in my attempt to do it myself.


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My moto is: Drive a truck, bring one of everything! :biggthump

Don't arrive at the mountain with at least a couple tools to handle the job description on that particular day. Mt Hood conditions can change rapidly. I will often ride a couple different boards in a day.

Get those boots fittin good BEFORE you arrive!! Portland doesn't really have allot for fitters. Used to use Sam Bennett's before they finally gave it up.

I am looking myself for a good fitter. I may use a guy that used to work for Sam. But he is far from handy. Bend has several good fitters.

Don't wait to find out when you get here. Get them fitted, then wear them / ride them for a while before your trip.

Give us a shout when you head this way. I will try to get a "Locals" page done before the season starts to save travelers a head ache or two.

On my road trips this season , I was thinking it would have been cool if someone had it set up for travelers. (actually someone probably has, I just didn't find it) Hey, another idea. A register of "Locals Pages". Just a thought.

Hope to bet some turns in with you. HOpe for a better season this year. Last year was OFFICIALLY the worst on record!! Bryan

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salomon boards

I have had several (like them) I’m down to one Solomon board at this time it is a lg powder board a Fastback 174 It does surprising well on the hard pack , very fast & carves quite well I set the bindings close together for hard pack--Wide & rearward for powder I have flow bindings on it & it works well

In the pipe I ride a Lib Tech 158 with ride bindings/ this thing is bulletproof more than I I fractured my collar bone in the pipe last year I think I’m getting to Old for that stuff aren’t pipe’s for smoking ????

So I vote Yes on the Salomon


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Salomon boards: I did as Jason says own an FRS 165, which is the closet thing to an alpine board I've ever ridden that's not an alpine board. I also rode Fastbacks, 450s and 550s in various sizes in '99 - '01.

The common theme among these boards is that they were stiff, held and edge well, and felt very "synthetic". The flex pattern was kinda strange - rather than resisting progressively more the harder you flex 'em, they would offer constant resistsance up to a certain point and then feel REALLY stiff. As a result they tended to like to carve a single shape of turn, right at the edge of those two flex zones.

If I recall the newest Salomon I tried was an '01 or maybe an '02 so they might be different now.

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I've heard good things about Solomon boots-I was actually thinking about the Kianas a one point, to upgrade from the Burtons I had.

As for bindings, unless you like numb toes, go with capstraps and Burtons. I cannot every tell you what it was like last season to not have to stop and let some circulation back into the toes. I have P1 carbons-plenty stiff-with the capstraps. Prior to that, I had Burton synchros that I had to rachet down hard to keep my feet against the board-hence the numb toes....

As for boards, the Custom's okay. My 03 Custom is about gone after about 20 days on the hill-they don't last long-and I don't do park or pipe, at all.

Burton's Vapor is their current replacement for the T6-which has a honeycomb alum core, like Palmer (had)....

Check out Rome, too.....not that I've ever ridden one...the company was started by former Burton employees and-supposedly-is a little less corporate

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I've heard good things about Solomon boots-I was actually thinking about the Kianas a one point, to upgrade from the Burtons I had.

My wife Bonnie is on her 2nd pair of Salomon softboost and will probably get another this year - she loves them. She currently has the Optima's from 2 or 3 years ago, eseentially the same as a Malamute but a little shorter in the calf.

As for bindings, unless you like numb toes, go with capstraps and Burtons. I cannot every tell you what it was like last season to not have to stop and let some circulation back into the toes.

Both Bonnie and I find Salomon bindings exceedingly comfortable, especially in the toe area. (The cap-less Burton, on the other hand, left balck-and-blue marks on both our feet). Both of us tend to not crank the toes down incredibly tight - not surprisiongly the Salomon boots and bindings mesh really well and you don't need to use excessive force.

As for boards, the Custom's okay. My 03 Custom is about gone after about 20 days on the hill-they don't last long-and I don't do park or pipe, at all.

Wow - EXACT same experience with a 2000 Custom 160. That was back in my low-intermediate days and I STILL managed to flatten and noodle it. (Then I replaced it with a Donek Incline 160 and my snowboarding changed dramatically!)

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G.E., what kind of Ride bindings did you use with you Lib Tech and what kind of Flows in your Fastback? Just curious.

Interesting comments on the Fastback. I may have to encourge my friend without a setup to go with a Fastback, Malamute combo...so I can try it. :D

skatha, yeah I saw the Vapor in the Burton catalogue I got in the other day. I got the impression the Vapor was more oriented to freestyle and the T6 to freeride though, rather as a replacement.


