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In tec heel blowout

Guest yexotay

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I am really sorry to see you like that and wish you all the best with a fast recovery!

Would you mind sharing how old those Intec heels are and what you body weight is?

Was the accident because of failure of the Intec heel, or did you crash and the heel

broke because of some major impact?

Many thanks!


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Call me a wussy Luddite, but I tried Intecs and things like this failure kept popping into my head as I was riding. Unless there is more technology in the development (solid aluminum heel block, better attachment to the boot, failsafe two pin mechanism) I prefer the simpler system of clamping the boot on to the binding. Carvers sometimes put extreme loads on equipment, perhaps even exceeding the design limits or intended use of the part, and like in this instance really suffer the consequence. The convenience of not having to bend over and clamp in is not worth the loss of a riding season due to product failure.

I wish you all the best, that your recovery is speedy, and that you can get back on to the hill ASAP without any long term effect.

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Unless there is more technology in the development (solid aluminum heel block, better attachment to the boot, failsafe two pin mechanism) I prefer the simpler system of clamping the boot on to the binding.

Couldn't agree more.

From the other recent threads about Intecs it seems there are just as many, if not more, inadvertant releases with bails.

A better look at those threads would reveal that "inadvertant releases with bails" happen to rather inferior products. Bombers and Cateks appear to be immune for sudden bail releases.

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Guest jeremiah

I've had my TD1s release several times, most recently this past Sunday. I think it was because I didn't properly adjust them to my new boots, and because of the very cold weather, but even good bindings aren't perfect.


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yeah, you know...there needs to be some definite investigation here. F2 should be notified, and the heels sent to them maybe, for inspection

this seems totally uncommon but if its something that can be avoided...

maybe your weight was a factor. If so, there are other big dudes using intec heels and if weight limitations need to be imposed...

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I think the questions are:

Was this a defective lot of heels? Did something change in the manufacturing?

Everyone that I know that rides Intec that are a few years old...have never had any problems.

Anybody want to buy a brand new set of heels? :eek:

Hugh :)

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A better look at those threads would reveal that "inadvertant releases with bails" happen to rather inferior products. Bombers and Cateks appear to be immune for sudden bail releases.

I wish. I had plenty of trouble with both, at every reasonable tightness setting, before giving up on them and switching to Intec. Seems to me that if you lean hard enough* on the boot, the heel ledge will work its way out from under the bail. I even tried welding metal tabs on my Catek bails to make them fit better against the curvature of the boot, but they still let go.

* Hard enough = hit a table top jump and come up short on the landing, thus landing on the flat like a ton of bricks. Most of the failures happened that way, except for a couple when I had the tension way too high or way too low (tried a lot of settings hoping to find a sweet spot, but never found one).

I was feeling pretty good about Intecs, but this freaks me out. Mine have served me well, but... ugh. I feel for you, yexotay. This is horrible.

There has to be a better way to solve this problem. So what if it's more expensive, but these are our ****ing knees we're talking about.

Was it the plastic part of the heel that failed? I can't really tell from the photos.

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So even bombers and cateks cause a lot of accidental bail release? I was under the impression that these 2 brands were very reliable in that regard and I'm currently shopping around for them.

:mad: Hmmm,....

Personally I have never had an accidental bail release with Burton race plates and snowpro(unless the setup was poor with boot shell fitting in the bails). But like you said, these are our legs and our knees and it's just one time too many!!

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Originally posted by kamran


So even bombers and cateks cause a lot of accidental bail release?

sorry, but they dont _cause_ the release. Nate said the releases happened on big flat landings. Thats an immense amout of pressure applied very suddenly. Id say more than a carve, and far more abruptly.

what happened to the original poster SUCKS horribly, but so little detail has been given, and..its the only incident Ive heard of. Anyone else?

I would say inspect ANY piece of gear regularly. Maybe even every time youre going out, or at least weekly. This would include opening and inspecting your intec heels. Nothing is failsafe.

again I say that this person should talk to the manufacturer. Im 100% certain they would want to find out the cause of this failure and if it was indeed equipment failure

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I realize that this is somewhat off topic. Outside of early failure does anyone have a sense of when the heels should be replaced. I have probably 70 days on mine and they seem fine, although there is play in the pins (not sure if they always had the same level of play or not)

Maintenance.... after snapping a cable, Every summer, I open them up, grease them with phil wood hub grease and put in new cables if they are frayed even one strand (at least one usual is)

Another thought is should we grease the pins so that they move more freely around the hole and put less pressure on the inside of the heels and less wear on the bindings?


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So even bombers and cateks cause a lot of accidental bail release?

I would not say that they cause a LOT of release, as it only happened under unusual circumstances. Most people don't have as much of a problem as I did, probably because most people are smart enough not to undershoot big tabletops. :)

How ever I would say that they do cause release. I figure if my boot comes out of my binding and the boot is intact, the binding is at fault. Even if the circumstances are unusual. Bad landings happen sometimes - binding releases should not happen, ever.

That said, I still think that they are the best bindings on the market. Unlike many other bindings (perhaps most), they do not break. That's one less failure mode to worry about. I just think they could be better, and should be better. The shape of the heel bail for both TD and Catek bail bindings should be revised to better match the shape of the heel of the boot. But until that happens I'm riding intec. (And praying that mine don't blow up.)

On second thought, I haven't seen the heel bails on Catek Olympics, so for all I know they may already have been improved.

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Hmm, thinking about this, I remember that I managed to break my boot (Rachlie 225) and also my ankle whilst riding an Intec/F2 binding system. The boot remained fastened into the binding.

Some may have bigger boots and fatter ankles, but it seems to me that this demonstrates fairly well that the bindings are strong enough, at least for me.

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Hey PhilW,

I also broke a boot and an ankle inRaichle 225s. I was attached to Intec TD1s.

The crappy cant mech in the SB series completely gave out. Not the typical stripping; it cracked and came apart. That left my foot firmly trapped in the lower boot without any support from the cuff.

The Intec heels held up fine, but my ankle suffered a bit.


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