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Mt. Hood Meadows on Sun.?


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Hi guys - I'm heading up to Meadows on Sun. in case anyone wants to hook up, I'll be over at Shooting Star in the early morning. I know, I know we need snow. I'll be on 2-way radio # 1320. My wife is having a baby shower at our house that day so I really need to stretch out my day too. lol

I'm also riding on Mon. maybe T-line? If anyone is interested.

It really sucks we still have to ride the "rock boards" at Hood. sorry, I brought it up

Think Snow - Ed

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Hey D-sub,

Sorry I didn't get in touch in Bend - I wound up being so slammed (late to pick up the folks I was driving out with) that I didn't have grab your cell#, and then no Internet access in our place at Sunriver.

I didn't think there was so much carving terrain at Bachelor that I could miss you, but somehow I did.

I was up Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday I did run into Greg (big guy, 197 Burner, nice carves) and rode with him for a while.

Sunday was a powder day (sort of - about 3 inches if I remember correctly), so I was on a freeride board with plates. Dinged my base pretty bad trying to ride off-piste, but it might have been worth it - it was a pretty good day.

Were you up those days? Where were you riding?

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So, no one is up for Sunday? maybe you'll change your minds.

Come'on I'll buy ya a cup of coffee?

Greg is a great guy -

D-Sub- I'm going to try to repair that damaged Rossi this afternoon. If it doesn't come out well I could find something to do with that board. Imagine the slopetool we could build ? Like mount a patio chair on it.

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Hey Ed. What damage?? You play hard with your toys!!

Maybe you could come on down to Bach for Monday? We could pry Dave away from his computer and rally a small "Expression Session". I am taking a couple days to rest up so I can hit it again for a strong finish on this road trip. Just pulled into Bend tonight. Hot tub and beer for a couple days should do the trick.

Let see if Dave can make his new Coiler behave??

See ya carving soon bro! Bryan

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har har pry me away from my computer. gotta earn money somehow...

wont be ridin til monday...is that when youre talkin about

snow was CRAP yesterday by noon. stickiest Ive ever seen except at Sierra one time when all the pine tar was sticking to boards

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Dan and Dave.

Nice to bump into you guys, would be cool to chat on a chair sometime. Sorry I was the laggard this morning. Once the snow softened up and I got used to that board, I started havin a really good day actually. Saw you guys from the vista chair on cascade a couple times.

Since I've discovered that old burton makes an ok slush board, I'm probibly gonna go up tomorrow morning.

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D-Sub, at least your snow was good for half the day. Ours was crap from the get-go. The fact that Bachelor grooms a good number of runs after midnight helps a lot.

Jason, you rode AWESOME today.

I definitely had an off-day... oh well. Dan, nice to meet in person and grab a few runs. Weather for the next 2 weeks looks great... if you want to put away your boards and play golf. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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MikeT: Yeah, I don't really know what I look like when I get on it. Maybe I can drag Dave Dean up to the hill tomorrow with his dv cam and get some footage to do some self coaching on. God knows I'm not going to have many more days to ride this season :/.

Hrmm... not a bad idea, bonus is I'll get to film dave breaking whatever bodypart he's sure to break when he overshoots the big table yet again. :D

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so how was it today? And go ahead and vent on us your feelings concerning....

1. High School ski racers

2. High School racer's parents

3. All the Race Officials

4. Ski Bus participants

5. Group Family bonding in the middle of the run.

6. Ski Instructing for 12 on your favorite run.

7. And $11.00 chilli burgers

I'm heading up tomorrow for the leftovers.

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Racers: yeah, they were there. They had most of the ridge line above heather on shooting star again, and had taken over half of the bottom bit of the run that heads over toward the top of the heather chair before making a left turn to the shooting star base. Additionally, they had a course set on vista and a course set on cascade.

Overall, there were less schools operating than 2 weeks ago when I was up and bumped into you.

Coverage was 'ok' on the upper slopes, You can lap vista or cascade with little issue. The lower mountain is trashed. Defiantley ride a rock board.

They came close to gettin' me to spend $4 on some damn french fries, but my will was strong ;).

On the plus side: lifts operated at full speed all day, lines were short, and aside from some crowding around 10am, for the most part, you could find a gap in the people on a run and have some room to play.

Hope to run into you slopet.

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Shooting Star and MH express are both open today according to their website. I can't imagine for much longer though, they really are having to bulldoze a lot of snow so that you can get down MHEX and once a few more rocks poke out of Apollo, they'll have to shut down Star Ridge as well. The Voyager side had rocks visible through the groom as well on Saturday.

Really glad I have that Timberline Weekday+ pass.

Ed, definitley let us know what Palmer is like, and if you hit any rocks gettin down!

I hope to scout out Palmer on Thursday (or Wednesday if the weather holds up, look like rain though) and will report back.

It doesn't look like there are any big dumps in the works for the next ten days. I am trying to get someone at Timberline to give me a realistic estimate of the chances of pulling MHES off at all this year.

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MHM now lists only Vista, Cascade and Buttercup as open. Given the forecast for warm temps, I predict they will close a week from today, re-open for the following weekend in time for spring break, and not make it more than 4 days into spring break before closing for good.

If I had any idea it was gonna be this bad, I woulda just bought passes at Bachelor instead! Looks like I'll be heading down to Bend again this weekend, even though I don't have any house-related things to do over there :)

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