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Buck Hill 21/22


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2/27/22, DAY 53

(spirit is 52)

sunday morning. very busy morning. long line for tickets at 8:30 AM.there was a freestyle competition going on red tail. all these kids. the lift line was long just after it opened. i was numba one!

around 9:20 AM, a kid that was in the freestyle competition road the chair with me. he turned to me to say "that is the best carving i've ever seen!!! you're so low!!!!"

snow was great. all runs were good. 

anyone NOT see this? i almost teared up at the end.



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3/2/22, DAY 55

rode at lunch. lasted 4 runs. terrible flat light. i could barely see the moguls and  could NOT see the snow ramp on crossroads. conditions have degraded. edges bottomed out on ice chunks. i rode mostly upright.

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3/3/22, DAY 56

rode at lunch. partly cloudy. snow was fast. took two runs on olympic and it was bumpy. rode milkrun. it was much better than yesterday.

met a skier on the chairlift. he was inquisitive about the board. he went on to tell me that he just moved here from colorado. i asked why. he said that the cost of living is too high. he couldn't afford a home out there.

came back in the evening. rode milkrun. snow was really good. very fast. still some cord left. couple of my ruts around the towers were still visible several hours later. rode for an 1-1/2 hour.

met a snowboarder on the chair. we got to talking about the snow conditions. he told me he just came back from a trip to colorado. he rode a-basin, copper and breck. he said that conditions at buck were better. he said that breck was the worst. all icy, wind blew the snow off the runs. 

place was busy with kids bombing the runs.

13 hours ago, lonbordin said:

Wait... That's not normal?! :freak3:

i guess it's normal for this time of the season. supposed to rain this weekend. should be real fun.

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3/4/22, DAY 57

rode over lunch. wind was gusting/blowing from the east. it was slowing me down. snow was softer than yesterday. olympic was crunchy in some spots. rode mostly milkrun.

buck hill posted on FB that they will be closed tomorrow ...


Buck Hill will be closed on Saturday, March 5th to maintain the snow base while the inclement weather passes through. Hours will continue starting at 10:00 AM on Sunday, March 6th. See you then!


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Hello MN Carvers! I was referred to creating a post in this thread to inquire about gear. I'm wondering if anyone has some spare gear that they are willing to sell to help me get started in hard boot carving. I am looking for a decent board, bindings, and some quality boots size 28.5 or 29. Anything helps, thanks guys.

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3/6/22, DAY 58

saturday night i was caught in rain and small hail driving down 35W. it was a slow crawl. work up this morning and there was almost two inches of snow.

conditions weren't great. icy cord.  really fast. i rode upright. couldn't hold an edge. i saw some ski racers that were railing. i was jealous. i left after half hour.

a snowboarder stopped me at top of warners to ask about carving boards. he said he saw some people at spirit riding them. i told him about alpinesnowboarder.com.


[i think COVID causes brain inflammation that is driving up the unruly behavior on airplanes. but what happens when it occurs on the ski hill?]

arrived at buck close to 9:40 AM. the lift was running. saw a snowboarder coming down the run. i followed and got onto the chairlift. i was one chair behind a snowboarder.

towards the top i saw the lifty come running out of the booth. he confronted the snowboarder about the hill being closed to racers. when i got up close he was telling the snowboarder that they don't open the chair until 10 AM.

when i got off the chair he turned to ask me, "are you a racer?". i just stood there.

"only racers are allowed on the run. we open at 10 AM!!!!"

the snowboarder got really pissed, "I'VE BEEN COMING HERE FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS AND THEY OPEN AT 9 AM".

[the snowboarder looked like he was late 40's or early 50s with a really long beard. looked like an old-school skateboarder. might've seen him a few times.]

lifty said, "the chair opens at 10 AM. only racers are allowed"


it got heated. for a moment i thought the lifty was going to call security. maybe clip the guys ticket. the snowboarder wasn't comprehending the situation. i walked towards them said that buck just posted new opening hours on facebook and it is 10 AM. i told the lifty that it's not our fault, no one told us we couldn't get onto the lift.

he called lift operations on the radio, "what time does the lift open?"

lift op said 10 AM. the lifty repeated the same message to the boarder, "lift opens at 10 AM". 

he contacted lift op again, "there are two snowboarders that got onto the run when the lift is closed. what do i do?"

i heard the lift op say "just let them go". the snowboarder got smug, "was that so hard?" and took off.

i cruise to the bottom. there were two lifties. one was guarding the entrance and was smiling, "hey we just got yelled at... sorry... can't let you on the lift until 10 AM". the other lifty said his ears were bleeding.

okay, no problem.

the snowboarder showed up. the lifty told him he couldn't get on. the guy argued that the website stated 9 AM opening. the lifty said the chair was only available to the racers until 10 AM.


he asked the lifty to use his cellphone to look at the hours. the lifty was cool about it and just said if he could just wait until 10 AM. 


with that the guy took off his board, opened the emergency exit and jumped out of the plane. and left.


