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Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birth-day dear Michelle,

Happy Birthday 2 U!


Thanks guys! It was a great birthday! Now it's over and back to being just ordinary me....no more birthday week.

Noah, haven't seen you yet. Are you going to stand me up? :p

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This is nothin... Head on over to www.aximsite.com and check out their waterfountain... Multiple threads in the hundreds and hundreds of pages. Alot of the threads were retired and started over because they got too big. It's full of games and stuff like "What if..." and "Word association". Then again those guys are REAL computer geeks (not that that's a bad thing).

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I'm actually arriving Friday, for the USASA Technical Supervisors clinic. Is there a Bomber Post RTTC party friday night?If so, I'm IN...

I have a Board meeting saturday, so I'm thinking we can head out on sunday evening????

oi, it was a plesaure to meet you and mike trapp. :)

-misfits wanna-be guy-


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a pretty low cap. I bought a beautiful neclace and matching earing in colorado, and pretty much blew the cap.

It is unethical to give her the jewelery as a special little thank you, I know how hard this is, for coming to colorado with my family for the holiday (and not being with her family for the first time), and then buy additional presents?

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I have no significant other. But I can tell you what I'm getting everybody else...

Both grandmas - Black and decker jar opener (they have arthritis and junk...)

Mom - Heated foot jacket type thing...

dad - Jon Daly autobiography and a trick golf shots dvd

Bro - a cheese knife set (it's kinda a joke... We all like cheese... alot...)

Bro's fiance - cd and a dvd

That's prettymuch everybody I know. man, I'm a loser.

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It is unethical to give her the jewelery as a special little thank you, I know how hard this is, for coming to colorado with my family for the holiday (and not being with her family for the first time), and then buy additional presents?

Jewellery is never unethical. Just because we have principles, doesn't mean we are above being bribed.

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This year is a low cap year also, the dog is gettting part of her lung removed,(that is her gift, or would it be her giving?). Unfortunately it is at the cost of SES, maybe I will make it for the banquet and riding on Friday.

The parents will get a digital photo frame with a partially filled photo card and a visit (they are stoked!).

The SO...? I won't see her until New Years, but it would be better to have something waiting for her in the car when she picks it up (which is previous to my seeing her)...I have been thinking that a bouquet of plastic flowers should be waiting in the car (plastic because whatever goes in the car will be sitting there for a few weeks before she gets it). Maybe...????!!!??? Oh hell, I don't know.. What is is that women want?????!!!!!!! This is as STRESSFUL AS IT GETS!!!! I thought Christmas was for the children!!!


It is still fun, though

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Best gift ever: massages :biggthump

You can either do it yourself with heating oils OR OR! a massage gift certificate at a nice spa.

Honestly, for busy women I swear this is the best thing you can give. My mom gives it to her female friends and they absolutely love it because it forces them to relax for two hours.

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I just bought two tickets to Rome and a hotel in the middle of the city for a long weekend at the start of January. I told Vanessa that it is her Christmas present and she is begging me to tell her what I bought. She hates that kind of surprise...that's why I did it. Aren't I evil!!! :eplus2::eplus2::eplus2:

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I just bought two tickets to Rome and a hotel in the middle of the city for a long weekend at the start of January. I told Vanessa that it is her Christmas present and she is begging me to tell her what I bought. She hates that kind of surprise...that's why I did it. Aren't I evil!!! :eplus2::eplus2::eplus2:

dan, that's awesome ! The wife and I were just Rome a week ago and stayed here


Hotel Villafranca, really nice. Told them we were on our honeymoon and they gave us a room on the top floor with a balcony and a view.

They even had one a them fancy french toilets next to the regular throne. :biggthump

Close to the metro and Termini station which is the central hub.

Great breakfast included and really cool about popping open bottles of wine at the bar. Good deal through Gate1.

Lemme know if I can recommend anything. We had a great time, you will too !

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but would that be ghey? lol

A little bit. But then again I'm the kind of guy that likes to drink beer and throw a frisbee with my lab and wear clothes without any regard to whether or not they go together. I have no idea what guys like, only what I like.

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