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2012 injuries.....


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its been over a month and a half since i hucked a cliff, buried the nose of my board and took a quick tumble and took one in the rear from a not so soft rock and i can still only sit normal for 10 minutes..im pretty sure i broke my coccyx(tailbone) but theres nothing a doc can do..the bruise covered both cheeks and it was definitely a conversation piece.i waited a month before i rode again, but thats all i could wait since we are finally getting snow, but man, every time i slip out heel side..o my f-ing god...i have to lay there for at least 5-10 minutes almost about to cry..and whats funny, i did the cliff two times before, but apparently 3rd times the charm..but it could have been prevented easily..first, i should have done a better job looking at the landing area,and the when i do fall and tumble down the mountain where do i go area? and of course, dont go off cliffs when were only 16% snow fall.

so who else has gotten hurt this year?

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Twisted my ankle at the ECES on Friday, minor fall playing in the egde of the woods that pulled just right on my foot. I almost had to have help when I got to the lot getting my boot off. Worst part is I missed the best weekend of the year here in vermont and it looks like warm weather will be here before I can go back out.

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Stuffed it at Louise last week, demolished my L collarbone. I had decided to take the year off and this is what I get for not listening to myself.

This looks a *lot* like my left clavicle looked in 2007 (?) my doctor did not think it would heal normally on its own and so I elected to have a plate installed to encourage it. The upside of that, was that I was back on snow in six weeks (and got a cool scar to boot!). Heal well!

Edited by queequeg
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The doctor said she saw at least five pieces, but it's still way too many. She didn't want to open me up as there is a bunch of little pieces that she feared would fall out. I have to go see her in a couple of weeks to see where it is at. I'm almost 1.5 inches shorter from the centerline on that side and I have a huge lump in the center of the normal collarbone location . I am going to push for a plate, I can't wear a harness at work like this as it would sit right on top of that lump, and I can't work without a harness. I just finished a job a couple of days before I did this and it looks like I won't be able to work for two or three months, so it will be a while until I can get back to work. The suckiest part is I can't even play PS3 yet, thank god for netfix. I also hope it won't eat too much of the bike season on me, there are too many cool trips pending.

Thanks to everyone for the thoughts, I appreciate the kind words.

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