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It was a good week-end for hard boot sightings!

Jeffrey Day

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I was at Shawnee Peak in Maine on Saturday and there were two of us! Me on my Prior 4WD and a Burton FP 5.7 in the racks at the base lodge!

But on Sunday at Bretton Woods, there were 7 of us!! There was me on my Donek RC-167, Dan & his wife on Oxygen Protons, Bill & his brother on a Madd & a Donek FC-171. A Volkl Renntiger and a Hot asymetrical board were spotted in the racks!!

Fun was had by all! Sorry to those of you that I forgot your names or didn't ride with!

How were the sightings at your mountain?

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Man Jeff I was at the Peak the week before. There are 2 local riders that are instructors there. One guys name is Ron I think he rides a Völkl with Cateks, and the I can't remember the other guys name and on an FP. Not sure if they are on BOL. I've been going up there for the past 4 years. Not sure if I'll be up there again this season though. See you at Sunapee on Thursday.

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I went to Tahoe a few weeks back, Squaw Valley to be exact and there were...................................drumroll please..............14 of us in the same liftline at the same time, if Ken Lao was there at that time it would've made 15. Other than SES I had never seen that many carvers in one sighting.

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Hehe, yeah that day at Squaw had pretty heavy hardbooter traffic! Nothing quite like riding up Shirley and seeing an instructor and a posse of 6 hardbooters totally destroying that run down the backside from Emigrant. Squaw generally has a pretty good hardboot population: at least a few instructors who rip, a supervisor who carves the crap out of the steep, choppy, wet-my-pants crud with his 4x4, and some locals I don't know. I think one of the guys in the boot shop at Squaw Creek rides plates, too. One of the racers there showed me his season pass and it has a picture of a hardbooter on it.

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it was indeed a strange weekend. at my little podunk hill I actually spotted 3 other hardbooters!!!!! usually i am the only one. unfortunately they all came out of hiding on a day with some of the worst grooming i have seen in a while. needless to say, i was excited, although saddened by my choice of gear for the day and my inability to "run into" any of them.

how do you go about coaxing ski racers who have toyed with snowboarding (softboots) into trying an alpine board?

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Hey, I saw you guys running down Eggbeater a couple of times off of the duckling chair. I was on my Speed 178 w/red UPS boots.

I'm there pretty much every weekend, working at the Sunbowl chair on Saturdays and riding on Sundays. Say "Hi" if ya get the chance.

Rusty (Russ)

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Will do! dont usually see to many carvers there often. usually myself, my friend, and my old coach. when im there, i usually ride the quad in the morning then stick to the north peak triple later in the day. i tend to stay out of teh sunbowl. dont know why though.

see ya around!


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