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“Let's just get it out of the way: Windows Phone 7 is the most exciting thing to happen to phones in a long time.” - Matt Buchanan, Gizmodo

I really like the concept, and most of the reality, of open source.

I am going to try to install a new homescreen and browser, Launcher Pro and Dolphin HD, as suggested in some blogs.

This is going to be a real learning process.

I'll say this for the Phone 7, I like the simplicity of the interface...

Onward into the (hopefully snow-filled) abyss...


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“Let's just get it out of the way: Windows Phone 7 is the most exciting thing to happen to phones in a long time.” - Matt Buchanan, Gizmodo


there's a lot of reviews that **** on the UI and even more on what the phone can't do, like multitask or copy and paste. I think it's over blown but does mean more clicking and ultimately makes content less accessible but this also really made things way less cluttered which is a good thing to some extent.

walt mossberg said his win 7 phone would not open a Microsoft word document that a android phone would as well as a iphone, that one smarts. http://ptech.allthingsd.com/20101020/microsofts-new-windows-phone-7-novel-but-lacking/

interface hater http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0003cy&topic_id=1&topic=Ask%20E.T.


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Too bad that Windows 7 phone won't work with Mac users. Given that a lot of people are switching to Macs it seems odd to release a new product that won't work with all operating systems.

Guess I stick with my iPhone.

yes, there's mac Zune software.

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OK, I'm gonna stir the pot a little here....

Why does a NORMAL (non-business related) person want one of these phones?

that I'm an even nearly NORMAL person. (Some things are futile) BUT I've used low-end Handsprings, and then Palms for more than a decade.

Late last winter, as we hastily packed the Beetle for what became our only boarding trip of the season, I noticed I'd left my Palm Z22 (the most modest but it worked just fine) sitting on the fender of said Bug. I remember thinking, "I need to pocket that or I'll lose it."

Given the range of information on that thing, even though password-protected, it is my fervent hope that it ended up smashed into zillions of pieces somewhere between east and west Possum Pouch.

I am innately disorganized and plagued by tunnel vision. And yes, in (forced) retirement, with fits and starts, I'm trying to develop a cottage industry type of "business." Moreover, my teen son is hospitalized and likely will be for many months. Getting him into a nature-based and then, hopefully, wilderness-based treatment program requires jumping through more hoops than I can count, "remembering" the names, phone #'s, and emails of more administrators than I can possibly enumerate, etc., etc., etc.

So, granted, I'm abnormal and really need an organizing device. But even back when I was normal (I think there was such a time?) I welcomed the highly portable, robust, one-piece convenience of a PDA. Protected by a translucent, slip-on, silicone sleeve, it was a wonderful reminding companion. It could even translate my Sanskrit scribbling into perfectly-fonted text.

(I HATE paper[work]. If I were King for a Day, the first person or persons I'd execute would be the inventor(s) of papyrus. Talk about a plague on civilization... )

Admittedly, I was slow to accept the convergence of the Palm and the cell phone. I tried one early on, and mostly we didn't get along very well. But to buy a good, used, large-screen Palm TX would now cost at least $100, and even $200+ fully reconditioned and tricked out. That's easily within the price range of a fully-integrated organizer, phone, and camera.

So I did it. After a fair amount of research, I bought a low-end, no contract 'Droid.

I admire Apple products. From a design and ergonomic standpoint, they've always struck me as the best of the best. But you almost always pay a really hefty premium for that virtuosity. And to me, it just hasn't computed... yet...

Moreover, I'm no lover of Microsoft. So I'll try to find a handwriting-recognition program for my touch-screen Samsung. Failing that, I may still take a chance on a used TX. (You can't take cell phones beyond the reception area of my son's present abode.)

And, if anyone's wondering, no, David didn't hurt anyone, he didn't steal, or do anything illegal, but sadly, at the moment, he's his own worst enemy. And after nearly 14 years of trying to cope with a hugely intelligent, highly ADHD and op-defiant son, we finally had to "throw in the towel."

He needed more help than we could give him. And we needed help in dealing with that. So, he is where he is, unhappy and rebellious and depressed, we miss him horribly, and the little Android that rests in my backpack may help me organize and cope and maybe in the long run help a young guy who really needs it. I hope so...

Peace to all


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Too bad that Windows 7 phone won't work with Mac users. Given that a lot of people are switching to Macs it seems odd to release a new product that won't work with all operating systems.

Guess I stick with my iPhone.

Soon. Here's the beta.


LOL...."a lot of people are switching to Macs". Funny. Are you kidding?

75% of Mac users own a PC. People don't get this. Apple doesn't WANT you to "switch", they want to SELL YOU ANOTHER DEVICE. Mac/IPod/IPhone/IPad....they all make you feel really cool, but they are not replacing anything you already own. If you're comparing your 9 year old PC to a new Mac....sure, your PC sucks. If you compare modern machines, PCs beat Mac in every department....including SECURITY. The reality is that you'll need connected services and be device angostic. That is where computing is going.....so spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on stuff, that's totally cool. The economy appreciates it!

I've said this 100 times. While your dated perception of MSFT may be (arguably) correct, the reality is that Apple and Google are now the bullies on the block.

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Soon. Here's the beta.


LOL...."a lot of people are switching to Macs". Funny. Are you kidding?

