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Ethical/moral question...


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So, here's the situation. A co-worker was just run off because - after 7 months on the job and many excuses - she still could not produce a social security card. She also has a recently expired driver's license because she cannot produce sufficient ID under the new requirements to renew it. During her last couple of weeks she asked me what it takes to get a passport (said she wanted to go on a cruise, but I'm pretty sure it was really because she knows that if you can produce a passport you don't need to show SS card or driver's lic at a new job.) I mentioned that she would need an original birth certificate. She said she has one, but it doesn't have her name on it and she doesn't have papers to prove her name change.

So, clearly there is something about her identity that doesn't add up. In addition to that, she lies about everything - big things, small things, things so inconsequential that I can't even imagine a reason to lie about them. Yet she expends the energy to manufacture lies.

The question then is should I report her to some authority? Normally I don't think it would even cross my mind, but it is pretty clear she's hiding something - might be some bad checks she wrote, or maybe she murdered someone, or maybe just running from an abusive ex (quite possible - she's a magnet for psychos - her latest ex showed up at work threatening to kill her. Yeah, that was fun.) Really impossible to say what it might be.....

I probably wouldn't even have thought reporting her, but there is a case now making national news about a lovely couple in Missouri - happy people, a beautiful daughter, good to their neighbors... Turns out the man and woman each killed their spouses decades ago in Wyoming. The woman shot her husband in the back of the head while he slept. His body was found last summer in a mine shaft. The man shot his EX-wife and two boys, in cold blood and broad daylight (and - holy sh*t - he was already divorced!) That story is just wrenching - the youngest boy saw what was happening and tried to run, tripped in a ditch and fell. Crying and pleading for his life, the man - his father - calmly walked up and shot him in the head point blank. He initially dumped the bodies in a mine shaft, then dug them up, put them in barrels and dumped them in Fremont Lake - which is a couple miles from my house. A search for the bodies will commence now that the ice has just melted.

I pay attention to what liars get indignant about (like the ex-boyfriend who continually and for no reason accused me of cheating on him - of course it turns out he was the one doing all the cheating.) This former co-worker just fumed endlessly about the murderous couple and yelled long and loud about how they should be convicted and punished.... She really made a lot more noise about this than really seemed expected, given all the other bad things that people do that don't bother her at all.

If she were to be convicted of something and sent to jail or prison, it would not be without consequences - her 13 year old son would be without his doting mother, and would probably end up in the care of his deadbeat alcoholic dad. (It occurs to me he might not even be her actual son - people steal kids sometimes....)

So, what to do? Report her on the chance that she's running from some nefarious past? Or let her carry on with her mess of a life unhindered? I would feel pretty sick if I heard in national news 10 or 20 years down the road that she was apprehended for some awful thing, and no one can understand how she evaded capture for so long...

I am quite conflicted on this. Any thoughts?

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Sounds dodgy. I really cannot offer advice, but would say that if sometimes what you see if not the full story; it is perhaps better to give her the benefit of the doubt (escaping a bad ex) due to the potential consequences to her family. But keep a close eye and I would say Jack's advice is good; if there is evidence of more then report her with a clear conscience.

As we all know, when snowboarding, some people like lying all the time. I call this 'advanced push-pull technique extreme carving technique.'

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glib response: now that you've posted about it on teh intarwebs, the NSA will have picked it up and will forward the details to a local authority for you!

other than that, reporting a hunch is tricky at one end, and sinister at the other.

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without any evidence, to initiate some sort of investigative action based purely on a hunch would be wrong, i think. even if one were to secretly collect a hair sample/fingerprint/DNA and pass it on anonymously - with the idea or hope that the sketchy individual could be matched in a database (or conversely, ruled out), it'd be a clear intrusion of privacy. the cigarette butt (DNA), soda can (fingerprint) or hair might be retrieved legally from a public waste receptacle but if it's then used to treat the individual like a suspect, suspected of what?, specifically.

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She sounds sketchy enough to warrant giving her a wide berth--unless you want more drama in your life. As some have suggested, the best case scenario is that she's trying to escape a threat, or leave a less than proud past behind and start over. The worst could indeed be anything--but it is equally conjecture. That being said, you would potentially be taking on the role of a troublemaker yourself if you act without more information. Of course, if you do get wind of something more specific, that changes everything...

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Unless you have a specific detail to pass on to the authorities It is a bad idea to contact them! By the same logic used about her being overly concerned about the murder - thus something to hide, your reporting her may bring greater scrutiny to you. Karma has its own timeline but it will take care of things. Your action will only serve to entangle yourself in her high drama thread of life.

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Alot of things can be found online, including FBI most wanted. You could peruse the local police records and/or FBI files and see if she appears in any photos. I'm sure most of these things you can do anonymously. You can also google her and see what you find! Although you are probably not sure what her real name is...

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In the UK being a pathological liar isn't illegal, in fact I think it's a qualification for our politicians. So here, there would be nothing you could do.

I guess part of the problem is that if you establish that someone likes telling fibs, then you can't tell based on what they say if they're a bank robber covering their tracks, or a harmless deluded person who just likes telling lies. Everything I know about Wyoming comes from Hollywood or Ansel Adams, both who I believe use a certain amount of artistic license, so my advice would be useless.

But if you've established that someone's not trust worthy, that's a good thing though, as at least you know what you're dealing with. To paraphrase Laurie Lee, I would: "leave her standing in the low pink sun, small as a cankered rose, spiky, thorny, a thing of dread, only to be encountered with shears".

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For all the reasons mentioned above, I have not taken any action. The only illegal things that I know she is doing is driving without a license and working without a social security card - victimless crimes that don't move me to act. I am certainly distancing myself from her. A search of her current name gives information back to 2007. A search of another last name she mentioned yields nothing, but I don't know what first name she might have used with that one. Looking through all the wanted lists I can find, I don't see her photo. I don't think she did anything locally - she spoke of being from Florida, but there is no reference to FL in search results for her current name. So... I'll just put it on hold for now, but my gut says she is not harmless...

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maybe i'm uptight by WY standards but driving w/o a license (and presumably, w/o insurance) is only victimless until she has an accident involving another vehicle. but who am i to judge. 25 years ago, i had a 1971 eldorado convertible for 18 months with the same mottled paper temp tag and no insurance, the whole time.

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I don't know about her insurance - she seems to have money, just not ID to renew her license. And if she is thinking about it (no guarantee of that of course) she will be driving very carefully to avoid having to show her very expired license to the nice officer. But they won't do much to her - the expired license would be a $170 fine, the lack of insurance I think costs about $400.....

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If this woman is no longer in your life, I think you should let it go. Who knows what the consequences might be if you report her. Also, who would you report her to? If all you have is a suspicion, the authority that you report her to might be too busy to act on a hunch.

The world is full of liars & bad people. You cannot take responsibility for all of them. Based on what you have said, I think you can forget her - with a clean conscience.

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