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Snolo Sled-carving

Sultan Guy

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wonder how adaptive ski/snowboard equipment compares in price?

last year some idiots were almost successful in achieving a Darwin award. they took a toboggan out on a relatively steep run and smashed into a split rail fence at the very bottom of the run. they trespassed out on the run at 4am and were drunk. from what i heard there were 3 males that got into a toboggan and rode down the run. one of them bailed at the last second. the other two hit the fence were severely injured. one guy was found unconcious straddling the fence pole. his pelvis was smashed and fractured. pink parts were gorged and blood everywhere. don't remember what happened to the other male. the driver of the groomer found them at the bottom of the hill and called the police. no charges were pressed.

in the photo the fence can be seen next to the chalet. i believe they hit the fence approximately where the middle tower crossed the fence.

<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/5QhIbcpk5gzTYqWustjiYRFR8VLTiVx6PhpD4vIjPNM?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-3gQ6nYX0-Co/T10G3dSLixI/AAAAAAAAAHU/k213XbUhM3g/s800/DSC01229.JPG" height="600" width="800" /></a>

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