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Four to eight inches of fresh predicted for Okemo within the next 24 hours! Now I have to bring all three boards to cover all the varying conditions I might encounter. I hate it when that happens!;) Hmm...sounds like a perfect Coiler All Mountain day on Saturday. My wife and I are hitting the road at 3:00 this afternoon. I can't wait to hook up and meet everyone Saturday morning. Anyone else staying at The Motel-in-the-Meadow in Chester? ($70.00 including kitchenette - not bad)


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What a fantastic time! It was snowing when I left this afternoon.(2-3 inches)

There must have been between 30-40 carvers. Everyone was super frinendly and more than willing to give a newbie some pointers. If you can make to Okemo.... go, you wont be disappointed. Big Props to Bricky for putting it all together!

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... it was a great Time! Thank you Had the brick man for putting this event together!

I would like to thank Ronski for letting me try his 58 kitten! A small cat with a tiger attitude!

I also Like to thank Elliot Pine, Rob Chase, Bobby Buggs, Glenn, Richard, Charlie, Rob, Wes, Jack, Kenny, Gary, and many others that I can't remember their names for a great time. I'm glad I stay for the 2 days!

This was a great event to replace the lost of ECES for this year. I hope to attend Jack's next year event at SugarLoaf!!!!! I miss that mother!


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Tony, I was So glad I got to see you. Sorry I went the wrong way at the end there, I wanted to say Bye. You still Rock the Mtn no matter what board you are on.

Had, Great Job!! Thank you for spending all that time getting this together, it went Very well.

Great to see you guys from PA ad all the others. Its great to see how well everyone is riding. It was quite the sceen when we all blasted one of those narrow trails. I actually had a few people come up to ME:eek: ?? and say they saw us and we looked great, But you know WE DID!!!!!

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For those of you who I met, good carving with you and those I didnt,good carving with you. Best 3 days i have had in years. Thighs are done. thanks to Pat and Mt. Laural ski club and Bricky. I just hope I signed all of the attendance sheets I was suppose to. Thursday was epic except those rollers on Exibition, kicked me in the jimmy. i think at one point on thursday we had 15 in the group just dicing the hell outta of the mtn. Saturday's fresh was nice til it got "bumped". Bombing Wild Thing at Mach 3. Thanks to Eric and Chris for the lesson. Can't wait til next year.

My vote goes out to Amy (sp?) on just down right crushing it, especially on her heelside turns (shaking head in utter amazement) Best quote in reference to Exhitbition on Friday, "That was fun, let's do it again!". Props out to the other ladies as well, Stephany (sp) and Sherry (sp). Alex..........nough said...

Glenn (MADD 158) unreal on the turns.

Good to meet you Bobby and the guys from North Jersey.

To all, had fun and look forward to next year.



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Originally posted by Bobby Buggs

Tony, I was So glad I got to see you. Sorry I went the wrong way at the end there, I wanted to say Bye.

That's Okay, as long we did the sign communication at the end, you know what I'm saying! I'm Glad I got to see you for the 2 days! You did great yourself and take care of your back! :)

Keep in touch! Like to ride in April when I come back from FLA. :eek:

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Holly and I had a fantastic 4 days at Okemo---thanks Bricky for getting it together! It was a great way for us to end our season, and we really enjoyed the chance to see some great carvers ripping it up.

John (jp1) it was good hanging and riding with you! Also hello and thanks to everyone else we met and rode with, including Chris, Glenn, Jeremiah, Gene, and an older fellow whose name we didn't get (originally from Switzerland, now an architect in Boston---let us know who you are if you see this!).


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Guest jeremiah

Wow! What a great weekend. Thanks to Had for setting this up, to Eric for the lesson, and to everyone who rode with me for just being there and making it a blast. I think I overdid it on Saturday on the South Peak, because I couldn't do jack on Sunday morning. Sorry I split so soon, but by the time I got my bindings adjusted and a couple runs in, my thighs were burning, my shins were bruised, and my ego was sufficiently deflated.

I think the lesson is that wet heavy powder is really only powder for the first hour or so, then it transitions from mashed potatos to bumps to some sort of alpine leg torture device.

Anyway, I had a great time, got to visit a new mountain, got some new bindings, and am looking forward to the next one.


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Guest fmwind

Just a quick thanks to Bricky and the whole crew for making a newbie feel real welcome. Had to go back to softies on Saturday, but had a blast on Friday playing (and learning) on the lower section. Also thanks Had for playing the videos at Pat's place Saturday night. It was a long day, and I struggled to watch, but it was appreciated. It is so important to help new people to keep the sport alive. Windsurfing catered to the hot shots, and look what happened to that sport.

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Chubz - you, John, Jesse and Fred were great guests. The lodge manager at Mt. Laurel echoed the same sentiments. It was nice meeting everyone. The weekend was way too short. If we do it again next year, I'll take an extra day off.


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