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Lots of people have herniated discs, but don't necessarily have symptoms related to them.

The views at right angles to the one you've shown, at the level of each of the discs, will show more about the degree of nerve root compression that may, or may not, be present.

As always, the MRI findings need to be correlated with the findings on physical examination by your doctor.

Wait till Thursday for your doc's opinion before getting too excited/upset/selling all your snowboards!

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Hoping your recovery goes well, Internet medicine isn't always the best way to discuss your medical conditions. That said I have a surgery table, auto clave and surgical lamp that doesn't see a lot of use if you are interested. Some instruments available as well. (You will have to do your own surgery and supply your own meds.) I like Sunsurfers advice don't sweat it till you know for certain what your up against. ( First call on any boards you are selling.):smashfrea

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I was not too smart, mine blew out on a Friday end of January. I got an MRI and saw the Dr the same day the following Wednesday, got injected on Friday. Flew to Colorado on Saturday and rode for a week, right leg was numb from the knee down from the injection. Had a great week of riding but on the way home the top of my foot started to burn again. Got another injection and was going to PT in March when the guy said your foot drop is not getting better. Went and saw a back specialist and he looked at the MRI, evaluated my weakness and numbness and asked me why did I wait so long to come see him. Operated in Early April. As I said I still have some residual function issues in that foot and lost a bunch of muscle in my shin. But I can still ride!!!:eplus2:

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