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OT Weird Dictionary

Guest Randy S.

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Guest Randy S.

OK, we're having all these OT threads since we're all starved for something to write about. So I'll start one just for fun. Everyone can contribute. Here's how it works. Post up an unusual expression in the Subject line and put the definition in the body of the message.

A couple of housekeeping rules: 1) try to keep it fairly clean (I'm about to break this rule). OK, you can refer to unclean things, but try to at least do it in a clever way so the teenagers on this forum aren't grossed out completely (and so Fin doesn't have to kill this thread). 2) no dirty pictures. We all know what a thong/t-back/butt floss looks like, we don't need the visual reference, that will help us comply with rule #1. )3 You can post as many times as you like, but you can't post two in a row (let someone else have a turn).

OK, here goes:

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Guest Randy S.

In talking about women who dye their hair, this refers to whether the hair "down there" matches the hair "up there".

Yes, it was the blondes thread that inspired this though.

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A cougar is any woman visibly <i>well</i> into their 40s or beyond who is trying desperately and unsuccessfully to appear 23, and is on the prowl in a bar/club, waiting for some unsuspecting 20-something male to take his 3rd shot of tequila before she pounces for the kill.

Of course, we could just replace this thread with a link to www.urbandictionary.com, but what the hey, it's summer.

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Pooned (pronounced as in 'Harpoon'): Verb. The act of being defeated horribly, injured, ect.

Ex. Oh man, that guy got pooned!

Ex. Debris would be somebody who gets pooned alot.

Pone (powne): Noun. The noun version of Pooned.

Ex. Dont worry about the game, your team will pone them.

I cant really think of any more right now.

Jack, I thought that a tramp stamp was the same as a Hickey, and that the lower back tatoos were Easy Marks? Maybe just a mix up at school, but we've always called Hickeys tramp stamps.




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this may be a purely local expression: I've been seeing people use it on a local skate site. As far as I can tell, it means "double gnarly," "gnarly injury," "extra gnarly s***," etc.

Sample usage in the wild: "I wonder what kinda gnar gnar I'll get this time, i get something every time i ride hard..."

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Guest Randy S.

Hmm. Black with plaid mini skirt + tramp stamp + picture of cleavage with dead presidents stuffed in + doesn't understand why this attracts jerky/abusive guys = ? notaslut ?

OK, now getting back on track here:

Looking at those two pictures of tats on the lower back make me think of the expression "Donkey Punch" but I can't define that one and maintain compliance with the rules, so I'll go with:


An noun, typically used in reference to a rude or discourteous person, most commonly in conjunction with the operation of a motor vehicle.

Examples of such behavior might include, but should not be limited to: tailgating, lane drifting, weaving, random stopping, randomly leaving a turn signal on, not using a turn signal to indicate a turn, inability to merge, inability to yield, inability to observe posted signs for anything, or any combination of these.

Just ride on the Mass Pike. Multiple examples will immediately come to mind.

Not to be confused with Gashole, which is a similar species, but usually found driving a Hummer or similar vehicle.

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Originally posted by Randy S.

Hmm. Black with plaid mini skirt + tramp stamp + picture of cleavage with dead presidents stuffed in + doesn't understand why this attracts jerky/abusive guys = ? notaslut ?

the pic of the bodice is from my job on the side working at a medieval manor-esque show.

the plaid skirt is not extremely mini and i wear it on st patricks day and to DKM or Bosstones shows with shorts underneath so i can kick people who make ASSumptions about me.

some guys have been jerks to me but never abusive. anyone tried that with me and they'd hand in a pair of something something to donate to the lab at school.

wow randy, congrats you just pissed off the redhead.

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Guest Randy S.
Originally posted by Aisling

wow randy, congrats you just pissed off the redhead.

HaHa. You fell for the troll.


1a. Noun

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

1b. Noun

A person who, on a message forum of some type, attacks and flames other members of the forum for any of a number of reasons such as rank, previous disagreements, sex, status, ect.

A troll usually flames threads without staying on topic, unlike a "Flamer" who flames a thread because he/she disagrees with the content of the thread.

1c. Noun

A member of an internet forum who continually harangues and harasses others. Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject, as well as thinks every member of the forum is talking about them and only them. Trolls often go by multiple names to circumvent getting banned.

See: CMC

2a. Noun

Sometimes compared to the Japanese ‘Oni’, a troll is a supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, whose race was thought to have carried massive stones into the countryside (although actually the result of glaciers). Lives in hills, mountains, caves, or under bridges. They are stupid, large, brutish, hairy, long-nosed, and bug-eyed, and may also have multiple heads or horns. Trolls love to eat people, especially small children.

The Females of the species are generally kinder and more intelligent, but still fairly hideous.

2b. Noun

An aesthetically repulsive person, often has terrible social skills, usually a woman. See Troglodyte.

2c. Noun

An old, unattractive gay man who hits on young men, and cannot seem to understand that they want nothing to do with him.

3a. Verb

To fish by dragging bait behind a moving motor-boat.

3b. Verb

To cruise for immediate sexual pleasure without commitment. Often characterized by an older man, seeking a younger man, or any man for immediate, often anonymous sexual contact.

4. Noun

A joke disguised as an outrageously stupid statement or question, intended to trap people into believing it is serious.

5. Verb

To use acid and ectasy simulataneously. See trolling.

(Comes from ‘Tripping’ on acid, and ‘Rolling’ on ecstasy)

6. Noun

A toy popular in the 1980’s, a ‘troll’ is a cute little plastic trolls with fluffy, colored hair.

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Guest Randy S.

Gaper-gap. n. The exposed space in the forehead found between the top of one's ski goggles and the front of one's helmet. Note: Total area of said gaper gap is generally proportional to an individual's relative gaper status. Also spelled Gayper Gap.

Gaper. n. A person who spends a lot of time looking at things, often stopping in annoying, inappropriate, or downright dangerous places to do so. Usually a noob.

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AFWOTAM...I use this in engineering quite a bit. It stands for "Aweful F..n Waste of Time and Money"

RCH... It is a measurement made of a very small amount. Like when your front binding is off by an RCH. Email me if you do not know what these three letters stand for. If I spelled it out it may doom this thread.


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BOR, short for "Bend Over Ratio" - a measure of the amount of ass-kissing/bending over backward you'll do to win a particular project or keep a particular client happy.

"The BOR for that client is too high."

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