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Yes I realize I am a couple days early. Nevertheless here it is. If you are riding, thinking about riding, have ridden, have snow report or have heard of someone that has post it here.

I'll start. Looking to ride tomorrow. Anyone game. I'm free to ride wherever. Let me know what you have planned.

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Thanks for the good vibes re: broken bits and pieces; hope you and yours are all safe and sound after yesterday! Despite everything that went down yesterday, it sounds like it would be a fun trip and still in my books, even if the others are starting to re-think (not because of the chair-lift indecent, but more because of life).

Looks like O-Town is in for some rain soon, as long as it is not freezing I think I can deal, but I am not sure the base will be able to handle it.

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Mont Blanc yesterday with Chris was pretty decent... fairly icy, with granular snow on top. Not conditions that you could relax in at all, but boy does it teach you exactly where your balance point is. :rolleyes:

I had heard it was a great spot for carving, but many of the trails were quite steep, and also narrow. The versant nord is rumored to have a few wider ones according to people on the lift, but is currently closed. Might be a place to hit again when the snow is soft...

Looking foward to some night riding at Vorlage sometime soon, dependent on improving conditions :biggthump


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It was fun. Definitely need different equipment to ride those narrow runs comfortably. I would like to go and try the the wider runs again some day.

Perhaps a little more physical conditioning is required to be riding on days like that. Legs were killing me after 4.5 hours.

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Mont Blanc: I had heard it was a great spot for carving, but many of the trails were quite steep, and also narrow. The versant nord is rumored to have a few wider ones according to people on the lift, but is currently closed. Might be a place to hit again when the snow is soft...

Ian, yes there are a couple of runs on versand nord of Mt Blanc that are excellent places to put down some mean carves.

However, from Ottawa, Mt Tremblant is the same distance and has more and better runs. Currently, my fav spots to lay trenches are Beau Chemin, Beauvallon (both blue) Nanson Haut and P'tit Bonheur (both greens). C'mon down and I will show you the mountain!


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So Ian and I rode last night and had the place pretty much to ourselves. It was great. Conditions were firm and fast with surprisingly little ice. Only real drawback was at one point coming over a blind crest to find a snowmobile making a U-turn directly intersecting my current trajectory. Have to say, not overly impressed with that whole incident!

Finally feeling like the VSR and I are beginning to mesh. Being built stiff (can't remember the index off hand) I am finally at a place where I am comfortably able to bend it and know its going where intended. Few more tweaks here and there and hopefully will have it dialed in before Sugarloaf. Starting from scratch this year with binding and boot setup appears to have been a good idea.

Oh, and we were actually complimented by a skier when we stopped for a beverage. Now I fear that there may actually be something to this end for the world 2012 thing. Spooky....

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Chris, Derek, Ian et al,

Whadda think about a multi-day carvefest somewhere whithin a day's drive of Ottawa?

I had been planning a trip out West with my GF, also know as the Vivacious Redhead, but for a variety of reasons that has been postponed to next season. So in lieu, I thought I would use my vacation days to see one (or more) of the nearby mountains I rarely frequent. If there was sufficient interest, I would be willing to make the lion's share of the logisitical arrangements.

So, I was thinking anywhere from a Mon-Fri outing (less traffic on the hill) to an extended 3 or 4 day WE. The locale could be (or a combo of) Mt Blanc, Mt Tremblant, Mt Ste Anne, Le Massif, Le Massif du Sud, Jay Peak, Loon Mtn, Cannon (last two are in NH) etc. Accomodation could be a large B&B or a reasonably priced hotel.

Any interest? I am planning a March trip somewhere so I would be happy to have some carving company! If there are a few positive replies, we could expand the invite to the QC ride board to see if we could entice a few other carvers to join in.



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Just got back from Cascade ... have to say I really do prefer Vorlage, which is where I will be tomorrow night - and next Thursday. Sure Vorlage doesn't have the vertical that Cascade, Fortune or Edelweiss have, but run length is irrelevant if you are dodging pylons. There were only two real runs open at Cascade and the place was a zoo (I am used to Vorlage on a Monday which is so quiet).

If anyone is interested in trying Cascade, Mix99.9 has a deal where if you sign up for their "hot-zone" they mail you coupons for $10.00 Wednesday night tickets; and if you ride till 9pm, most of the afore mentioned pylons have gone.

If anyone has a random mid-week day off next week - I will be at Tremblant on Tuesday (North Parking lot) with my sister. After that - I will be back to Tuesday / Thursday at Vorlage.

Happy riding

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When are you going to Sugarloaf? I'll talk to Loopback (Paul) and see if he's in.




Don't know how you missed it!!

I'll get you some info on local lodging from the expert (powdahbonz) tomorrow. Please email me directly so I can forward it to you and fill you in on plans to date.


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Vorlage was indeed fun, I rode last night for a second time. It wasn't as quiet as Tuesday because the 8-week lessons began, but still very empty by normal standards. Met a snowboard instructor, Carly, who said I was inspiring her to blow the dust off her plate board :)

Brian, Tabatha, I was thinking something similar... there are lots of us in the area, but the only place that we seem to agree on is Tremblant, or Mont Ste-Marie. How about a day trip late this month or early March? I think it'd be really great to get together at least once as an Ottawa group! Here's a new thread with a poll to vote on days of the week: http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=32925

I only have one vacation day free once the Sugarloaf trip is done, so I'm in the same boat as Chris.

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I went to Pak last night for a few hrs...Maybe the Hot 89.9 thing bumped the crowds at Cascades. I know my son would have gone there if he wasn't teaching at Pak. I haven't ridden there at night in years so I have no clue what is normal on Wednesdays.....We used to kill it on empty runs all night on the Hogan/Exhibition/Gratton side three times a week (mind you that was in 1988...)

Buying a pile of tele gear has pretty much knocked the JJA Camp off the list this winter for me but....I'll see asap about the Loaf.

I'm in for MSM day trips (still haven't used weekday SP). I have 14 days on snow this winter and all are at Pakenham:confused:.....I need some vert!!

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Don't know how you missed it!!


I just found your note and checked back on the earlier info.

Much to my dismay, this overlaps with my planned week at Mt Ste Anne (4-11 Feb) for which I am already fully committed to attend with three other friends. Otherwise, I would be there...

I will be thinking of you as I am laying some serious trenches on Le Gros Vallon at MSA (and Le Massif) ...

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PS: I would probably be interested in a local(ish) carve fest. Right now a friend and I are discussing Jay Peak or even Whiteface for a long weekend.


Now we're talking! Yes, please let me know what dates you are considering. I am sure I can convince the Vivacious Redhead (and possibly others) to join in on the slopes and at the bar! :1luvu:

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