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SES 05 photo-shoot: Monday

Scott Firestone

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If I am not mistaken I believe that is Kevin McDougal from Salt Lake City and Juneau Alaska. I rode with Kevin at SES in '03. He could carve deep on one of those Rossi splittail powder boards, forgot the name of that board. Kevin then jumped on a Riot and continued to rip it up. Kevin, did you bring the salmon and shrimp this time??? Yummmmm, shrimp and smoked salmon fresh from Alaska!!!!

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Guest Randy S.

Nice job Scott!

How did that girl tear her achilles. I figured I was one of the first to do it in hard boots. I'm curious if she was in walk mode like I was, or if there were other factors. If you find out, let me know, or have her email me.

Enjoy the week. I'm jealous.


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Hi, Scott!

Nice pics!

I saw that you shoot with D70 (da camera I have as well). Which lens you used for shooting (EXIF displays 70 mm)? Which ISO was used (shutter speed seems to be quite low, so I guess ISO 200?) Did you use any filter? Seems like you used spot or center-weighted metering with +1.5-2 exp. compensation, what was reason for such setup (any web references for this?). Did you shot JPG or NEF? Did you use any custom curve?

I used D70 in Zinal with matrix metering and +0.3 exp. compensation and it seemed to work quite well (but we had sun all the weekend....)

Some pics from my shooting:


With such setup exposure seemed to be correct (rejected pics were out of focus or not so well spotted). Only problem was WB, with blue sky snow tends to become quite blue. I shot with saturation set to high, sharpness and contrast set to auto.

Sorry for turning this into tech. discussion and wishing nice SES to all the participants, Aspen is probably best place for carving!

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I am at the base of highlands right now (and its DUMPING). Definitely bring those flat light goggles. I wasnt paying enough attention yesterday at buttermilk and face planted directly onto my goggles due to the low light. Now I have a big black eye and a shattered lens. You'll probably recognize me easily because of my busted eye. :(

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Hey Scott,

I tried to check out your pics/update, but my server (at work) has it blocked under the Porn category. Like Jack M. said, "This is a family site" :)

I'll check it at home later. Is there any cord, or is it snowing a ton? It would like to see a group photo with everyone with hard boots and O'Sin 4807's.

Dig deep you guys and gals,


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Originally posted by Chris Houghton

I believe the last few of the guy on the Coiler is Rob Cox from Oshawa Ontario. No pics of Bruce, he is hard to miss.

actually..just noticed...the caption on a pic of the same guy just a bit further down the page says "ken can ride"

Ken who? dude looks like a badass. Almost all those photos are of RIPPERS! nice!

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Originally posted by D-Sub

actually..just noticed...the caption on a pic of the same guy just a bit further down the page says "ken can ride"

Ken who? dude looks like a badass. Almost all those photos are of RIPPERS! nice!

Looks like Ken Tower?

There were some great photos of Ken at last year's precursor to MHES... see http://gallery.ad3pt.net/album16.

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Ken Tower is the 11th pic from the bottom, Ken is riding a Coiler with blue flame graphics. Ken also has a red helmet and a orangeish/grey jacket on.

D-Sub posted a picture of Kevin Mcdougal and that is a pretty sweet photo. I stayed with Kevin a few years ago in Dillon. He is uber cool!!! Kevin is wearing a grey/black jacket and has a grey Giro helmet on.

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Originally posted by Jack Michaud

isn't photoshop great?


Yes, sure it is. But it costs an arm and leg and I will spend my money on decent lens(es) instead. Currently I use PaintShopPro and it's quite capable piece of software with price 1/10th of PS.

I had no time (read: I'm too lazy) to put up postprocessed pics, the pictures there are just batch-processed (with BreezeBrowser) resized versions of originals without any changes apart from little sharpening.

Your modified pic looks better (especially white balance, I have to learn tinkering on that), but I'm not sure about sharpening, in my LCD at work sharpened pictures look quite bad (especially snow) while on CRT at home they look quite normal. So I try not to sharpen very much. Or is it just my LCD?

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Originally posted by Jack Michaud

isn't photoshop great?

Yeah, but unless you got them the wrong way around I prefer the first. The second is a tad oversharpened on my [sharp] monitor, and although the blue cast in the first is a bit too strong, I think you did an "auto" on it which makes it too gray, IMHO. The first one needs a touch of shadow/highlight to bring out the rider, and perhaps a bit of minus on the blue I think.

The first set of shots isn't sharp though - perhaps the Autofocus couldn't keep up, or it's the batch processing which isn't giving them their best face. If they are sharp, then do some USM after resizing them.

CRTs are generally softer than LCDs. Sharpen for the LCD, but expect the thing to look soft on the CRT. If you're printing, oversharpen a fair bit as ink-jets are way soft.

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