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I'm WAY out of shape. I turn 65 in October and it seems each winter I have to struggle a bit more to get the quads back in shape. This is the best exercise I've ever found.

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pXF4_0uxPkQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Nice balancetraining, hat off, but squads....???

Here's another balance/squad/muscle endurance cardio training which I do in the middle of my fitness training (and I am out for a couple of minutes)

<div><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://cdn-i.dmdentertainment.com/DMVideoPlayer/player.swf" id="player" width="586" height="365" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" value="http://cdn-i.dmdentertainment.com/DMVideoPlayer/player.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="flashVars" value="demand_autoplay=1&demand_report_url=http://www.livestrong.com/api/video_report&demand_content_id=5578&demand_content_sourcekey=livestrong.com&demand_page_url=http://www.livestrong.com/video/5578-continuous-bench-jumps/&yume_flash_id=5578&yume_css_url=http://i.lsimg.net/css/video.css&yume_swf_url=http://cdn-i.dmdentertainment.com/DMVideoPlayer/yume_player_4x3_3.swf&yume_library_swf_url=http://cdn-i.dmdentertainment.com/DMVideoPlayer/yume_ad_library.swf&source=http://i.lsimg.net/ls_videos/inflict/5578-continuous-bench-jumps.flv&skin=http://cdn-i.dmdentertainment.com/DMVideoPlayer/playerskin.swf&video_title=Continuous+Bench+Jumps&sitename=http://www.livestrong.com&demand_preroll=true&demand_preroll_source=http://www.livestrong.com/swf/LS_logo.swf&demand_iconurl=http://www.livestrong.com/media/images/video/favicon.png&demand_iconlink=http://www.livestrong.com&demand_icontext=LIVESTRONG.COM+offers+thousands+of+inspiring%2C+relevant+and+useful+videos+across+health%2C+fitness+and+lifestyle+topics.+Check+out+www.livestrong.com+for+more+videos%2C+most+shot+in+High-definition%21&demand_postroll=true&demand_postroll_source=http://www.livestrong.com/swf/LS_logo.swf&demand_postroll_link=http://www.livestrong.com&demand_show_replay=true&yume_branding_playlist="/></object><br/><a href="http://www.livestrong.com/video/5578-continuous-bench-jumps/">Continuous Bench Jumps</a> -- powered by http://www.livestrong.com</div>

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Wow Hans. That exercise would do me in after less than a minute. Plus, I'm not sure my knees could handle it.

One caution to anyone considering unicycling: Wear wrist guards! I experienced a UPD (UnPlannedDismount) about five years ago a week before a trip to Hawaii. I still went on the trip but I had to pass through metal detectors with three metal pins in my right hand.


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Wow Hans. That exercise would do me in after less than a minute. Plus, I'm not sure my knees could handle it.

Man, that hand is packed in, funny picture by the way.

Sure your knees can handle it ;). No bother if you have enough muscles in your legs. Even my knees can handle it, even with some missing parts.

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Hans, seriously, I have done a lot of sports (cycling, hiking, trail running, climbing, telemark/alpine, etc...) and hands down, the best quad and core work out is to be found riding on a unicycle off road. Think about how uni works: there's no spinning, you need to have constant foot pressure on both legs, you use your muscles to both speed up, slow down, balance, and stop, and there is no resting unless you get off. Take a uni to the trails and go ride for a couple hours, it'll work you like no other sport can ;)

My son and I started riding three years ago after burning out on mountain bikes and trail running. In that time we have progressed to the point that we can ride most of the single track in the area. Tomorrow is my birthday and we're heading up to the Big South Fork for a ride on Colliers Trail, eight miles of winding single track, should be awesome as long as the rain stays away.

Muni replaced trail running and mountain biking as my primary sport, now I ride 3x week, more in the non snow months. Where running distance (ultras) tended to burn out my legs, muni builds up the muscle and improves circulation, so I no longer really have any early season leg issues, I just go ride :)

Uni is great for balance, strength, cardio. It might be hard to envision unless you ride muni or know someone who ride muni, but if you want an awesome work out and a super challenging/rewarding sport, muni is da bomb! Check out Unigeezer on YouTube, he's going on sixty and just kills it on and off road: http://unigeezer.com/?page_id=5

Greaty for balance, strength, cardio. It might be hard to envision unless you ride muni or know someone who ride muni, but if you want an awesome work out and a super challenging/rewarding sport, muni is da bomb!

As to the injury thing, yeah, hands are a big injury zone, so we wear full wrist splints. When we started riding, we wore more armor on our legs, but these days we don't get too many pedal bites. To date I have broken four fingers, one finger twice, seems to be a hazard of the sport. Otherwise nothing more than the occassional abrasion.

Here's some pics from our Colorado trip last month, the riding shots were taken on Scout Trail above Glenwood Springs:



Yours truly, spinning along atop the canyon rim. Little did I know that a long and sandy downhill awaited...ugh!


Alex, stupid pet tricks extraordinaire, this is where I draw the line, just hurts to much to fall these days. Note the wrist guard/gloves, essential!


What we did on the off days, hiking Loveland Pass


My son, Alex, pickingup some speed (Loveland Pass)


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Thanks for taking me deeper into muniriding. Didn't know it was that tough for your body! I just went into mountainbiking last week (bought my first Canyon XC6). Still have to catch my first ride this week.

Beautiful (surrounding) pics!

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NurseBen, you're into it in a BIG way. I have cheap 20" trials uni with knobby tire but my off roading is limited to some gentle terrain.

A few years ago World Champion Kris Holm had an entry at the Banff Film Festival. Here's an excerpt:

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hwDWV34plSg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I got a nice email from Kris after I published an article called Mature Unicyclists.

I went to Killington four years ago to film a Uni Trials competition. I borrowed a 29er and learned to hop. The skills of the younger participants blew me away. Here's that film:

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MKeLvOf04rE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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A few years ago World Champion Kris Holm had an entry at the Banff Film Festival. Here's an excerpt:

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hwDWV34plSg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Wow! Some amazing skills going on in that vid.

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We do a lot of our 'cross training' on our Diggler scooter.With my youngest in front holding the crossbar, and his big brother behind him holding the bar, and me behind him holding the grips I push them all around town.The boys are 95 additional pounds so this is a great way to get some power training in with fairly low joint impact.The folks around town look at me funny as they pass by us on their atv beerstore trips.


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We have these at my other job (!) and attach 2 dogs to the front. Then we take them on single track and ride. SO MUCH FUN!!! Talk about brusied and broken...definitely get it on one of these with 2X dog power! (Here with Cotton and Magnus and some unnamed human).


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greeting a couple on a tandem on the Trail of the Coeur d' Alenes bike path as a friend stopped by the backyard to say hi.He's little but doesn't know it.


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At 64, I'm not the oldest unicyclist out there. A guy from Wales (himself age 62) who's very good at Photoshop put together this composite shot of unicyclists from around the world. Every person in this photo is at least 55. I'm 6th from the left.


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Nice balancetraining, hat off, but squads....???

Here's another balance/squad/muscle endurance cardio training which I do in the middle of my fitness training (and I am out for a couple of minutes)

Wow! Hans, thanks for that exercise. That's exactly what I was looking for. I am doing these after squats and cannot do more than 3 times 10.

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