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Coiler VSR in variable conditions

Bobby Buggs

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There's no way to honestly answer this because, when you ride a VSR, the snow constantly turns to perfect cord right in front of you.:D

I haven't noticed anything unusual in those sort of conditions. It' was a little tough to ride in the four feet of heavy blue snow we got at the end of last season, but other than that, no issues.

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The shape of the sidecut will have no bearing on its handling in soft snow. The depth of the sidecut will. Shallower sidecut depths are easier to skid and push around. And waist width is a big factor. My 21cm waist Stubby does surprisingly well as an all-mtn board. It only seems to be limited in untracked powder, where it will submarine if you're not careful. I rode it after an 18" storm and it was a blast.

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Depends on the VSR. My 170 Tight, is nothing to write home about in softer snow of any kind, but you'd expect that b/c it was built for hard snow. The 177 Mid+ demo from SES last year, excelled in variable junk. Put a different rider on both boards and you might hear different results :)

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"A candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned very brightly..." - bladerunner 1982

I find my VSR to be a bit of a handful in soft snow and crud. But it shines so very brightly on hardpack that it can be forgiven. Mine is a 177 Medium. I have to lean back and ride the tail when the going gets soft, but I have the normal (soft, relatively speaking) nose. The full carbon turbo nose might help with that.

Some previous VSR threads:



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Buggs, you're definately not going to hear the same review from everyone. I think it depends on the strength of the rider too. My VSR handles like "butta" on the cord and handles east coast crud quite well. However I would opt for a different board on a powder day for better float. Are you looking to replace the AM??

Me & my VSR are in :1luvu::1luvu::1luvu:

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Thanks Steph, I have a 177 VSR being built now:eplus2: Im not looking to "Replace" my All mountain at this time. I did made the mistake of putting on soft boots last season for the first time since 98 and had a blast in the spring. That made me rethink the few "powder" days we have around here and could limit my All mountain board use.


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