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Yeah it works really well and lasts longer than normal boot laces , the only downside is its pretty harsh on your fingers and you need to do a reef knot first before your traditional shoelace knot other wise it will come undone due to the cord not compressing like a lace will. other than that i generally recomend climbing cord to anyone who rides alot.

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Should change the topic to "Crazy people with too much going on in their Brain and not enough ways to express it ". Once helped a friend move his machine shop (Once !). Major time commitment not like rearranging a bunch of furniture.  More fun extracting the goodies from machine shop auction sales. How does your plate ride and what wear characteristics has the front side exhibited ?

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So far it rides well, though I haven't used it much. It's on a 15(3?) , which is a pretty small board I mostly take out when riding with friends on soft gear. Nice reduction of small bumps, etc, but very direct feeling. That board is UPM only, and I figured if I was going to make adapters I might as well make a plate.

I haven't ridden it enough to show wear, but I imagine it will be similar to vist rash, though maybe not quite as bad since it's not locked in the middle. Some shear like a vist, some isolation like an axle based plate. The front hardware is designed for some slide, but is rigidly attached (no loose screws).

And yes, moving a machine shop is and adventure.

l'd note that I am not a machinist. I'm a bike and knife maker (plus general tinkerer) and all my machine use has been figured out to those ends.

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