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Ride Preston LX On the Lib tech no complaints after several years of use ‘, these things are very well built … however I would upgrade to a Catek strap binding if I could , being a Gear head I like the way they are made, although I have not tried them !!!

Flow Amp on the Salmon I like these for confront as I prefer a little loser toe box

Getting in to them takes a little practice as you drive the toe side of the board into the snow instead of the heal Its great after you figure that out , They are as fast as step-ins & no need to set down/ setting down is OK its all that getting up I don’t care for…..The draw back to the Flows / they don’t fold up very small for travel

I take the top half off for local travel / take the whole binding off for plane travel / as I tend to carry several boards every where I go & want to put them in one bag !!! Hey A guy Need’s choices !!!


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I too ride the Salomon FRS 165. It's a very fast board with a decent amount of edgehold on somewhat icy conditions. I love the way it "pops" into going fakie and the way it carves on banks or natural walls, however I think it's too stiff to really excel in the pipe. I rode it once with softies and it was just way too stiff to significantly flex it for me. I ride mine with plates and hard boots leaving the buckles loose. I've had mine 4-5 seasons and ride it pretty hard when I do and haven't had any problems with delams that were described earlier. The 1st couple times out I didn't like it at all, but after riding a Donek and going back to it I liked it much better (still no where near a Donek) but it's a fun fast ride and is fantastic in powder.

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The Catek is not necessary I just think they are Cool :0) We all enjoy our gear & love to talk about it

Many will Argue that strap in is the only way to go but I differ It depends on your riding style

I enjoy snowboarding & I’m a (Gear head) But hey I’m not an Olympic grade rider & most are not

The difference between a strap in & say a flow does not matter At my riding skill/ I’m not saying I’m a bad rider I’m just being truthful / so the Comfort & ease of Getting in to the Flow makes sense to me !!!! I’m a carver who will go to the park latter in the day when the groom has gone to Sh** ! And last year I had bone breakage so I think I will go to the park a little less

I will leave it to those 5 ft 125 lb. guys who don’t Shave yet !!!!! I’m 6ft 1in & 210 lb. that gives me a handicap in the pipe !! But yes I have enjoyed it !

Of course there will be days of Denial when I forget I have Grandchildren & hit the park with all the Gusto of a Mad Man

After all I am A 14 yr. old boy trapped in a Senior citizens body

Sooooo Give some thought to your riding skill & buy to fit it

Unless A pair of Rhinestone studded bindings jump out in front of you & say (Take Me I’m Yours !!!) :eek:


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Carp, that's a pretty cool idea HBing a pipe via loose buckets. I'm going to have to try it with my Nitro AM lol. :biggthump

Bummer with the bone breakage G.E. Glad to see you're not totally giving up on the sport. I've had a few older friends who've totally dropped skiing/snowboarding after a mishap or near mishap.


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Define older Dr.

Hey I really have fun with this age thing

Its fun to get on a lift with some youth & start talking to them face to face

When the realize that their father just pasted them like they were tied to a post :eplus2:

To much Fun


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mid50s in the particular cases I'm was thinking of. One almost died, he doesn't understand how wasn't killed by impalation / collision with a nice friendly tree.

Keep showing up the "youth"; your an inspiration to them I'm sure. :biggthump

I certainly can understand old folks staying active. My feisty little german grandmother broke her wrist a couple of years ago diving for a tennis ball ... she's ~85 lol. :D :eek:

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Can't comment on a board but I did buy a pair of F24's at the end of last year. The fit for me was perfect. The nice thing about the F24s is that they are extremely low profile. IE. not much boot overhang. They are rated just a tad less stiff than the Malamutes by the Solomon company. I've never ridden Malamutes so I can't really verify it. I can say that they are very comfy. I'll always be a hard booter but I wanted a setup for bumps, trees and powder. I bought a short little 160 Prior freeride board last spring. I can't even remember the name of it...is that pathetic or what! I'm looking forward to riding the softies on those less than pristine carving days. I think.......


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Khyber!!!! It was a Prior Khyber that I bought last Spring! I knew if I had another Killian's it would come to me! Oh yeah...I also bought a pair of Solomon bindings....FX7's or something like that...top of the line anyways. Vin from Out of Bounds recommended them and he's da soft boot carving guru at K-Town. I'm sure they are great but being a hardbooter I felt I could have used a third strap! I had the impression of a high quality product. It should be known that I don't know from squat about the soft boot setup so I really don't have any way of comparing.....other than a gut feeling. Good luck.


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