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holy ****!!!!! that is awesome. Well let me tell you this, you defintly don't need a car. I got one because i'm living off campus and by the time snowboard season rolls around, i'm going upto 5 days a week. Also, the days i dont go, i let people use the car. I'm getting my dad's ford taurus wagon so we can fit alot of people. There is another guy around the corner that has an alpine board so i'm gonna try to teach him a little bit. A bunch of people from here go to the local mountain here.

Oh also, the house we got is being rebuilt right now. Nothing but parties and snowboarding. There are 5 of us in the house and 4 of snowboard.

Albany is good but boston is so much more fun. I know people that transfered from albany. Tons of other colleges to party with and plus on wednesdays, there is a ski bus that leaves from BU to the mtn for $15 including everything for night skiing. I got a good 24 days this season which is pretty good considering i had class everyday and work on sundays.

The professors are really good for the most part and the labs are all brand new. If you don't want to get stuck in the city, you wont. Feel free to IM me on AIM. My screen name is theglob86. I'll be happy to answer all your questions.

Lastly, nothing is off topic in the off topic thread.:biggthump

sounds pretty good. The local mountain? blue hills??? well, i guess beggers cant be choosers. Thanks for the help! My AIM sn is bugsymalone2649.

I've still got a while to decide, im a Junior right now and im looking to do early decision/ early action at one of the two colleges. I'm confident i can get into either college, but ive still got to choose one or the other. how much did housing cost? (after freshman year) i heard from someone the average was about 600 a month... kinda steep for my personal income. And is it easy to find a job around the area? ohh, and reciprocity... i think if i heard correctly California is now allowing pharmacists from other states to work there. can you verify? to be continued over AIM...

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i think if i heard correctly California is now allowing pharmacists from other states to work there. can you verify? to be continued over AIM...

California accepts the NAPLEX for new grads only. 'Guess

they are trying to stimulate immigration to the state or


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the population of massachusetts is dropping. my dad sees all the records from the schools (he works in the department of education) and this is the lowest enrollment Mass has had in years, public and private. There aren't enough jobs here so people are moving west.

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Lets keep this to topic...

Michelle -

don't go crisis on us...no guy is worth it...(well I am...and so is phil...)


Glad you made it through OK. Now don't do that again. maybe you should reconsider the northern road trip, and go see Rusty ... I hear he may be worth it too...

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i'd rather not get into the details skatha... but we'll say it sucked. that's all.

michelle, i dont know how i got through it... but i will say that all the stress has made me lose about 10 lbs in 2 weeks so its a wonderful weight loss tool. not the healthiest way... and not that i really should be losing 10 lbs... but anyway. i guess i'm still working on gettin through it.

Noah, no road trips, no boys... i'm on emotional vacation right now.

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i'd rather not get into the details skatha... but we'll say it sucked. that's all.

michelle, i dont know how i got through it... but i will say that all the stress has made me lose about 10 lbs in 2 weeks so its a wonderful weight loss tool. not the healthiest way... and not that i really should be losing 10 lbs... but anyway. i guess i'm still working on gettin through it.

Noah, no road trips, no boys... i'm on emotional vacation right now.

damn can't imagine anything like that. Well I hope everything starts to turn around for you soon. Look outside, its a beautiful day out.

I know how you can gain those 10 pounds back. Lookie here. Its defintly a good road trip.

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I've been there, Ai....I lost about 10 lbs or so going through the immediate separation period prior to my divorce. Seems as if my ex- was disturbed that the divorce filing got served to him on our anniversary and that he just couldn't believe I didn't believe he wasn't seeing Kay behind my back(he's married to her now). He picked every lunch and dinner to track me down to fight with me for about 3 weeks. It was so bad, one of my coworkers, an ex-Army Ranger, was musing about putting the hurt on Carl(he told me later, once I started putting the weight back on)

I lost about 10 lbs this last December when Sam almost died with his car accident. He was soo shocky prior to the first surgery with his ruptured spleen that I(the doctor) thought he was going to die-cold blue lips, no color at all. I've never had one of my patients looking like Sam-and he only got SOME attention in the ER because I started throwing a fit. When he started getting better and just the leg was the problem, he wanted me to spend as much time as I could in the hospital-I was also working fulltime and had 3 kids at home and spending the nights sitting in a chair beside his bed...

In any case, things get better with time....

Sam's back working fulltime and only has a residual limp. He'll need at least one surgery to revise his muscle flap on his leg and maybe another to remove his persistantly broken fibula-it hasn't healed-and only then if it bothers him.

Carl and I have been divorced almost 6 years now-we were married for 8 and currently we are very cordial, even to the point that Carl was distraught about Sam's accident...

And I'm back to 135....

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I know how you can gain those 10 pounds back. Lookie here. Its defintly a good road trip.

Heh, you guys drove 500 miles to eat a big burger? I miss college ;) You did good, Gleb, at 4 lbs, but you're no Takeru Kobayashi, the tsunami from Japan, who ate 53 1/2 hot dogs (8 1/2 lbs) in 12 minutes in 2004 :D Or 69 White Castle burgers in 8 minutes.

