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Just finished listening to $45,000 Speakers


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So my buddy who owns a high end audio store told me they finally got in the new speakers, and I need to listen to them. So I popped into the store and listened to them for about 45 minutes. Undoubtedly they were good, and crystal clear and fabulous, and accurate and I wasn't really having that much fun. So I went home and played a couple of the same cuts and I enjoyed my cheapo's much more. I have fun with those.

Now the reason that I mention this is because I'm still enjoying the heck out of my $200 boards and realize there are better sticks out there, but it's all in what you like and what you enjoy. Just maybe you'll even like those old fiberglass boards with pop and energy much more than those damp titanal boards. I thought it was a good analogy.

Anyway off to Crystal Mt. in the morning.

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So my buddy who owns a high end audio store told me they finally got in the new speakers, and I need to listen to them. So I popped into the store and listened to them for about 45 minutes. Undoubtedly they were good, and crystal clear and fabulous, and accurate and I wasn't really having that much fun. So I went home and played a couple of the same cuts and I enjoyed my cheapo's much more. I have fun with those.

Now the reason that I mention this is because I'm still enjoying the heck out of my $200 boards and realize there are better sticks out there, but it's all in what you like and what you enjoy. Just maybe you'll even like those old fiberglass boards with pop and energy much more than those damp titanal boards. I thought it was a good analogy.

Anyway off to Crystal Mt. in the morning.


apples to oranges.

generally people like what works best. with audio it's mostly BS after you get good speakers and deck. and even if it's detectable no one can tell because the systems in question offer better sound quality than most mediums can provide in the first place and you begin to hear the flaws even in studio recordings before you even get into high priced audio systems.

the thing is there's no way to test this either way with audio you like it or don't.

with a snowboard if it works better then it's probably more fun.

I like boards that make it feel like I'm cheating, like the damp metal boards I have. if I wanted a board that was a handicap I'd go build one out of plywood.

you channeling photodad?

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$45k for the speakers may well be just the tip of the iceberg!!! From my perspective this is an OBSCENE use of resources. :barf:

In terms of actual audio enjoyment per dollar spent... I don't think this kind of cost can be justified (unless the setting is worthwhile and really requires it). IMHO this speaker set's benefit is snobbery and self-agrandizement. I guess I've seen too many flooded homes being bulldozed, flooded businesses boarded up and too many bread-winners layed off because of the economy.

edit: My comments above were actually off target as they were not really connected to the costs of alpine riding. To have some perspective... what is the cost of some 'decent' speakers? (I have no idea what is current or what power is required or how many separate boxes are needed ... but let's say $2k... not high end dedicated huge home theater). this yeilds a 22.5 : 1 differential. A high end board runs what... $2k and a nice used board can be had for $200 which yeilds a 10 : 1 differential. And so, it seems the $2k snowboard is only about 1/2 as ridiculous $45k speakers. HOWEVER, I think the snowboard price difference does represent a tangible performance benefit and may be worthwhile as opposed to $45k speakers for people who cannot really hear. YMMV

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I'm still enjoying the heck out of my $200 boards and realize there are better sticks out there, but it's all in what you like and what you enjoy.

Just maybe you'll even like those old fiberglass boards with pop and energy much more than those damp titanal boards.

I agree one thousand percent with the first half of this comment

Although the second part not so much...

There are metal boards out there with as much pop and energy as glass

... and there are metal boards out there that are super damp and quiet

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I agree one thousand percent with the first half of this comment

Although the second part not so much...

There are metal boards out there with as much pop and energy as glass

... and there are metal boards out there that are super damp and quiet

and all for $200 to $300 ask KC, he's had two metal coilers for 250ish each. I picked up a kessler for 400 the other day.....

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Snowman I agree with you 100%.

Is metal for everyone?

Just because everyone claims it is the best, is it? for all people and riding styles?

Will a typical run be any better on a metal board then on a glass board? Will I derive as much enjoyment from that run?

