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Want to soft boot carve?


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I've been riding a Coiler Monster and just wanted to let everyone here know how much I've been enjoying the board and how excited I am that I have found a board that has put the fun back in my soft boot carving. Bruce you are a true master, thank you for all the turns that make me giggle like a little school girl.  I picked up a Rossignol XV in a 163 last year and was truly blown away by the feel of the board. From carving to wind blown snow and even the dust on crust this board ripped right through it all. The snow here at Powder is usually on the softer side and I find myself taking out the Rossi more than the Monster, although I do have a more surfy style of riding I find that I can pressure the front of the board and it always comes around like my Monster. I picked up a 174W recently and I'm railing turns and keeping my toes out of it, the only place I struggle is the steep groomed only due to the fact that I'm out of shape. If anyone here can carve and if you are looking for a good board do a little research, here is a little info from Rossignol. Kipp


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ELZ8eGCDi-k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Edited by I_LOVETT
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What angles to you run and do you have cant/lift plates?  I was out yesterday on my Prior BX 163 with TD2 3 degree canting discs (all toe lift in front and heel lift in back) and Bomber Power Plates (25/20) but I kept booting out on the heel side.  I guess I should also ask your boot size, board width and whether you think your boots look like they are at all close to the edge.


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wow! I am now 64 and working at a local snowpark here in western new york (Peek N Peak). handing out skis and poles for a ski pass + minimum wage. the reality of our snow quality is most days its pretty hardpack boilerplate. the kids showed me some boards we rent out that have the magnetraction , in fact they are cheap rossignols. i tried one with my plates and hardboots and it was fun fun fun.....i have been researching other all mountain boards and that rossi xv seems like the cream of whats out there. that will be my next board purchase, i hear its a snake surfboard. curious what boots and bindings to get?

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I picked up the Salomon Defenders, new this season. They have 2.5 degree cant and are the most comfortable binding I've ridden. It feels as if my feet are glued to the board with massive amount of movement forward and back, at 210 pounds I really thought I may not have enough control. I don't seem to get any discomfort from the high backs like I have with all my other bindings. The boots are Burton Ions size 10.5 US and I ride 35 degrees front and 28/29 rear both facing towards the front of the board. It really has put the fun back in soft booting for me, the Magtek on the Rossignol has given me confidence when I punch through to the crusty stuff, the board just goes where  I want it to go. The chopped, tracked out and windblown are fun now, I've never been able to say that of any other board. Kipp

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I'd be interesting in demoing if you can convince them to come out east some time.  

I'm still on an ancient Donek Wide (incline).  

I went with bomber plates last year and think they are a net ++ (heel lift and heel boot out clearance > substantial weight cost).  


I can still pull toesides as hard as I want, but still wash out on my rear foot when I try to pull in the tight heelsides.


I'll never by a board untested again though - so rossi's at a bit of a disadvantage there.  

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I don't know which Coiler board is shown in the video that coiler has out with softboots but if that is the one that I_LOVETT is talking about, I think it looks like a great soft board to carve. So does that Rossignal XV. However I am extremely skeptical about the advice I get about which soft deck is a good one for carving. Opinions vary so much from rider to rider about this subject. The Coiler looks real nice but being that I have no means of riding one I am nervous about spending the money for a board that I may not like. The same is true about the Rossignal XV. If I ever have the chance, I will demo the boards. I will look out for both of them because hearing opinions on this matter in this forum is much different then listening to the local store clerk. Most of the guys by me (not all) don't have a clue what it means to carve. It would be nice to start a forum on carving soft decks under the review section.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know which Coiler board is shown in the video that coiler has out with softboots but if that is the one that I_LOVETT is talking about, I think it looks like a great soft board to carve. So does that Rossignal XV. However I am extremely skeptical about the advice I get about which soft deck is a good one for carving. Opinions vary so much from rider to rider about this subject. The Coiler looks real nice but being that I have no means of riding one I am nervous about spending the money for a board that I may not like. The same is true about the Rossignal XV. If I ever have the chance, I will demo the boards. I will look out for both of them because hearing opinions on this matter in this forum is much different then listening to the local store clerk. Most of the guys by me (not all) don't have a clue what it means to carve. It would be nice to start a forum on carving soft decks under the review section.

jtslalom - if you are referring to this video:


I have that exact board BXFR 161. I used to ride the Burton Custom X and it was not cutting it (no pun intended). I saw that video in the fall and started talking to Bruce, 2 days later I ordered a custom board on a whim. It is by far the best descision I have EVER made in equitment buying. It is an amazing board that loves to be on edge and the control is the best I have ever ridden. Very quick edge to edge and sticks in a carve when you want it to. 

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i tried softies again this season after a couple year hiatus; i'm loving it! applying the carving technique i learned on hardboots to the soft setup is good times. i love the versatility & forgiveness of the soft setup. now to start looking for carve friendly softboot gear upgrades... that coiler looks sick. 

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we are locked in the deep freezer here on the ice coast and waiting for things to warm up a little, at least to the point where we get some ridable snow and not boilerplate over ice. i just got a Rossignol One Magtek last week and only had it out once. it was a ice/boilerplate day so i didnt do many runs..didnt want to have to go back to the chiropractor just yet.......i immediately saw the need for stiffer bindings than the Flow rear entry I bought cheap off some kid at our snow park. i will ride some more when things soften up in a week or so......I'm sure on a powder day it floats well....i saw EVO.com had a few Rossignol Krypto's left on sale for $225. they are the cheaper version of the Rossi XV....if they had a 163 left I would buy one for an east coast powder board

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I have that exact board BXFR 161. I used to ride the Burton Custom X and it was not cutting it (no pun intended). I saw that video in the fall and started talking to Bruce, 2 days later I ordered a custom board on a whim. It is by far the best descision I have EVER made in equitment buying. It is an amazing board that loves to be on edge and the control is the best I have ever ridden. Very quick edge to edge and sticks in a carve when you want it to. 