[just using mere words i was able to shut down the lift]

seconds later, non-racers started showing up and trying to board the lift. the lifty would tell them to patiently wait just 10 minutes. i stood towards the front while a line was forming behind me.

the aspen skier guy showed up and skied straight to the load area. i jokingly said, "hey he's not racing". i was being snarky and wasn't expecting anything to happen. the lifty overheard me, hit the e-stop button to shut down the lift to ask him if he was racing. i couldn't hear what was said but the lifty let him go told the other lifty, "he's a coach".

does anyone know if he is still coaching? all i ever see him do is constantly doing drills by himself. i didn't see him coaching anyone.



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8 hours ago, BobD said:

The really old guy (75) on 155 rossi sl skis? No, he is not coaching, or instructing.

i don't feel so much of an asshole. i know from riding the chair with him that he's partially deaf.

maybe when the lifty stopped the chairlift, the guy mis-heard him and thought the lify was asking if he was ever a ski coach?


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3/7/22, DAY 59

over lunch. fast cord. big turns. 


fear is the mind killer

3/8/22, DAY 60

rode at lunch. soft snow. great carving. wish i could stay longer.

there was a guy taking photos of these two snowboarders. at the top i asked what was going on. one of them said the guy was taking photos for buck. the other said he saw me yesterday making "pretty lines".

so, anyways... i buzzed the camera guy.

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3/12/22, DAY 62

early morning temp was -3F. i almost stayed home. i expected thin cord and ice.

when i finally got onto the run it was absolutely hero. no chunky ice balls or ice whatsoever.  it was like riding in january.

ski teams were on warners, olympic, crossroads and milkrun.

i just rode milkrun for 2 hours. towards the end by toes were in pain from the cold. regardless, it was a great day.

riding up the chairlift, the buck hill speaker was blaring Strange Love...

what did they mean by this?


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11 hours ago, Scott.Creer said:

So it was good today? I got cleared from to boss to go to buck tomorrow morning. Worth it?

yes, it was a good day. not sure what created great conditions, exceptionally cold weather or their groomers. today will be warmer. hope for the best.

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3/13/22, DAY 63

sunday morning. when i arrived i saw the groomers making passes on milkrun.

great weather. snow was soft but it was alright. i think scott was digging it. i think i liked all of the runs but spent equal time on milkrun and olympic. towards the end i was losing my edges and bouncing off my chest.


early morning a camera crew showed up. i believe they were from Teton Gravity Research. there were two skiers that were the primary subjects. there was a video camera up at the top recording people going up the lift. two DSLR cameras, one midway and one at the bottom. there was another guy with a chase video camera. a small crowd queued at top of milkrun. people were trying to get into the scenes.

but not me. noooOOOooo... i would never intentionally do something like that. 🤪

[hope they got my spectacular toe-side blowout]

the two skiers were patiently for the people to go down the run. it was strange because they just looked like average skiers.


"let's go down lynsey vonn!"

- a skier that i never seen before

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3/19/22, DAY 64

saturday morning. foggy. arrived at 9am for first chair. getting down to the chair was ... very loud.

lifty said to me and another regular, "conditions are going to be fast".

first run... going way to fast to even try. i just skidded.

the other guy i was riiding with left after 3 runs. he only intended to stay for 5 runs but it was just too icy.

sun kept poking through.

tried to get more aggressive. hand touched the snow. the cord was shredding my glove.

10:15, the snow started to soften. i was able to semi-carve.

10:30, finally carving but the top of milkrun was bad.

11:00, the snow was too soft. board was sinking on turns. i had to push off the snow to keep from falling over.

left at 11:20.


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3/26/22, DAY 66

last official day

cold temps which surprised me. very icy. frozen windrows on every groomer pass. wish buck could've groomed better. for me it was uncarveable. just skidded.

it's unbelievable that they still have snow. no brown whatsoever. 

watched the pond skip contest. there were 154 contestents. i watched first 20+.

one kid yard-saled before he even made it to the pond. he ditched his board, ran and dove into the pond.

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