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Waist width question


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From the tech article:

"The wider the board, the easier it will be to ride on varied terrain, and it will feel more relaxed between carves. When going from a wider board to a narrower board, you may feel like the narrower board is less stable, but you will soon get used to it. Waist width is a personal taste...."

I'm thinking about buying a board with a bigger waist (21.7) and worried about the edge hold here on the Ice Coast.

Other than the above quote and obvious lower boot angles one can achieve, is there any difference between a bigger waist board and a smaller waist board with the same sidecut/length/etc?

I'm thinking in terms of edge hold and twisting rigidity - would a narrower board hold better on hardpack, if placed against the same board with just a larger waist? Am I totally off here? :freak3:

Thanks in advance

(btw the board is that coiler ex 168 in the for sale section)

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I rode a Volkl Renn Tiger around 153 cm in length in 2004 with a small waist. I'm not sure exactly what the measurement on the waist was but I'm sure it was about 20 cm. The next year I rode a K2 Fatbob that has a 28 cm waist with soft bindings. The transition was not a problem. Tortional and longitudal twist and flex were different but took a very short time to get used to. I live in NJ and constantly ride icy slopes. I have been riding wider freeride boards with soft bindings for the last 6 years now and don't have any problems carving through ice. The only thing I can say is carving decks seem to carve through crude a little better and in some cases drive better through ice, it all depends on the rider.

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Conversely I've been riding wide boards in the last 10yrs on the ice coast (following the EC site recommendations, at the time it was rather counter-current) without any problem. Last week I tried a smaller waist board and it took a lot of getting used to!

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