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Southern Ontario Session 2010


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Mark your calendar for Friday, January 29, 2010 and ask your boss for a mental health day. It's on.

Once again, this is an open invitation to a one day event at the Osler Bluff Ski Club in Collingwood Ontario (go http://www.oslerbluff.com/site/index.cfm for more information) to join the core of the Southern Ontario carving community. Its a great chance to meet or get back together with dedicated alpine riders on great terrain with excellent grooming. We have had great sessions for the last five years and most of those who have been at the event have made a point of getting back each year. If you know other alpine riders that might be interested in the event, please bring this to their attention, no matter what their ability. The event grows in numbers each year and so does the love.

As with past events, there is a soft limit to the numbers attending because the club is heavily booked with private members' day events each Friday through the winter. Please drop me an e-mail as soon as you know whether you will be attending so that I can start to get an idea about numbers. I can be reached through my profile. I will need your name and an e-mail address at which you can be reached so that I can send you updates.

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I will miss it for the first time since it started... Hoping to have the baby the day before (Dave's bday)... and even if i don't i am certainly in no condition to ride! oh well, that just means room for one more person! I'll let Dave talk to you Chris, he may be in or not depending on what happens with me! if no baby i say he should go as long as he has his phone and can come home in case i go into labor!

Have fun everyone!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Its almost here: Friday January 29 is less than a week away and things are looking good for the event. I now have over 45 confirmed for the event so this should be the biggest yet. :biggthump:biggthump:biggthump

Below is the list of people who have confirmed that they are coming Friday. If you're not on the list below and you're planning to attend, you had better let me know pretty darn fast. If your name is on the list and you are NOT going to be with us on Friday please let me know so that I can remove your name.

Shoji Adachi

Darrell Babcock

Tony Boros

David Binder

Adam Buitenhuis

Geoff Calman

Chris Couse

Kevin Cowan

Rob Cox

Monique Cox

Darren Eagles

Gabriel Erdelyi

John Hevesi

Chris Houghton

Peter Halsall

Keith Hodgins

Stewart Hodgins

Eric Jensen

Henry Kim

Jimmy Lam

Joe Lindsey

Ian MacKenzie

Beth McNally

Graham McNally

Mike McNally

Simon McNally

Dave Morgan

John Nakashima

Dave Niblett

Lisa Niblett

Craig Nogas

John O’Brien

Matt Osler

Derek Peeling

Victor Plopeanu

Mark Rattenbury

Chris Smith

Tabatha Soltay

Arthur Tateishi

Gabe Tung

Bruce Varsava

Terry Vaughan

Dr. John Vu

Imo Weinert

Scott Williamson

Wojtek Ziolkowski

A few notes about for Friday:

1. You can find driving directions to the Osler Bluff Ski Club here: http://www.oslerbluff.com/site/index.cfm?DSP=Section&ID=8

2. Enter by the lane where you see the large Osler Bluff sign (there is a secondary parking lot down the road at the foot of the Orchard Chair so don't be fooled). You will be coming to the Clubhouse which is the white stucco building that overlooks the main parking lot. You will find the ticket windows in the breezeway under the clubhouse that leads from the parking lot to the hills.

3. Your name will be on a list that the ticket ladies will have. The name of the event is "Southern Ontario Session" and the sponsoring member is me, Chris Couse. Tickets are $65 (yes I know, that sounds expensive, you won't regret it though). You will be asked to sign a waiver (standard procedure for mid-week days unless you can produce evidence of insurance).

4. Beside the ticket windows is an entrance to the clubhouse. Across the hall on the lower level is the boot changing area. There are open cubbies to leave your boots, spare clothes etc. There are no coin lockers so it might be best to leave valuables in the car (you should not need to worry about boots, clothes, etc in the cubbies as there have been virtually no thefts in this area). Please do not bring your board inside the clubhouse. It will be quite safe on the rack outside. Upstairs from the change area you can find breakfast if you wish.

5. Many people will be arriving between 8:00 and 8:30 but your arrival time is really up to you. If you arrive past this window, we will be starting our day on the south end of the club on the Orchard chair. Go the top of the main chair (the foot of which is adjacent to the Clubhouse) and turn left where you will see the landing area of the Orchard Chair. If you wish to reach me or locate the group, I will have my cell (416-525-5902) and my FRS radio (tuned to 7-7).

6. The whole club is full of carving friendly terrain and the snow should be good for Friday. Generally the grooming is as good as it gets on the escarpment. Please remember to obey signs especially orange closure tapes and "slow riding zone" signs. We have left a good impression from past events and I would like to keep it that way so that I can continue to hold this event. As I am no longer a Director of the Club, I can't offer you diplomatic immunity.

7. We will gather for lunch at 11:30 at the Upper Chalet (old log building to the right at the top of the main chair). There is food service at the Upper Chalet and even beer in the fridge. However, it is not a full menu and you will have to be satisfied with soup, chili, a burger, grilled cheese, etc. If you wish to bring lunch, that works too. Last year, we ran into major line-ups at the kitchen because of a staffing problem so packing a lunch can be a good idea.

8. At 3:30 there will be an apres in the Clubhouse in the bar area sponsored once again by our friends at YYZ Canuck. We won't be seeing the smiling face of Andrea this year because she is due anytime this week. However, we may see Dave if the baby is cooperative for a little longer. Come and join us for a beer or some other restorative and as much hardboot chatter as you can stand.

9. Lastly, if you are photographically talented or even better, videographically talented, it would be great to capture the day. We have been lackadaisical about this with past events but having 45 people on the hill should be pretty spectacular and it would be great to record it. So don't be shy about offering your skills.


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The boys from Apex Composites will be on hand for SOS 2010. If you are asking yourself "Where have I heard that name?" think top secret plates being used by the Canadian World Cup / Olympic snowboard team. For months I was wondering what that paddle-like thing was on Jasey, Matt, and Mike's boards seen on world cup podium photos. This device has been in the media over the last few weeks and here on BOL (see this thread).

The Apex boys may know how to build a highly competitive plate system but they've never been on alpine boards so they're going to give our sport a try at SOS 2010. If they survive their day, you might buy them beers and pick their brains about what makes their plate tick.

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If you are asking yourself "Where have I heard that name?" think top secret plates being used by the Canadian World Cup / Olympic snowboard team. For months I was wondering what that paddle-like thing was on Jasey, Matt, and Mike's boards seen on world cup podium photos.

It's funny you mentioned the word "paddle" to describe the plates. When I heard the name Apex Composites that's actually what I thought of. I've participated in dragon boating for quite a few years and these guys make some quality, high end paddles (also used by the National team).



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Wow, nice crowd. Henry, too bad you can't make it this year.

I emailed Randy Starkman, the writer who brought out Apex, but he is too busy to attend.

For those interested, I'll be bringing my Swoard Dual 158 if anyone is interested in trying. Bring your own soft boots and bindings, or use your hardboots. The 158 according to their site is for riders 158-180cm, 55-75kg depending on use.

Meanwhile, I'll be playing with Bruce's art piece. PM me if interested.

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Awesome time.

Mighty cold, tons of snow (for Onterrible), and the sun finally peeked through in the late aft.

Some pics - straight thumbnail jpegs off the card with a ctrl-a auto-correct across all of them, but you get the idea:


get there!

I'll be ripping with a bunch of you at BV tomorrow and Sunday, and best of luck to those of you in the various AOS races this weekend & interclub at Alpine tomorrow.

and Dave.... I'm still amamzed you were allowed out. What cell phone?

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