75% of Mac users own a PC. People don't get this. Apple doesn't WANT you to "switch", they want to SELL YOU ANOTHER DEVICE. Mac/IPod/IPhone/IPad....they all make you feel really cool, but they are not replacing anything you already own. If you're comparing your 9 year old PC to a new Mac....sure, your PC sucks. If you compare modern machines, PCs beat Mac in every department....including SECURITY. The reality is that you'll need connected services and be device angostic. That is where computing is going.....so spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on stuff, that's totally cool. The economy appreciates it!

I've said this 100 times. While your dated perception of MSFT may be (arguably) correct, the reality is that Apple and Google are now the bullies on the block.

Where are you getting this metric? It seems highly dubious. By "own a PC" do you mean "They have a current PC that they use on a regular basis" or "They never actually threw out/sold their old windows machine so they technically still have a PC, although they never use it anymore"?

Very very few mac users I know (and I know a lot) have a Windows machine. Most of them got a mac when their windows machine kicked the bucket, and they replaced it with a mac. Some of them use paralells/vmware/bootcamp to run windows in a VM for old apps that are not available for OSX, but those are by far the minority (although I do know a lot of software devs who have switched to OSX and most of those guys have a few VM's for software development purposes, I have a few). That said, software devs are hardly an example of your average user.

“Let's just get it out of the way: Windows Phone 7 is the most exciting thing to happen to phones in a long time.” - Matt Buchanan, Gizmodo http://gizmodo.com/5668738/windows-phone-7-review?skyline=true&s=i

The proof is in the pudding: too little, too late:


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Soon. Here's the beta.


LOL...."a lot of people are switching to Macs". Funny. Are you kidding?

75% of Mac users own a PC.

no, 100%. pretty sure the whole mac line will run windows happily.

now, as far as dedicated windows boxes go that number might be kinda wonky.

you know you can at least make a argument for windows on the desktop but at this point window phone is behind, even behind Palm. when they mature the features a bit maybe you'll have a point but as of right now the whole windows phone 7 line does about as much as a original iphone running running the old software. yes, I know there's some awesome features but they did the same thing everyone crapped on apple for a few years ago.

too bad too, some of the hardware for these new phone is really really nice.

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Where are you getting this metric? It seems highly dubious. By "own a PC" do you mean "They have a current PC that they use on a regular basis" or "They never actually threw out/sold their old windows machine so they technically still have a PC, although they never use it anymore"?

Very very few mac users I know (and I know a lot) have a Windows machine. Most of them got a mac when their windows machine kicked the bucket, and they replaced it with a mac. Some of them use paralells/vmware/bootcamp to run windows in a VM for old apps that are not available for OSX, but those are by far the minority (although I do know a lot of software devs who have switched to OSX and most of those guys have a few VM's for software development purposes, I have a few). That said, software devs are hardly an example of your average user.

The proof is in the pudding: too little, too late:


Opps....my bad, it's 85%.


Some of them use paralells/vmware/bootcamp: Exactly..when they actually need to work! What's the problem with this? Twofold. You're trying to combine both a hardware and software argument. Software: Windows 7 is more secure/reliable than OSX. Mac users running Windows still HAVE TO BUY AN OS. Nothing like having lots of money to toss around, eh? Hardware: Can't argue with you there. Microsoft store are now selling "naked" PCs. Check em out.

Why waste money?

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Opps....my bad, it's 85%.


Some of them use paralells/vmware/bootcamp: Exactly..when they actually need to work! What's the problem with this? Twofold. You're trying to combine both a hardware and software argument. Software: Windows 7 is more secure/reliable than OSX. Mac users running Windows still HAVE TO BUY AN OS. Nothing like having lots of money to toss around, eh? Hardware: Can't argue with you there. Microsoft store are now selling "naked" PCs. Check em out.

Why waste money?

"When they actually need to work??" WTF does that mean ... I build websites for fortune 500 companies all day long and the only reason I ever need to run a VM is to test my work on windows-only browsers or on very rare occasion, run a build directly from Visual Studio. If that's not work, I don't know what is. Literally every developer that I work with at my office is running Mac OS X, and I assure you: we are all working. 90% of the time I am not running a VM, and coding away natively in eclipse, aptana, textmate or what have you. Of course, I still have to buy a Windows OS if I want to run a Windows OS in parallels, and I'm happy to pay the measly $150 or whatever it was to be able to have two machines in one, and not have to deal with redundant hardware as well as separate backup systems. A $150 licensing fee is an absolute pittance compared with the cost of additional primary hardware, plus additional backup systems.

That report you linked to refers to "households" not to individuals, which are very different things. All it says is 12 percent of computer owning *households* own one or more apple computers, and that of those households 85% also own a PC. That is a far, far cry from "85% of Mac users own a PC". A *household* may contain five macs and one pc, or vise versa, given the various inclinations of the users within that household, how many people live in it, and how many computers (of each type) each user owns.

You mac guys can take this how you like, I am a PC guy (cheap :)). My local elementary school has all Macs. I said WOW, tax dollars at work huh???? The person said: They are WAY cheaper, we don't need an IT department anymore......:eek:

What it costs to buy a machine is not the same as what it costs to maintain a machine over that machine's lifetime. Macs are extremely cost effective in the long term.

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What it costs to buy a machine is not the same as what it costs to maintain a machine over that machine's lifetime. Macs are extremely cost effective in the long term.

I just didn't realize how much.... She said their down time has dropped to pretty much zero as well.

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