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Burton Fusion 165???


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So I found a Burton Fusion 2001/165 in great shape the other day buried amongst the rental/demo boards at a very large shop. I can get it out the door for $100.00. Base and edges (EDG sidewalls) are mint with normal wear on the deck. Just wanted to know if anyone has tried/likes/dislikes. I want an in-betweener'/ soft boot & alpine deck. I can't afford a custom deck or anything new for that matter, soooooo?

I have read up on previous posts about the Fusion already.

Btw, they had several factory primes with the same dust collection. Most were on the small side...171 or less.

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I wish I had. Based on my limited knowledge of the board and comments on this forum, I'd like to own one even now.

I notice you ride/rode (?) Burton FreeCarves, a boot I wore extensively for many years. I suspect they'd be a perfect match for the board.

At $100, what do you have to lose!?

Good surfing to you.


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BB. thanks. Thought this one would fall on deaf ears...or keys in this instance. Ya, freecarves... I ride a custom 62 with flows and love riding switch but I am a speed and carve junkie. I just never committed the time to plates. I have a 162 ultra prime and the freecarves although fit well, just don't have the support I need. No dough for boots...but an in-between deck for $100.00 would do nicely. I will probably ride it with softies at first but I imagine it will be my go to alpine/plate board in no time. Can't wait to get it. Just sold my Megaflex(fingers crossed)boots from the dark ages. Great boots just not for me. I bought the freecarves for the UP but they were too soft and the MGX sole although worked great on my PJ and ALPS but was too wide for my angles on the UP. Thanks for the response. I figured Shredd Gruumers honey/oxcess would be the attention whore...:o

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include the 2000 Burton Johan and the Morrow Indy (missed one on ebay unfortunately.)

Have been paying my dues learning how to vacuum bag skateboards this summer. Hope, at long last, to 'bag' a "real" board this fall, first, a short, all-mtn twintip for my son and then probably a 165 based on the Burton Amp done with poplar core, epoxy/carbon, and maybe a low-tech hemp cloth dampening layer.

Ride On!


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I like the design of that board, Seth Wescott was part of it. I never rode one, but on paper it makes a lot of sense. For $100 I'd say it's a steal.

yup, the very first ones were customs for the team. had the yellow factory prime topsheet even.

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I have one ( a 165 fusion, black and light blue) that has been floating around in my stable for a bunch of years.

If its $100 and in good shape you will get your moneys worth.

The fusion is a good all arounder, powder/crud/low level carving it can do it all within reason of what can be expected of a "softish" 9m SCR board.

Mine has a fair number of days on it and hasnt lost its pop unlike some of the other burtons I have used.

As I am a bit of a chunky fella I would have liked some extra beef built in to the Fusion but then there werent to many guys with my build lining up on the BX tracks back then LOL.

The Salomon FRS of that vintage mentioned by Neil G is another keeper, I still have mine , not much base left and edges beaten to hell, the old FRS was one of my favorites for a few years. Stiff and snappy, it rode like a really fat "oldschool" slalom deck.

Its a shame that the generic board builders have pretty much stopped building these BXish style decks.


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