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Toronto Area Carvers / SOS


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Southern Ontario Session that is.

Just a reminder for next weekend sesiion at Osler Bluff Ski Club to:

Henry Kim

Greg Marsden

Gord Tanner

Rob Cox & Monique

Derek & Beth

Todd stewart

Rob Sydia

Arthur Tateishi

Chris Houghton


John O'Brien (to organize own ticket)

Simon & Tara

If you are going to drop out, please do it as soon as possible so that others can take your place. The numbers for this event are closed and it would be great to have a full turnout. If you are just becoming aware of this event for the first time and want to get on the list, leave a message on this thread and perhaps a spot will open up.

At the risk of being repetitive, here's the drill: you arrive between 8:30 and 9:30 AM on the 6th. THIS IS IMPORTANT: YOU ARE NOT GOING TO THE MAIN LODGE. YOU ARE GOING TO THE SOUTH LODGE CALLED THE 'ORCHARD LODGE'. IT IS THE ONE THAT IS IMMEDIATELY NEXT TO THE ROAD WITH A FIXED GRIP TRIPLE CHAIR BASE ADJACENT. THERE IS VERY CONVENIENT PARKING RIGHT ACROSS THE ROAD. The ticket window is on the lower level inside the door from the drop off circle. One of us will be waiting inside to sign you in and get you pointed in the right direction (hopefully downhill). If you arrive after 9:30 (I know there are some long drives happening) we will be cycling on the Orchard Chair and you can reach one of us by FRS on 7-7 but be a little patient (call for John or Chris and identify yourself). I think we should try to break for lunch at around 11:00 or after 1:00 as this will allow us to ride through the lunch period when the light is best and crowds are minimal. Being Superbowl Sunday, the crowds should be quite light in the afternoon. There are two ski race events at Osler that day: an adult house league event and a MacKenzie League race. These will likely be on hills off the main high speed quad lift so these need not be a distraction. However, it may mean additional traffic out of the Orchard Lodge which is where the racers and their parents are usually sent.

The conditions were great this weekend with a solid base and great grooming making for ideal riding conditions. Hopefully the weather will continue to be cooperative into next weekend. At the moment, Environment Canada is predicting lows of -12 every night with highs of -1 during the day all the way out to Thursday.

For driving directions:


Looking forward to a great day.

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Hey Arthur, I don't think you can use the term "epic" to describe MSLM even at the best of times. Maybe "choice" or "prime" but not "epic" ;-)

Oh ya, I'm still in for Osler on the 6th.

If anyone has an extra pair of size 12 boots, I have a softbooter friend who is going to be there (as a guest of another member). When he heard I am going with a bunch of hardbooters, he was asking if I could find him a ride. Here's a chance to convert a friend to the darkside. Let me know if you have a pair of boots that he could borrow for a few runs. I'll bring an extra board.

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Linus: you are excused. Education is more important than riding.

Gabe, welcome to the event. I think you're last name is Tung but I can't recall how I know that. Doesn't matter, I will see you there.

Chris, this is a disappointment. We get few opportunities but I think we will be seeing each other at SES.

Rob Cox, if you are still stuck for someplace to ride on Saturday, I will be at Osler that day too but not arriving 'til 10:00 AM. Let me know if you would like me to get you a ticket.

Envionrment Canada says sunny for Sunday with a high of 8 degrees! Conditions could get a little wierd by the end of the day but should be great in the morning. Don't overdress. And don't forget your FRS. If you don't have one and arrive late, I will be using the Orchard lift in the morning so if you wait on the deck at the lodge and watch for the thermonuclear orange board you can always find me.

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looks like its all coming together, good work.

I'll get to the club by 8:30, and be ready to sign my crew in. how do you want to divide up the names?

if we have the same conditions we had on Sunday at Osler, it will be fantastic, and if its +8 deg C, then it will be ..... interesting!

See you all on Sunday, and Chris I'll see you Saturday.


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Thanks for the reply Chris. And yes, you’re right about the last name. I think I had read on BOL that you were riding an orange Coiler at one point and emailed you a couple of seasons ago wondering if you were someone I had met at MSLM. Turns out it was someone else so I don’t think we’ve met.

It’s too bad it looks like we’re in for a bit of a warm spell. With the possible thought of not so great conditions this weekend, I couldn’t help myself and took the day off for an ‘epic’ day of riding at MSLM yesterday. Without the usual weekend crowds, I was able to squeeze in about 70 runs for the day. My legs should be fully recovered for the weekend. : )

I just picked up a FreeCarve from Bruce this past Friday and rode it the last couple of sessions out. Had a great time with it yesterday…Really enjoying the extra turns I can get out of it.

I actually borrowed Bruce's ExtremeCarve to try out as well. That thing was stiff! Took a lot of work to get it edge to edge as well. Because it was so stiff I had to pressure quite a bit which caused me to lose a lot of speed. It didn't work well for me on harder snow conditions….just couldn't get the edge to hold as well as my other boards. (PureRace, RaceCarve, FreeCarve) I can actually ride closer to an"extremecarving" style on the Freecarve I just got. At almost 190 lbs Bruce said it's actually even too stiff for him on the hard stuff and is planning on softening it up after he gets it back. (I’m only about 165lbs) I think he plans to take it with him to SES. It was interesting trying a board that feels so different. I’d love to try an ExtremeCarver one day with the right stiffness on a hill with the appropriate pitch (MSLM not really steep enough for that type of riding.)

See you on Sunday.


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thanks for the offer Chris but I'm heading back home after the master's race. thought I should share Saturday with Monique and we will come to Osler together early Sun. morning. I'm leaving for CO without her and this will be our last weekend together. midweek schedules keep us separated.

We'll see you Sunday.

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Guest Todd Stewart

I think I'll have to drop out of this one due to cateks being pieces of ****. I blew out of them again at a boradercross yesterday, clearing the landing on a 40 foot table could have something to do with that. No matter what I tried they still felt loose and sloppy for the rest of the day. I'll be at the next SOS with sporting a new pair of Phiokka's.

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Originally posted by Todd Stewart

I think I'll have to drop out of this one due to cateks being pieces of ****. I blew out of them again at a boradercross yesterday, clearing the landing on a 40 foot table could have something to do with that. No matter what I tried they still felt loose and sloppy for the rest of the day. I'll be at the next SOS with sporting a new pair of Phiokka's.

Todd, if I can help you out to correct the issue with your bindings, just let me know. Tried to e mail you directly, but it's turned off in your profile.

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hey just got back from Osler, wow what a sweet day,, well minus the drive up, but once the snow soften up it was all good, was nice meeting all you ppl, it was quite exciting. never rode with a group size like this.. but im glad i came out, tons of fun, learned alot, and thanks for all the pointers. still got alot to learn from you guys, so if you guys are heading out as a group again i would love to hitch along..

ps. i was on the green & black factor prime 160'

when's the next outing ??

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It was a fun day yesterday. Great to see some old familiar faces as well as meet some new ones. The carving gods were good to us ….despite the spring like weather, conditions held up remarkably well throughout the day. That’s a great hill you’ve got there with some excellent runs. Thanks again Chris and John for your effort in putting this all together. I look forward to the next session. Chris, thanks for taking the videos and putting together the movie. You got in some really great shots!


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