Maybe I am missing out, by still embracing the glass board feel. Maybe that is what is keeping my riding from progressing to the next level.

Hopefully I will be able to try a back to back comparison of a metal to my glass board at ECES and decide for myself.:confused:

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I can tell you first hand that the difference in ride between a $1000 board and a $1500 board is not imaginary.

As for metal vs. glass, I think that for big turns and high speed, metal is unequivocally better in every objective and subjective sense. For shorter turns, the jury is still out. I haven't ridden the Coiler "Angrry" yet, but based on others' experience and my own, to my knowledge no metal board has yet surpassed the Madd 158 for fun factor. Maybe a $1500 Kessler or SG metal slalom board would. Maybe I'll do that review next year! :eek:

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$45k for the speakers may well be just the tip of the iceberg!!! From my perspective this is an OBSCENE use of resources. :barf:

I agree that it is an OBSCENE use of cash, but relatively minor use of resources. The cabinet is 40" tall, about 18" wide and 20" deep. Not much in the way of natural resources, but a huge source of wasted monies.

Still have trouble figuring out what the justification is for pricing speakers of this size when you could buy 2 Toyota Prius 2010 models for just about the same price.

IMHO this speaker set's benefit is snobbery and self-agrandizement.

I agree on this one too. I think the price was set so that it would entice someone who wanted a good sound but was reticent about it not costing enough.

My favorite stick of plywood lasted at least 150 very hard days in the bumps, being bent nearly like a pretzel many times, and finally succumbing when bent in half. Now on another one that has 40 or so days on it.

Finally got my son to try out the board I got for him a couple of years ago. We were up at Crystal Mt. yesterday hitting the bumps hard. 6 or so inches of heavy powder and later tracked up powder. His comments were, "I can't believe how much pop this board has. It just jets me off the snow on the turns." That is what "Pop" does. Keeps your tail from getting caught in the cascade concrete and finishes the turn back into the fall line in the air.

Yes it does make it easier and I can very well see the benefit of a board strictly used for carving being more damp especially on ice. I kind of like that in the air-tail off the ground feeling on my plywood. So I'm having fun, and hope you all are too.

I guess if you go back a couple of years and read the reviews on those awful pieces of plywood, it would be hard to figure out how they could be classified as anything but amazing.

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IMHO this speaker set's benefit is snobbery and self-agrandizement.

I agree on this one too. I think the price was set so that it would entice someone who wanted a good sound but was reticent about it not costing enough.

ALL material possessions that have a perceived "value" can be thought of this way to some one who is outside of the interest group.....

It reminds me of the jeep sticker "It's a jeep thing, you can't understand" or something like that.

And no, I am not an audiophile. I just understand how things can get expensive, quick.

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I think there is a decent analogy between the speakers and the snowboards, in that it comes down to personal taste. I once bought a set of expensive speakers that were known for being extremely accurate and having a very flat frequency response. They sounded great, but kind of dull and flat to my ears, so after a few days I returned them and got another set of speakers that was slightly less expensive but to my ears had a more pleasing ambience. Likewise, I own a Prior WCRM and like it a lot, but I demo'd a fiberglass Donek FCII 167 and it was a blast to ride -- I loved its snappy feel. I also have a lot of fun on my Madd 158 and my Prior 4WD. They each have a different feel and I like each one for different conditions. I think metal boards are great, but if your style is to spring off the tail between turns and make tight slalom-like turns then I could see where a metal board might feel kind of dead to you.

Another analogy could be bicycle frames. I'm not big or particularly strong, and I've always liked the feel of good lightweight steel or titanium frame. To me, aluminum or carbon feels dead. But I know many others who prefer aluminum or carbon.

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Metal boards being "easier" , does this mean less skill and ability is required to ride?

Think Snow

in some cases, probably, just the way the some newer boards cut through chop and ruts I've realized that they are more forgiving so yeah, I guess they do require less skill but at the same time let you accomplish more.

