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Spirit Mountain 2012/2013


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Excellent weekend overall if we disregard the injuries. Thanks to Dave for bringing the GoPro and good to have Jolson riding again after his mishap yesterday.

Fun to meet up with Steve from Buck.

Dave seemed okay after his crash with the GoPro on Juggler Joe today, and Jane's shoulder injury on USASA Slopestyle is probably a muscle strain.

I rode today with the full 'Invulnerability Suit' - POC Spine VPD Tee and Hip VPD Shorts, and it didn't interfere with riding technique.

I left around 12:30 after three pointless runs through heavy traffic.

Monday night doesn't appear promising with 30+ MPH East winds blowing up the hill, but should be out Tuesday afternoon regardless of conditions.

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Missed Russ as it was great snow

Fine - rub it in a little with a few photos, no less......to make it worse yet, my wife was out tele skiing and let me know how nice it was too.

We're on for Indianhead on Thursday - Jim, Dave, and I so far; anyone else interested?


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INDIANHEAD TOMORROW.....just looked at the forecast.....9 degrees tonight there, heading into a day of 18 to 26 degree's so base should be set well for the day ...with 3 MPH wind....HOLY CRAP this should be good. Nothing like blowing off a work schedule and feeling this good about it.

Oh, and Dave, you are my new hero on the HERO (GoPro)....your end to POW vid went from quirky to ...well..:freak3:..not sure what...but it was inspiring.

Someone let me know if I need to be at Russ's house or meet other for blast off tomorrow.

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INDIANHEAD TOMORROW....HOLY CRAP this should be good. Nothing like blowing off a work schedule and feeling this good about it.

Someone let me know if I need to be at Russ's house or meet other for blast off tomorrow.

Someone's a little excited......my house @ 6:15; rolling by 6:30.


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Unfortunately, Jim had to bow out of our Indianhead trip due to a family emergency, but we soldiered on as best we could without him. Flat light when we started at 9:30 gradually brightening until we had full sun at noon and for the rest of the day. I've never had a bad day carving at Indianhead - a great mix of terrain, consistently good snow conditions, and perhaps best of all - lots of genuine interest from members of the skiing community about carving on a snowboard. Dave handed out Bomber cards, including one to a ski patroller who seemed keenly interested:


Lots of snow through the month of February, but none in the last week left us with a smoothly groomed, consistent surface. One short break for lunch, then rode until they kicked us out at the end of the day. We came equipped with our usual arsenal of equipment - I stayed on the Steepwater all day, Dave mixed it up on the Coiler and the Kessler (poor guy):


All in all, a day well spent.


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Back to the Future...Caught up with Gary and his Asym Kemper board and 80's snowsuit for a few runs after work tonight.

Invited him for first chair tomorrow, but he's definitely not a morning person.

He is interested in picking up some more modern equipment such as a Donek Metal AX.

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Joined Jolson and family for a few runs this morning. The groom actually was good, but there was some of the densest fog I've ever encountered at the top, and then it got worse and progressed down the hill.

Couldn't see more than 20 feet around the upper chalet.


Sunday looks like a stellar day.

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Relatively flat light today with soft, packed, moisture-laden powder and near perfect groom requiring a deft touch for smooth carving.

Sold the AX today to Gary. He also needs to update his bindings--he has the old two-piece, drill and screw mount type--not good on a new metal board, and some size 12 boots.

Burning right lateral heel pain in my new boots forced me to quit after a couple of hours. Discovered a non-tender pea-sized nodule on my heel (superior-lateral calcaneus) under the skin. Not sure if the irritation caused it or if it was there to begin with. Ken, I can send you a photo if you do online consultations.

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Not sure what you've got there, but probably a cyst or bursitis...rest, ice and elevate. Is it mobile?

We had a good day riding some retro gear out of the closet. Jane picked out the purple outfit from the late 80's and the Iguana Suit rode again...~1970 bright green Arctic Cat snowmobile suit


God I always hated that helmet.

Picked up some POC Body Armor for Jane.

Anyways, we're probably good for a quick session after work tomorrow.

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Jane picked out the purple outfit from the late 80's and the Iguana Suit rode again...~1970 bright green Arctic Cat snowmobile suit


God I always hated that helmet.


Where to start.... Dave, please bring the clips next time... had a meeting in MPLS on Sunday and could not make it to the hill on Sunday when you came up after the snow.

Also Dave, Please do not send any pictures of your feet and the issue of your heel .....I just had a light breakfast...

Ken....Same with any further pictures of neon retro suits...:lol: Just kidding, those outfits are GREAT...LOL.....should have saved them for the big SPRING FLING this coming weekend ....unless you are actually brave enough to put them on again.

Family and an extended group of friends are going to spend the whole day at Spirit on Sat. 16th for spring fling. If the water pit is designed right (without the three foot drop to the water like last time I did it)....I could consider another run across that...but it would have to be perfect weather. Anyway..we are staying for Barrel jumping and most likely just to watch the water skipping and our TEAM LOUNGE LIZARD will attempt another run at greatness on the furniture race.

Let's hope for a fun day with good weather.

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I may be coming up to Spirit this week for a quick morning session. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a spot for a non-boarder/skier to comfortably hang out and read a book, preferably by a fireplace.:D


The Moosehead Lounge in the upper part of the chalet at the top of the hill (main chalet) has about 5 comfy chairs with ottomans .... my wife camps out in those when she comes in and I stay on the hill for extra hours...usually always one chair open minimum. They have a small fire place in front of those but its not always on. Wait staff are not at all put off by people camping out for long periods in the Moosehead, they just see it as part of the gig. Really no reason to go anywhere else......

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The Moosehead Lounge in the upper part of the chalet at the top of the hill (main chalet) has about 5 comfy chairs with ottomans .... my wife camps out in those when she comes in and I stay on the hill for extra hours...usually always one chair open minimum. They have a small fire place in front of those but its not always on. Wait staff are not at all put off by people camping out for long periods in the Moosehead, they just see it as part of the gig. Really no reason to go anywhere else......

Thanks for the tip, this sounds perfect!

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