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I'm tired of breaking my Protons


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I ride Proton 168, 172, 178, & 185 exclusively. They are an amazing fit for my style of riding. The problem is that I break them ALL THE TIME!!! I must have broken or bent 20 Protons! Some have been warranteed, most go to the graveyard and I pull another out the "stockroom" (I used to collect them).

I'm tired of this.

I'd like to see what you might recommend as a replacement line of boards that won't break or bend like these do.


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Hey, I remember selling you a 185 Proton a few years back. Guess that one's broken now too? And I'm sure they are getting harder to find.

You'll get lots of opinion on here, but really the best bet is to talk to Sean at Donek or Chris at Prior and describe your problem. I think either of them could come up with a solution for you. I'm sure Bruce could too at Coiler, but I think he's booking boards into 2012 by now........

I've got an ancient 185 Prior race board that's super stiff, bet you can't break that one. Probably not a good performer compared to today's stuff.

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where are they breaking?

there's weaknesses in their construction and there could be some amount of user error.

lots of capped boards I've seen come apart near the tips often with a loud pop.

if you're snapping them in front of the binding it's other things.

for the money and durability coiler and donek are as good as it gets. forget replicating the old stuff too, new school shapes make riding way easier.

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If you are truly estimating that you've broken close to 20 Protons then there is something else going. Are you riding in the park? Do you sit back heavily on the tail when you ride? How many days are you putting on the boards before they go? What do you weigh and how are you riding? I'm not sure another brand of board is going to help you right now.

+1 on the "where are they breaking?" question

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I ride Proton 168, 172, 178, & 185 exclusively. They are an amazing fit for my style of riding. The problem is that I break them ALL THE TIME!!! I must have broken or bent 20 Protons! Some have been warranteed, most go to the graveyard and I pull another out the "stockroom" (I used to collect them).

I'm tired of this.

I'd like to see what you might recommend as a replacement line of boards that won't break or bend like these do.


Have you tried riding other boards? What is it about the protons you like?

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Sounds like you are going to need a custom board designed to be strong enough to handle the force you are putting on it with the ski boots and catek bindings. I used to ride ski boots and Cateks but I never broke a board but you will wear a board out faster with ski boots if you don't break it. The other option would be to get some hardboots and not use ski boots anymore but you still might need a stronger board if you ride really hard? Make sure you let the builder know what you are using for boots and bindings and how you are breaking boards now. Have you tried snowboard hardboots? I went back to them after ski boots and have never wanted to go back to ski boots? A racing ski boot is going to be Way stiff for snowboarding and a rough ride on anything put perfect groomed snow.

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I have broken allot of boards (exactly all of my previous boards)but the only ones that are left unbroken are my 2 oxygens they are not protons (1 is a 1995 fr 1,67 and the second is a f2oo2 1,69)there oxygens and they seem almost indestructible to me ,i have nosefolded them over 5-10 times each and they still live!

Could it be a titanal stress point failure?

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WOW! First I'd like to thank you all for your responses!

To give some backround...

Although I haven't kept records I would say that of the 20 (or so) boards 4 were rock impacts, 2-3 were inserts pulling through (cracking) the core/topsheet, 3 exploded while locked into small radius turns, the rest simply bent right in front of the front binding and although they looked fine they were unrideable due to the discontinuity in the camber.

I ride a slightly softer ski boot now. I forgot to update profile. The reason I like ski boots is probably why I break boards. I like the way a ski boot transmits the power to the edge. It ends up being very physically demanding but extremely satisfying :) Also I have more fit options with ski boots.

To be more specific now....

I'm sure that I'm overloading the boards. That is why they break.

I have tried a few other boards through the years and have always been disappointed. The protons perform exactly like I need them to right up until they die. This is why I have stuck with them. But now it is time to move on...

Chris - I'm sure I enjoyed that 185. I'm also sure it is gone now.

Scooby - I have not broken either of those boards, I'd love to try!

Eric - I weigh 175 lbs. I don't ride in the park, I stay on the snow. Although I do enjoy regular air gap transitions :)

BlueB - I would say that my style can be very aggressive.

snowboardfast - I'll bet that there have been great improvements in hard snowboard boots since I tried them. The fit/comfort/control I get from current boots with the custom foam liners is phenominal!

In the past 20 years I have been riding 95% of the weekends that Killington has been open. I ride soft boots for powder, bumps, trees, and crowds, but I will alway carve whenever possible.

I will call Sean, Chris, and Bruce.

Again, THANKS!


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of the 20 (or so) boards 4 were rock impacts, 2-3 were inserts pulling through (cracking) the core/topsheet, 3 exploded while locked into small radius turns, the rest simply bent right in front of the front binding

I'm sure that I'm overloading the boards. That is why they break.

I weigh 175 lbs. I don't ride in the park, I stay on the snow. Although I do enjoy regular air gap transitions :)

I would say that my style can be very aggressive.


So approximately 10 or more of your boards have bent in front of the forward binding. You like airing your transitions. You ride aggressively in ski boots with Cateks.

Are you regularly landing your aired transitions on the front foot? If you are and your ski boot is not allowing your knee to flex to absorb the landing, could be part of the problem?

Sounds like you need some type of force distribution plate under your bindings? Like a sheet of carbon fiber or cutting board material? or get some TD3's. If you do get a different brand board tell the builder what is happening and they can probably beef up the board for you where you need it.

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2-3 were inserts pulling through (cracking) the core/topsheet, I'm sure that I'm overloading the boards. That is why they break.

I have tried a few other boards through the years and have always been disappointed. The protons perform exactly like I need them to right up until they die. This is why I have stuck with them. But now it is time to move on...

Scooby - I have not broken either of those boards, I'd love to try!

Oxygen FP-67 I blew the insert after 2 seasons but this deck dont have metal in it (C pix). Cud be foam core.

The Lime around 04/05 (I think) and The black one 08/09 both rides awesome and dont kill your bank. These 2 decks have metal in it. 08 has decambered nose and lot less springy. No bad experience with these decks but I have less hour ridin due too many to choose :p

Stay safe, happy snow.



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