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Trenchin Convention 2019?

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YO! from Australia! Hey Jack & crew,

My buddy and I are pretty keen on this Trenchin' Convention thing that we have seen online. Is one organised for next January/ February? What are the details, and how do we get involved? We have been talking about it for years now. We ride hardboots in Australia and everyone asks us what an Alpine board is because they have never seen one before. There are probably only about a dozen hardbooters in all of the Southern Hemisphere. I know there are a few in New Zealand. It would be cool to come over and ride with other hardbootin' crew. Any info on the next Trenchin Convention would be appreciated. I can't find any info online and Sean from Donek pointed me in this direction. Cheers, Craig. 


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Hi Craig, I'm a Kiwi carver. I'll be hitting the slopes of Cardrona & TC in mid August this year for the best part of two weeks from Aug 9th. 

There was an unofficial "ATC/SES" in 2018. Don't know if there's any plans for 2019. 

Edited by SunSurfer
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I won't be organizing another unofficial ATC.  While it was great fun seeing some of the usual gang, attendance really suffered without official Bomber support.  Awful conditions didn't help much either!  It's unfair to expect anything this major out of Bomber 3.0 so early in the business.  

Dredman's Montucky paradise sounds like all kinds of goodness.  That's my big trip for 2019, even if I have to bring my own caviar and furs.  

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11 minutes ago, Corey said:

I won't be organizing another unofficial ATC.  While it was great fun seeing some of the usual gang, attendance really suffered without official Bomber support.  Awful conditions didn't help much either!  It's unfair to expect anything this major out of Bomber 3.0 so early in the business.  

Dredman's Montucky paradise sounds like all kinds of goodness.  That's my big trip for 2019, even if I have to bring my own caviar and furs.  


   I'll favor Montucky if the conditions are better. But, you have to admit that when conditions at aspen are good, it's epic!

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Thanks for the responses guys. Montucky sounds fun. If you could all keep me in the loop about any event like the ATC / SES  that gets confirmed that would be great! If anyone is ever thinking about a trip to Oz, and wants some info, let me know. Cheers! Craig.   

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