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World Cup 2010 Soccer !!!


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...alpine snowboarding sponsored by Weber grills, the new snow proof model has optional board rack:rolleyes:

Soccer will never be as popular in the U.S. as MLB, NBA, or NFL, but I could see it catching up to hockey because of world wide competition.

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Arrivederci Italia!

I love it, Slovakia wins 3:2, which puts Italy in last place in group F. The defending champs don't even advance, that is out right embarrassing:rolleyes:

Italy behind New Zealand, now that's embarrassing!!!

SunSurfer (& proud Kiwi!)

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Japan wins VS Denmark 3-1, advancing to the round of 16!

(I even bet against Japan in my bracket, so I am VERY pleasantly surprised, and just put in for 1/2 day off on the 29th for the Round of 16 match against Paraguay.)

For Japan, this is a HUGE honking deal, as prior to this World Cup, they have never won a match on foreign soil during World Cup competition.

Even in a Japan, where Soccer trails in popularity behind Sumo & Baseball, they televise the majority of games that the National Team plays on Free National TV, and the players and team receive enough coverage so that majority of the general public are aware of the team and their performance, and I am sure that people are wearing their Samurai Blue to work after watching the game at 530AM.

It is so refreshing to watch World Class Soccer matches, with the various styles matched up against each other, and especially without the commercial interruptions that are such an integral part of all of the major sports that are enjoyed in the US.

Hopefully, the dramatic and inspirational turn of events for the US team will create more fans of the sport in the US of A.


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...alpine snowboarding sponsored by Weber grills, the new snow proof model has optional board rack:rolleyes:

Soccer will never be as popular in the U.S. as MLB, NBA, or NFL, but I could see it catching up to hockey because of world wide competition.

I agree that soccer will be for USA what it is for NZ - a 2nd cousin to the main game (here football is rugby).

However, your idea as to why it will catch hockey; isn't hockey played far more places worldwide than MLB and NFL, both of which are played by just a few countries (or....1).

Regarding basketball, I presume Americans don't watch any basketball if it isn't NBA i.e. world championships; perhaps you watch the olympics...... I dunno I think for soccer to grow big in USA it needs the league structure that the other 4 codes already have and that has the hype around it; I don't think (based on my limited experience living there) that in such a big country, people want to cheer their country once every 4 years as much as cheering their favourite city team every week for each season. It seems you have to have slutty cheerleaders and big fights and super human athletes, preferably with some serious mouthing off to the camera and over the top victory celebrations for the most inane scoring manouveres.

Alpine snowboarding would therefore be prime time if:

- each gate was actually a silicon breasted trampy looking cheerleader wearing a mini skirt

- all commentary adopted the formula of a straight man explaining the action with another commentator yelling and screaming and basically going completely OTT

- there has to be a stare down; boxing style; even if it makes no sense

- there should be a chance of a fight breaking out

- when finishing, all winning racers should do a crazy dance or manouvere and run around like a madman for no reason screaming obsenities

- it is compulsory that when you win a major event, you must wear a baseball cap of a sponsor, cry like a little girl, and preferably thank god and say you owe it all to your family and fans also; no need to mention that as a professional athlete you are making mega bucks plus tapping half a dozen of the cheerleader gates between races

- there needs to be someone with a white board who can draw out why someone won in such a way that even a completely forest gump type IQ individual can say, ah yes, he won because he went around the gates, and did it faster than the other guy, what a sophisticated analysis

- there needs to be a playstation game

- every season each athlete needs a new pair of $1 shoes made in Pakistan by children sold at $300 in Macys and Footlocker, as without those shoes which aren't the same as snowboard boots, you are nuthin' at your hip high school

- each athlete needs to make an appearance on at least one of the following as a guest spot Entourage, Lipstick Jungle, Family Guy, The View, Colbert Report in order to provide street rep

- each athlete has a face book page with 300,000 friends minimum

For footie, it would be hard to create the hype of monday night football when guys are running around and falling over like the Italian prima donnas - GO KIWIS ;-0

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I don't think hockey will ever get any bigger in the US and I wish Gary Bettman would quit trying and let some teams move back to Canada.

I think soccer and hockey will never compete with college football let alone the pro leagues. They can't even compete with high school football in some states! :eek:

The US will always have decent soccer as it does have the population base to support it and close ties to Mexico and other Latin American countries where soccer is big.

I find that my interest in professional sports in general is starting to wane. The outrageous salaries and poor role-modelling of pro athletes makes me want to :barf:

I had always thought that soccer might be different as many players carry nationalistic pride and come from poorer background. After watching the antics of the French and English players and the constant diving and faking injuries, I see that this sport is no different. I crave sportsmanship and integrity.

This article really said it best.


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i used to love playing rugby but injuries kept me from playing as I got older. I used play mens league when I was 14 and just learning the game. People were very patient with me and gave me lots of chances to play. After high school my ankles and shoulder were in rough shape from snowboarding and skateboarding that I eventually had to give it up.

It is a great sport.

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Uruguay vs. :1luvu: S. Korea

:1luvu: United States vs. Ghana

:1luvu: Germany vs. England

:1luvu:Argentina vs. Mexico

:1luvu: Netherlands vs. Slovakia

:1luvu: Brazil vs. Chile

Paraguay vs. :1luvu: Japan

Spain vs. :1luvu: Portugal

:1luvu: is placed for my favorite on each match.

agree with every one of your favorites.

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I could of won some money by betting on a Scotsman putting up a post after yesterdays debacle. Then again at least England was in the world cup. :1luvu:

P.S. Thank god its all over I am sick to death of idiots saying we have a chance. England was S$%t.

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i doubt you'd have got a line on at ladbrokes for it. ;)
Yeah I know. I was actually watching the match with a friend whos from jockland, and we had a little laugh about how much fun it would be to be in a pub north of the border.
FIFA needs to consider instant replay. Either way Germany's rapid counter attacks could not be stopped by the defense.
It would not matter, England were attrocious and completely out-played by a younger, hungrier, better team.
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