How does BXFR ride as an all mountain board?  Bumps, powder, etc?

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I have a Coiler BXFR that was finished a month ago. It is a 170 and is really really fun. Easy to control, carves like a beast. Works great in all snow including powder. It is my all mountain soft boot board. If you are looking I recommend the BXFR. Bruce was really great to work with.

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How does BXFR ride as an all mountain board?  Bumps, powder, etc?

It really loves the groomers but that said I was 6-8 inches powder and it floated high with great control. In heavy chop you start to get bounced some as the nose is meant to get the edge initiated and hold. Bruce makes the BX version and the one I (and RichNH) have the BXFR. The BXFR has a 3-4mm longer upturn nose to help get through chop. The edge to edge is quick so getting trough traffic is easy and the control is amazing. I don't do jumps or tricks so I can't talk to that but it is my 90% of the time on softboot board now. I hopped back on my CustomX and while it was fun it paled in comparison to any control in all conditions that the Coiler had (no suprise).


Today I loaded up some Bomber Power Plates and it rides so solidly that I found myself way outside my comfort zone and feeling in complete control. This was on steeps and nicer variable conditions and dampened the ride without losing controls. 

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Thanks for the reply. Do you find the titanal makes the board heavy for jump turns?

Not sold yet on replacing my Nitro Supernatural which has served me well as my ride anything board but the BXFR video Is certainly convincing for groomers.

jng, I was just thinking of you as I was coming in from morning runs. I am up in VT and we got 6 inches of powder last night with half the mountain left not groomed. The groomed runs were unbelievable and then over to the powder... amazing. The nose stayed up without too much weight shift and once the powder started getting really chopped up as long as I kept the edge on I was slicing through all the chop. Not to say I did not get bounced, I did, but compared to any other board I feel that would be the board I take again. 


Jump turns - there is a really nice pop coming out of hard turns so you can get some nice transitions. I don't notice the weight at all but I tend to like a little girth in my boards. But looking at the guy in the video he does not seem to have any problems (someday...*sigh*).


This is my first BX (FR) board so I can't do a comparison but so far this board is everything I ever wanted in a softball set-up. I would shoot Bruce an email and I am sure he could more specific on specs and abilities of the board. Let me know if you have any more questions!

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Just rewatched the video and noticed some nice pop between turns.  I was actually thinking more about jump turns in the bumps where you're not relying on the loading the tail to pop.  I am probably fussing a little too much about it though since I was just riding a heavy setup last weekend (metal Coiler + TD3's) in bumps and was able to move the board around pretty effectively.


Good to hear BXFR works well in pow.  It is on my shortlist, but next board might be another alpine board though.

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GOING SOFT:REPORT FROM ICE COAST:  temperatures are just starting to rise a little and letting the snow breathe and turn back to real packed powder.we are going to have an awesome spring season although according to accuweather its going to be a fast warmup.....i finally settled on an interesting combination soft setup: consider this......after being schooled by the kids at the snowpark where I work now, i settlede on a Rossignol One Magtek 156 and the Ride Ill Eagle Contraband (one strap bindings) after trying the Flow which seemed too loose to carve in. Flow works great in powder but not hardback. I am looking and lurking and waiting for a Rossi XV to come down in price in a 159 size so if anyone sees one or has a used one and wants to trade or sell reasonable let me know please. I really like the one strap system as i dont like to sit down in the snow anymore then get back up to ride. I am beginning to think I should have held out and got the XV in the first place instead of the Mag One, but that may be my obsessive side kicking in again.......narcissistic?..who knows how many years I will still be able to do this crazy stuff anyway.....

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Kipp, are you booting out on the 163?  We are same weight and spec sheet from Rossi puts me on a wide version based on weight alone.  For my short hills, I am considering a 168w (soft boots).  Yesterday was a prime day to ride my 184 Monster II, but I had the steeper hill tore up after an hour.  I then switched to a 169 Coiler VSRXT  10.5 SCR, lowered the angles down to 45/40.  Adjusted my riding by not rotating my upper torso into heel sides, had a blast ~~~~~ all the way down a groomed 1/4 mile blue run.  I think I would ride 45/40 on soft boots.  Stayed out for another 1-1/2 hours doing laps.  Price point on the board and immediate availability is making this very tempting as we should have at least 3 more weeks to ride locally and I think this could be a fun ride in softer snow.


Width difference doesn't seem that great 0.9cm or 0.355"?

167 XV medium width is 25.5 cm or 10.039"

168 XV wide width is 26.4 cm or 10.394"

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Sorry Pat, I don't check posts here as often I as I did in the past. I did boot out with a 10 1/2 pretty frequently but on the 174 Wide I seldom do. It does take a little longer edge to edge but still very playful in the crud and trees, it's worth the trade off to carve with confidence.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I demo rode the XV here on new england boilerplate, and flat out hated it. Yeah, I LOVE Rozi boards, but honestly, it is "big mountain" specific. THere is just too much "technology" going on with this board, and the magnetraction sucked ass IMHO. not enough camber to really make it effective on icy conditions. 


HTH :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

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