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Carving action shots with trenches?


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While looking through Mats' photos from Sweden, this one caught my attention---it's a great shot because it shows a boarder in mid-carve and it clearly shows the trench he's left behind---very cool! This would be a great one to show people who don't know what carving is---rather than showing a shot of someone carving, then another shot of just the trenches.

Anyone have or know of other shots like this? Where you clearly see the carver and his/her trench in the same shot? (Most shots I see, the trench is obscured by flying snow!)



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There are few more from other sessions, specially on CarvingCamp section, you can find them by clicking on top of page : Back to previous folder.

Also on our older gallery:


there are some shots :)

Unfortunately have not paid attention to that when selecting pics, but will try to do that also in future :D

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for instance these



and of course


In any of their Opus movies, you will see lots of shots where they come blasting by, where you can almost feel their edge cut the snow. You can see it very clearly anyway. Opus 4 is the best.

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Look at the shot from Sweden I posted above---no snow flying from the board.

Now look at pokkis's avatar --- snow flying from the board.

This has me wondering: under what conditions will the snow fly? Is it just a powder versus frozen thing? Or is it a speed thing? Or presence/avoidance of sideslip? Or all?

Seems to me that the "perfect carve" (which I sure cannot do!) would not kick up a big roostertail, even in powder...since the board would just slice right through. (Right? No?)


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That Lisää kuvia pictures link should work, at least i just tested it :D but it will bring you to same place as root folder of link Mats provided in first mail.

We had great shooting season even winter was not one of best ones, roughly 2000+ pics :eek: and more film than ever.

I have just started edit our season film ANC and it should come out some time in April. Trailer for that is available at:


To see it you need to:

1.copy file anc-trailer.zip to your disk

2. Dont unZip it, just rename it from anc-trailer.zip to anc-trailer.wmv. File there is 20 meg wmv file just renamed to zip file with reasonable quality.

3. Play it, hopefully you like it.

btw Lisää kuvia means More pictures in english :D

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Originally posted by SWriverstone

Look at the shot from Sweden I posted above---no snow flying from the board.

Now look at pokkis's avatar --- snow flying from the board.

This has me wondering: under what conditions will the snow fly? Is it just a powder versus frozen thing? Or is it a speed thing? Or presence/avoidance of sideslip? Or all?

Pokkis' pic is taken on turn finish, when G and centrifugal forces have same direction and are greatest, thus big roostertail. Other picture is taken in the beginning of turn (notice edge change little bit before) when forces are not so big as G and centrifugal cancel out each other.

Pokkis' pic is probably taken on steeper slope (>40% if it is from slope which I think it is) and his speed is greater, I believe. But main factor for roostertails is still turn's "phase". This will be evident, if you look at continuos shots or videos.

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Man knows his pics, cause my avatar pic is taken by Vahur in Oppdal :D

That pic is quite high speed turn on decent steep slope, at end of turn as Vahur wrote. Snow condition was pretty much same on both pics anyway.

Another point is that that pic of Veijari is take slightly from above so spraying snow is not so easily visible as on pic taken from lower level. But anyway that pic of Veijari is great shot cause it is so easy to follow his tracks on snow :)

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Originally posted by SWriverstone

under what conditions will the snow fly? Is it just a powder versus frozen thing? Or is it a speed thing? Or presence/avoidance of sideslip? Or all?

The snow that was previously where the trench now is has to go somewhere. The deeper the trench, the more the snow flies.

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I was pondering the snow flying thing too last weekend after our big dump of snow. The snow was really soft and my board dug in about 5 inches in some places. But as I was riding the chair admiring my lines, I saw where chunks of snow from my trench were deposited about 10 feet away. I never really though of it before, but I guess it would look cool with all that snow flying out from you board. I was getting some hoots from others riding the chair though, so maybe that's what it was. (soft snow)

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Just a theory---I'll have to wait 'til next season to study it!

I remain skeptical that in a "perfect" carve (or near-perfect, anyway) with almost 100% unison in tip/tail direction of travel, you'd end up with a giant roostertail.

I mean, I know the snow in the trench has gotta go somewhere...but when I see shots of a 20-foot long, 10-foot high roostertail, it looks cool---but I can't believe that's not being caused by some pretty powerful skidding!


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Scott. Sounds like you have progressed a great deal indeed.

I recall you were going to wait till next season to get on hard boots. I am so glad you "Pushed Through" to hardboot gear.

On the spray issue. I worked diligently all day from 9am till 4pm without stop working under bright sun on this very issue. I believe the snow spray can be explained (while pure carving) by a number of issues:

Depending on the snows condition (hardness, water content, temp, and texture)

Boot touching (current angles 70/65 size 29 A600s)

Binding touching (TD2s with 3/3 and intec)(board 18cm at waist)

changing radius of the board at changing speeds.

Lets call it "radius chase".

Flare and Taper

I witnessed several carving paths that were 4" wide when I would expect a one or two inche trench. I believe that even with rather steep angles , the board angle was so steep that the side of the boot toe was touching, on the heel side the upper edge of the intec heel with a 3 degree cant/lift was doing the same on the heel side carve.

Back to work!!!

Heavenly was mighty fine today. Didn't think I would make it all the way through the day on my race board. Pleasantly surprised!!

On the road again. Bryan

Anyone in the Tahoe area. Reminder about the Race at Donner ski ranch Saturday!! SHRED DAILY DUDES!!

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