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First Carving day of the season, what did you work on

Bobby Buggs

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First day is usually a major anxiety day for me:freak3:, mostly for back and knee health reasons. But there is also that thought, will I remember all that stuff??? Well I was in Vail last week and my first day was a 8 inch fresh day so I didnt really carve much of anything. That may have been a good thing as I mostly freerode on the Coiler 176AM. She did great, another indicator that I dont need a "quiver".

Next day was total sun and it was Game On!!! Got some great Roy over at Game Creak bowl and started to "work" on things. I noticed just about everything came together except..... on my heelside I was raising my outside hand which caused my inside shoulder to dip :nono:. So for my first carving day I worked on keeping the outside hand DOWN!!!, really emphasizing the reach for the board edge, suddenly and all was right in my Carving world. Now perfect conditions can hide technique flaws so thats why I was being so critical of my moves. I knew once I got back to the Ice coast that a high outside hand could cause me an unauthorized meeting with some structural polysaccharide carbohydrates:eek:

What was your focus your first day?

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Trying to understand the difference between my 1994 O2 F67 and my new 2009 Coiler Schtubby.

First Turn - Fall over

Second Turn - Fall over

Third turn - It's turning all right... hey this feels good... OMG SKI SCHOOL....

On the bottom 150 vertical feet of the run it started to feel better.

I'm loving the Schtub but it's taking me a while to 'get' this board mostly because I couldn't shift my weight forward at all on my old F67 or the nose would fold. I'm not used to having a board that I can get agressive with. That being said I had a stellar day a couple of weeks back on easy blues where I was getting really laid out, turn after turn.


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I had my first day on HB this past Sat. Flatlight nearly killed me, so I hung it up after 3 runs.

Put them back on after tightening a binding issue on the back foot, had a glorious morning Sunday, and was ripping till 11 am. Didn't want to push it after realizing my strength was far superior to last season, and I felt a few times I was almost over-cranking the board into a near 6 meter SCR and the "C"s in the slo-zones were super awesomly tight to the point I was being thrust to the ground with G-force!

Slapped on the softies later, and went back out and killed it some more. My focus was on fore/aft motion in and out of turns rather than maintaining a centered stance and body position. I wanted to really lay back and in on the tail a bit more as it was something the PSIA AASI examiner said I should do to take my riding up a knotch in the future. I had played with this a bit for my last day of last year @ LOON Mtn, but the spring conditions were not condusive to anything other than just maintaining edge and dignity without falling.

Monday morning was Hero-groom and hardly anyone on the hill, so the Hardboots were out till noon. I could do no wrong.... till I got tired, and had to just stop riding cause I was leary of the fatigure failure syndrome we all experience when we get tired and lazy..... (season-enders)

Im very tired tonight after a 12 hour day in the kitchen on top of 3 days hard riding.

But itsa good tired :biggthump

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Wasn't able to prep due to bad back, and have a big trip in Jan., so just spent the first trip trying to get back in shape and tweaking my setup to where it felt comfortable and performed. Have a tip for those with front thigh burn-- rest your front hand just above your knee, esp on long coasts to take pressure off thigh. Works to keep my hands in front too.

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I know it's been discussed and "cured" here a thousand times, but... I had a severe problem with hs chatter that I fixed simply by applying most of my pressure on my forward heel. Toeside worked fine so I didn't want to move bindings forward. I think this problem is so common because on sym boards our toes are 3-4 inches ahead of our heels.

However, just hooked up on a Prior 4x4 and using the middle inserts, was able to set edge without chatter using both legs equally (and we don't need another asym/ sym discussion to morph from this).

Try moving your setup forward an inch, or get more weight on the front heel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well since I am an intermediate bomber (( wanting to go faster )) and a beginning carver (( still in stiff softies )) I cant ad much high brow cool carver "tech talk" to the thread.

All I can say is I went up on the bunny and tried a few runs to see how my home tune compared & complimented the icy conditions of Xmass day @ Mnt Ashland.

My board is an old Morrow 175 free carve and it doesn't come "alive" and start to hook up & turn unless your going about 25 to 45 (( or faster for You advanced guy's )), but I am always fearful of bonking the 1st runs so I go slow on a small hill the 1st few times to get the lay of the land then, ride a Green or Blue hill then if all is well go "back in Black".

The problem with being addicted to Bombing as a apposed to carving is its Ssoooooo easy to get in over my head & burn myself,:flamethro.

A Blue hill is plenty fast if I keep the board perfectly flat and tuck in LOooooow as in aero- dynamic curl surf tuck I can susually pass by 95 %` of the crazy park boy's like there old lady's but some of the skiers they just got the speed that make me look retarded, the super G casual skiers can pass me and look so cool with an imaginary glass if wine in thier hands blowing by me and me in my low tuck looking like a teenager on an new 600 sport bike all tucked behind the wind screen like Valentino Rossy only going freeway speed, lol.

All is well, 4th time since Xmass, getting better Hard boots & plates on the way, cant wait.

Bomb doors open.

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