If you make it to the SES we should have a steak-off! I'm not as good as I used to be when I used to play sports all the time, but I'm confident I should still be able to put down a 3 lb steak + a baked potato and maybe a cheesecake or something ;)

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Heh, you guys drove 500 miles to eat a big burger? I miss college ;) You did good, Gleb, at 4 lbs, but you're no Takeru Kobayashi, the tsunami from Japan, who ate 53 1/2 hot dogs (8 1/2 lbs) in 12 minutes in 2004 :D Or 69 White Castle burgers in 8 minutes.

If you make it to the SES we should have a steak-off! I'm not as good as I used to be when I used to play sports all the time, but I'm confident I should still be able to put down a 3 lb steak + a baked potato and maybe a cheesecake or something ;)

Thank you :) that was still high school though. I had to bring the wrestling team together a bit more before i left. for college, i have some awesome trips planned for next year, mostly around snowboarding. I always end up planning the trips, which is kind of sucks since all my friends expect me to come up with something to do.

I'm defintly no Takeru Kobayashi. He trains for that stuff professionally. He is ridiculous. You defintly get massive constipation too...I did :eek: 3 days of no crapping makes you wonder whats going on in your stomach. All of the 4 pounds was getting absorbed into me but i didnt really care. I gained 30 pounds after wrestling ended (still haven't lost it) and that trip defintly added alot to it.

You're on at the next SES! I've been saving up for a while now. A steak would defintly make that trip more memorable. :biggthump

Skatha, that is some story. I'm glad you go through it all. Snowboarding defintly helped me coupe with some stressful times this year. I really should've been studying but...well there is always going to be school, the snow disappears in a flash here.

Get well aisling. next season is right around the corner!

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michelle, i dont know how i got through it... but i will say that all the stress has made me lose about 10 lbs in 2 weeks so its a wonderful weight loss tool. not the healthiest way... and not that i really should be losing 10 lbs... but anyway. i guess i'm still working on gettin through it.

Aisling....I lost about 15 pounds last summer because of a breakup with a guy. (As you said not the healthiest way but effective.) My friends were getting worried, probably didn't eat for about 3 weeks, living on the liquid alcohol diet. On my 135 lb frame, wasn't looking good. It lasted almost a year, was a really bad one. I did it again this spring, but not quite as bad. This time only for 1 week, and about 8 pounds. Now I'm back to normal weight (except for the fact that I'm eating my weight in fried food in New Orleans this week!) but on edge with other things - will have to wait and see what the turnout is.

So Noah, you think you and Phil are worth it? I'll need proof.....:rolleyes:

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If you make it to the SES we should have a steak-off! I'm not as good as I used to be when I used to play sports all the time, but I'm confident I should still be able to put down a 3 lb steak + a baked potato and maybe a cheesecake or something ;)

Ken, I will be on on that one.

I suggest the Hickory House ribs as the venue / challenge.

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I'm going to go to the hawaiian bbq joint down the street that sells Loco Mocos (two mountainous heaps of rice, a large hamburger patty, two fried eggs, smothered in beef gravy), and start training. I think it's supposed to have well over a thousand calories, and they are definitely delicious, and will put you into a lunch coma.

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Heh, this will be a fun event. We should make sure to do this after, not before the limbo contest or our steak-bellies will get in the way ;)

BTW, loco mocos are super easy college food to make - cup of rice + 1/2 ground beef pan fried into a burger + fry the eggs in the beef grease + cheapo powdered gravy mix from the grocery store. It should look something like this when you're done.


...my god that's making me hungry.

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Do I?? all I ever hear is Promises promises from men. Talk is cheap, let's see some action!!

Hey Michelle, don't lump us all in the same basket. I came good with my promise to bring good looking guys to SES.

Maybe you have been working with Fin too long and some of his lack of ability with the opposite sex has rubbed off..... :nono:

(Fin, please don't kick me off the board for trying to get some cheap laughs :o )

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now now michelle...

you know I can't respond with any action, because if I did I woulr merely be another A$$4073 to my girlfriend. which I'm not willing to do....

BTW...Did I mention that I am following her to Vet School...huge step...living together...

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Well, good for you Noah. At least that shows some action on your part. I'm impressed..... Now the big question - does that put you closer to snowboarding? I guess the real question is what's the alterior motive for you?

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We have plenty of snowboarding right here in massachusetts.

no...closer to wednesdays at wachussett, but no closer to any real hilss. I'll be in Grafton MA, working on a job site down by New Bedford.

Lindsay is somewhat accepting of my snowboarding...but she would like to see more of me in the winter....

the alterior motive? She is too good to let get away...fortunately, this keeps me near my job...but I was willing to get a new one!

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tell her to go with you then. Only way it would work.

Not so sure what you're getting at here...

she comes to the hill occasionally, and joins us for drinks afterwards.

What you have'nt learned yet is that you cant make her do something she doesn't want to do...she will only end up resenting it...which could kill it for both of us. If I have to make some sacrifices to keep her happy...its worth it. she's making some sacrifices for me to...Its all about balance...

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