I don't mind cheating, I need all the help I can get. there are some people who are at a point where that might not help them because they are not good enough riders to benefit from it, such as people just starting out OR they don't want the help for some reason, like the challenge or some qualities that are not beneficial to riding better but are really fun. getting launched from turn to turn for example. you're riding a 197, I'm betting you fit into don't want it but like the snap.

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$45k for the speakers may well be just the tip of the iceberg!!! From my perspective this is an OBSCENE use of resources. :barf:

In terms of actual audio enjoyment per dollar spent... I don't think this kind of cost can be justified (unless the setting is worthwhile and really requires it). IMHO this speaker set's benefit is snobbery and self-agrandizement. I guess I've seen too many flooded homes being bulldozed, flooded businesses boarded up and too many bread-winners layed off because of the economy.

edit: My comments above were actually off target as they were not really connected to the costs of alpine riding. To have some perspective... what is the cost of some 'decent' speakers? (I have no idea what is current or what power is required or how many separate boxes are needed ... but let's say $2k... not high end dedicated huge home theater). this yeilds a 22.5 : 1 differential. A high end board runs what... $2k and a nice used board can be had for $200 which yeilds a 10 : 1 differential. And so, it seems the $2k snowboard is only about 1/2 as ridiculous $45k speakers. HOWEVER, I think the snowboard price difference does represent a tangible performance benefit and may be worthwhile as opposed to $45k speakers for people who cannot really hear. YMMV

Being somewhat of a audiophile, a Bowers and Wilkins 45 thousand dollar speaker is beyond amazing to listen to. I don't know what the speaker model or type was but to chalk up a high price with miss use of resources is just absurd. The type of wire used and the equipment used to transfer the audio source makes a difference. To try to compare a bose system to something of this caliber is a joke at the start. It sounds to me that if you can't afford something you must bag on the ones who can or the item itself. Is a season pass at aspen overpriced? Only the people who pay for it could say. I don't know if anyone lives in a yurt, wipes with leaves, rides a bike to work year round, has solar panels all over the yard, or has a wind mill on the roof. But buying this dopey class warfare is completely LAME!!!!



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As it relates to snow sports:

"Cheating" is just another word for "Advances"

Metal Edges



Over 10 years ago- I forecast that in 5 years straight skis woud be difficult to find.

(New Straights skis that is) There are plenty at Goodwill and garage sales.

Folks are event more resistent and slower to change than I believed at the time.

Folks at the time laughed and poo whoo'd radical side-cut skis, while I was over-joyed someone finally "Got it".

In life, often the best things are offered to you for free and lay right before you. You only have to accept them and make a small effort to pick them up.

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But buying this dopey class warfare is completely LAME!!!!



Spot on Kr.

Enjoy what you have, avoid envy of those with more.

One of the happiest persons I have ever had the pleasure to meet is a single 37yr old that works pushing wheel chairs around at the airport. Collects Boy Scout memoribilia and his most expensive possession is a laptop. His life is full of friends and activities. He is always excited about the next day and never has a harsh word to say about anyone. I only worry about him in his retirement, otherwise I envy his out look and think of him if I am feeling cheated or short changed.

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Spot on Kr.

Enjoy what you have, avoid envy of those with more.

One of the happiest persons I have ever had the pleasure to meet is a single 37yr old that works pushing wheel chairs around at the airport. Collects Boy Scout memoribilia and his most expensive possession is a laptop. His life is full of friends and activities. He is always excited about the next day and never has a harsh word to say about anyone. I only worry about him in his retirement, otherwise I envy his out look and think of him if I am feeling cheated or short changed.

That gentleman sounds like a role model for Thoreau. If only I could aspire to be that happy with so little. As it is, I'm pretty happy with what I have--a wonderful wife, and all the rest is just window trimmings.

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That gentleman sounds like a role model for Thoreau. If only I could aspire to be that happy with so little. As it is, I'm pretty happy with what I have--a wonderful wife, and all the rest is just window trimmings.

You are fortunate!! Enjoy!!

Yes, he did pretty good for a pencil maker's son.


I think you already DO aspire.

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